Chapter 427 Ocean Survival 111

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  Chapter 427 Ocean Survival 111
  Ling Xue opened the door and saw that it was Lan Ling, so he welcomed her in.

  "Have you eaten?"

  Lan Ling nodded and replied, "Eat, otherwise I won't have the energy to hunt pheasants at night." "

  Haha, I thought you planned to save your stomach to eat pheasants at night!" Ling Xue teased.

  Lan Ling was a little embarrassed. She originally planned to do this, but when Ming Gu found out, she was severely punished. She had to eat in despair before she dared to come to Ling Xue.

  Although this was true, she did not admit it: "How is it possible? Am I such a person?"

  Ling Xue glanced at her and said nothing, but her meaning was obvious: You are such a person.

  Lan Ling was afraid that Ling Xue would ask questions, so he immediately urged Ling Xue to set off.

  "Are you ready? If you are, let's set off early to avoid others getting there first, then we will suffer a big loss."

  Ling Xue knew that Lan Ling was embarrassed, so she didn't hold on to her embarrassment. The conversation then turned to hunting pheasant.

  "I just finished eating, and I have nothing to prepare. Let's set off now!"

  Lan Ling followed Ling Xue and walked towards the small square.

  Reed Slope is a small hillside near Guoshan, where a small river passes, so a large number of reeds breed. Because there are no small animals to damage it, the reeds grow very luxuriantly, and you can see a vibrant green from a distance.

  Because there was a large area of ​​lush reeds growing on this hillside, the survivors called this hillside Reed Slope.

  Ling Xue brought Lan Ling to join Ming Gu, Shitou and Li Mu, and they walked towards Luwei Slope together.

  None of them turned on the lights, and with their increasingly better eyesight, they had no problem moving around at night.

  The improvement of body organs can be regarded as a benefit they got in Sea World. In any case, their physical fitness has improved a lot since they came to Sea World, so they are still very clear about this in their hearts.

  A few people quietly touched the reed slope and hid behind a big rock.

  The surrounding grass is very lush, and a few people hiding behind rocks are not easily discovered as long as they don't move.

  From time to time, Ling Xue could hear the "cuckoo--" cries of sea pheasants, which sounded like there were quite a few of them.

  The cries of pheasants are not loud, and there are not many pheasants that make cries. I can only hear the sound of many pheasants flapping their wings, which is especially loud at night.

  However, sea chickens are extremely tolerant of the sounds made by their own kind. If other animals make a little noise outside, they will be easily frightened.

  Ling Xue's ears moved. At this time, she easily captured the location of most of the sea chickens.

  Lan Ling and the others did not give it in vain. Everyone knew what they were doing, and a few of them planned to take action.

  Ling Xue chose a direction by herself. She pointed in a direction with her finger. Lan Ling and others nodded reluctantly to express their understanding.

  Ling Xue gestured to a few people and left alone. She still felt that it was more suitable for her to act alone, so she took action directly without wasting time.

  Ling Xue quietly walked towards the group of sea chickens she was interested in, and the four people from Minggu also started to take action.

  The leading sea rooster was relatively large and could easily hold up to ten ordinary sea roosters. Ling Xue took out a bunch of stone beads and started to move.

  (End of chapter)

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