Chapter 22022 Enron Four

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  Chapter 22 022 An Ran 4

  "This is Yi Country, not White Star." Syndra shook her head, "If he can't even get past the first blind corner, then he is not the contractor I need." "Understood."

  Ah Ran nodded.

  "Be careful, there are people who are keeping an eye on us." Syndra warned.

  "Got it."

  Bang, bang, bang, bang.

  Inside the shooting gallery.

  Li Chengyi put down the pistol in his hand, took out his earplugs, and let out a long sigh of relief from his chest.

  On the target thirty meters away, extremely twisted and wide bullet holes clearly appeared on it.

  "Thirty meters and fifty meters are called close range shooting, and this is the main distance you need to practice." A black-coated coach with broad shoulders on the right explained.

  "Because firearms are mainly useful against people, you must practice close-range dynamic targets after fixed-point shooting training." "

  No need for rifles, only pistols."

  He took the small black pistol from Li Chengyi's hand.

  "This one is specially selected for you. It is Deling G17. It is made of engineering plastic. It weighs 600 grams. It has 17 bullets and is fired fully automatically. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you don't shoot all the bullets as soon as you press it. "

  So the most important thing is to stabilize your emotions when using it, right?" Li Chengyi understood.

  "Yes, don't get excited. The bullets of this thing are also made of reinforced plastic. They will be easily shattered when they hit hard objects. They can avoid ricochet in a closed environment." The coach said with a smile, "Of course, here's what I'm giving you

  now The bullets are not like this, they are just ordinary practice bullets."

  Li Chengyi took off the earplugs from his neck and nodded.

  "Can you let me practice alone for a while?"

  "Okay, the bullets are on the side. Go get them yourself, but you can't take them out of this isolation room." The coach smiled friendly. "Besides, don't play for too long. There will be dodge training courses later."

  "Okay!" Li Chengyi nodded heavily. What he was thinking about right now was to find a chance to test the strength of Hua Lin Yi.

  Now that I have the pistol in my hand, let me try it first.

  As for how to try it, it’s actually very simple.

  "Then I'm going to rest first and give you fifteen minutes of free time. Don't point the gun at yourself, remember." The shooting coach said this, turned around, opened the door and walked out of the shooting room.

  Li Chengyi was left holding a pistol with a novel look on his face.

  Guns, the top hidden killing weapons invented by humans, have a special feeling in everyone's heart.

  Generally, shooting halls will not allow anyone to play with a gun alone without the company of an instructor. Not to mention a fully automatic firearm.

  But Li Chengyi was different.

  Because this shooting gallery is opened by Mr. Sindelar and belongs to his private property.

  So it’s normal to give some privileges.

  After all, what he wants is quick success.

  Holding the Deling G17, Li Chengyi glanced at the camera in the corner, raised his gun and pretended to aim at the red and white round target in the distance.

  For this test, he also bought black cloth gloves.

  The gloves are in cosplay style, with chuunibi-shameful patterns embroidered everywhere.

  At this time, Li Chengyi took out the gloves from his pocket, put them on with both hands, then held the gun and made some silly poses, as if he was trying to imitate the characters in the film and television animation.

  he quickly raised his gun and took aim.


  The bullets of this shot were fired instantly, but it was not a simple flat shot like before.

  Instead, it touched the tip of Li Chengyi's left finger and then shot out at a slight angle.

  Yes, at the critical moment, he covered the fingertips of his left hand with the barrel of a pistol and put on a section of scaled armor.

  The flower-scaled coat with only one finger on it was on the edge of the barrel and was just scratched by the bullet, but due to the thickness and angle, the finger would not be hurt.

  Just for a moment, Li Chengyi took back the flower scale clothes without changing his expression, lowered his hands, his fingertips were red.

  'The flower scale coat is damaged, please repair it in time. '

  The reminder of the Flower of Evil appeared quickly.

  'Sure enough, the strength is not enough, and the flower scale clothing cannot resist bullets at all. '

  But in addition to bullets, he also tried cutting and lightly hacking with sharp objects such as kitchen knives at home.

  The result obtained is that the surface of the flower scale clothing is relatively hard, and it seems to be a material similar to metal, but it is not very thick, and it can be blocked by ordinary strength, but not by strong force.

  Now it seems that there is no way to withstand bullets.

  'What if it evolves? According to the feedback from the Flower of Evil, the evolved Flower Scale Clothes will be stronger and have stronger flower language abilities. Perhaps... After

  confirming that the Flower Scale Clothes could not stop bullets, Li Chengyi pinned his hopes on the evolved Flower Scale Clothes. On the scales.

  Immediately, he took off his gloves and looked at the damage on the fingertips of the gloves, which was the mark left by the bullet that had just penetrated.

  'The day after tomorrow is to make an appointment to go to the flower base. It depends on how strong it is after evolution.'

  At the moment, he put aside his distracting thoughts, took off his gloves, and continued to practice shooting with his gun.

  In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

  Li Chengyi and Xindra took a leave and got on the shuttle bus to the flower base.

  Qingrun Flower Base is located in a woodland on the outskirts of Suiyang City. It is surrounded by dense mountain forests.

  The entire base is wrapped in huge silver-white greenhouses.

  There are rows and rows of pots of flowers in different colors, attracting many butterflies and bees to flutter in the greenhouse.

  "This is Fujimoto District. Go here." The base also specially arranged a little girl to guide him.

  Li Chengyi followed, and the two of them walked along the path between the greenhouses.

  "The white-flowered wisteria is a perennial vine and needs to be built on a shelf for it to climb, so we have divided all the vine flowers here separately. Boss, if you purchase a lot at one time, we can give you a discount," the little girl introduced as she walked


  Li Chengyi didn't want to listen to this nonsense at all. It would be good if he really came to buy goods. The problem is that he came here just to have sex for free, so he could only deal with it along the way.

  Not long after, the two came to a long greenhouse next to it. At the entrance, there was a staff member holding a long pipe that could spray water.

  "Indoor artificial rainfall is mixed with anti-insect medicine. We will wait for the water mist to settle before going in." The little girl explained, standing at the door with Li Chengyi and waiting.

  While waiting, she was introducing the advantages of their base. They produced many varieties of flowers with good quality, and she spoke with enthusiasm.

  Li Chengyi was a little bored as he dealt with it, and his eyes glanced around casually.

  Suddenly, a green spiky plant not far away attracted his attention.

  "That's...? The iron tree is blooming?!"

  He was a little surprised.

  "Oh, by the way, boss, you are very lucky. The iron tree in our house happened to be planted by me when I was a child, and the flowers have only bloomed recently. Most people are really unlucky to see these flowers." The little girl also changed the topic and started talking non-stop. She introduced how precious and rare this iron tree in her family was.

  Li Chengyi was not thinking about her at all at this time. Instead, he walked closer and looked at the light yellow round flower in the center through the green spiked leaves of the big canopy.

  The fist-sized flower is like a ball of plush, very cute and eye-catching.

  "This is the female iron tree flower, which is usually in the shape of a flat ball. The male iron tree is different." The little girl came closer and said.

  "Is there a male or female iron tree?" Li Chengyi asked casually. Pretend to be confused. In fact, he majored in plant care, how could he not know this.

  "Yes, yes, generally the flowers of the iron tree are cylindrical and look very yellow. Well, you know." The little girl gave a carefree look.

  Li Chengyi smiled.

  "Can I touch it gently?" he asked.

  "Be careful, just don't break it." The little girl responded casually. Obviously, this Iron Tree Flower is not as precious as what she said just now.

  Li Chengyi came closer, gently pressed down the spiky leaves of the iron tree, bent down, and reached out to gently touch the flower in the center.

  As the fingertips continued to approach, soon, they touched the petals.

  A hint of cool breath penetrated his fingers.

  'Female iron tree flower: Because its wood is as hard as iron and requires a large amount of iron to grow, it is named iron tree. It grows slowly and is not easy to bloom. It is divided into male and female. There is edible starch in the stem. The seeds are slightly poisonous and can cure dysentery, relieve cough and stop bleeding. It usually blooms once every ten to twenty years. '

  'Flower language: The sharp needle is unyielding. (The whole body can be covered with an invisible force field for a short time. Anyone who touches the force field will be attacked by needles of the same force. The strength of the force field is proportional to the hardness of the flower scale clothing)' 'Flower language: hardening

  . (Passive ability, greatly improves the hardness of the whole body's bones and flower scale clothing.)'

  'Flower scale clothing: The flower god position has not been opened. '

  Two flower language abilities! ! ?

  Li Chengyi's pupils narrowed.

  He also fumbled around in the botanical garden. He tried many flowers, but there was never one that had two kinds of flower language ability like the iron tree.

  And one of them is passive, which is an ability that can take effect without intentionally using it.

  'Awesome! If only I had used Iron Tree Flower from the beginning.'

  This thought just flashed in his mind and he suppressed it. Thinking about it, he knew that this Iron Tree Flower has been blooming for such a long time. If he wants to gather the cohesion of Hua Lin Yi, Quantity, I’m afraid it’s not a simple task.

  If he had chosen this one at the beginning, the body would probably be completely rotted by now.

  'The two flower language abilities also complement each other and harden to increase the strength of the flower scale clothing. The sharp needle unyielding increases the strength of the flower scale clothing and the upper limit of the intensity it can withstand is amazing! Li

  Chengyi sighed secretly and silently kept the iron tree flower in his heart. He is determined to buy this flower!

  "Okay, you can go in." At this time, the little girl on the side reminded.

  "Okay, sorry for the trouble." Li Chengyi retracted his hand, straightened up, and looked at the entrance of the greenhouse.

  You can also see from the door that rows of metal shelves inside are covered with densely packed wisteria flowers.

  One of the conspicuous whites was clearly reflected in his field of vision.

  "Do you need to wear a mask when walking this way?" the little girl asked. "There's a lot of pollen in it, so be careful if you're allergic."

  "No, thank you." Li Chengyi's heart gradually began to stir. He was looking forward to what the evolved flower-scaled clothes would look like.

  "Then let's go."

  The little girl took the lead and led the way forward.

  The two of them entered through the gate one after the other.

  "White-flowered wisteria, we have a special area for planting here. Look, it's in the third row on the right."

  Following the little girl's instructions, Li Chengyi looked from a distance. Sure enough, far on the right, he saw something hanging from a shelf. of white.

  White wisteria!

  found it!
  (End of chapter)

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