Chapter 219 219 New Discovery Three

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  Chapter 219 219 Newly discovered Sanyong

  An Garden.

  In a dark basement.

  Li Chengyi was dressed in gladiolus flower scales, and the weak light reflected off his body, illuminating the surrounding walls and ground, leaving traces of golden light.

  "What is the secret sword?"

  He was very curious about the summoning of the secret sword caused by the alienation of evil thoughts, so when he returned here, he made all preparations as soon as possible.

  All kinds of measuring instruments were turned on to record how the so-called secret sword was summoned.

  To be precise, he was more interested in the summons, this word, and this method given by the Flower of Evil.

  Because summoning means that the secret sword already exists, you just summon it to your side.

  So where should the secret sword be?
  This is what Li Chengyi is interested in.


  He raised his hand, and there was a slight friction sound between the armor and the armor.

  A little black liquid seeped out from the palm of his hand and slowly dripped down.


  The liquid hit the ground and splashed out in a strange pattern.

  The pattern quickly lit up red and then expanded. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to a ring with a diameter of more than one meter, including the position where Li Chengyi was standing.

  'Summon the Secret Sword? 'The Flower of Evil's inquiry came out.

  Li Chengyi stared at the red light ring on the ground and paused.


  he answered affirmatively.

  In an instant, the ground inside the red light circle began to twist and boil like mud.

  This boiling continued for a while.

  Then, in the center, a blood-red sword hilt slowly emerged.

  The hilt of the sword is wrapped with traces of dark red silk thread, and the hand guard is made of Y-shaped purple and black crystals.

  Next comes the scabbard.

  On the black scabbard, there are a large number of purple and black pattern symbols engraved on both sides.

  There is also a hollow flame pattern at the end. The pattern seemed vaguely carved into a strange and painful triangular human face.


  As the sword rose higher, Li Chengyi grabbed the hilt and pulled it out.

  Soon, the light on the ground dissipated and returned to its original floor shape. Only the purple-black sword in his hand proved that what Li Chengyi saw just now was not an illusion.

  Summoned a sword from the ground out of thin air?

  Li Chengyi couldn't understand at all how the sword came out just now.

  But when he thought that Hualingyi had a similar pattern, he felt a little more relaxed.

  Picking up the sword, he carefully examined its appearance.

  The whole sword is about one meter and a half long, and the hilt takes up one-fifth of the length. The pattern on the scabbard is not any style he has seen before. It is like many, many curly hairs and threads, superimposed and mixed together in a mess, giving a A confusing feeling of discomfort.

  'Next, let's see what this sword is used for.'

  Li Chengyi looked away and stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword.

  Pull out gently.

  A pure silver reflection slowly lit up from the scabbard.

  At the same time, in the center of the silver sword body, mysterious characters lit up red one after another.

  A stream of information instantly entered Li Chengyi's mind.

  That is the inherent ability of the secret sword.

  From the moment you draw the sword, it means releasing this ability!
  'The so-called secret sword actually means this. It is kept secret and can kill with one strike! 'Li Chengyi understood instantly.


  He pressed the sword hilt back hard.

  In the basement of your own territory, you must not activate the secret sword ability.

  According to the information fed back by the secret sword, drawing the sword is the beginning of activating the sword move ability.

  Once it is pulled out, the ability is released. If the power is too strong and causes adverse effects, you will still be damaged.

  Standing there, Li Chengyi held the secret sword and frowned for a moment.

  Let go.

  The secret sword instantly collapsed and disappeared into countless golden gladioli petals.

  Then he walked to the testing equipment placed around and checked it.

  Neither the video nor the radiation sensor recorded what he had just done.

  But at the end, he suddenly flashed his hand, and there was a whole secret sword.

  This sudden performance shows that the previous summoning process was completely invisible.

  After confirming that the situation was not recorded, Li Chengyi glanced at the somewhat gloomy sky outside the patio window.

  "It seems that we still need to find a tool man."

  He took off his flower-scaled clothes and quickly left the basement.

  After a while.

  An urban wilderness a few kilometers away from Yong'an Court.

  It happened to be the place where Li Chengyi and Li Shenhui Yuancheng fought last time.

  He was dressed in a slender coat of feathers and scales, and the wings composed of metal blades on his back flapped slightly, standing quietly on the edge of the road.

  A large white cloth lay on the ground in front of him.

  It says: Seek battle, victory is your father, defeat is your grandson.

  The bright light of the white star coated his body with a layer of light silver gauze.

  Time keeps passing.

  About half an hour later.

  A blue dagger flew from the distant night sky.

  Li Chengyi saw it and waved to it quickly.

  The dagger hovered more than ten meters in front of Li Chengyi. About five meters above the ground, it seemed to be overlooking him.

  "You still dare to come?!" A somewhat irritated female voice came from the flying instrument.

  "The moonlight is beautiful today, wouldn't it be a pity to go to bed too early?" Li Chengyi put his right hand behind his back and quietly started the force field generator.

  An invisible shield quickly enveloped him.

  At the same time, the secret sword summoned before silently appeared in his hand and he held it. The Secret Sword only needs to be summoned for the first time, and can be used continuously thereafter.

  But if it is damaged, you need to wait for the next summoning opportunity. This is explained in the accompanying instructions.

  "Thug, you should know why I attacked you last time." The female voice continued to come from the flying instrument. Apparently she didn't even bother to cover it up this time.

  "So?" Li Chengyi moved forward and approached her.

  "So, you should be smarter! Hide yourself!!"

  In an instant, the blue dagger shot out, a cloud of white air exploded from the end, and stabbed Li Chengyi in the face.

  Li Chengyi stood there, ready to use Shadow Flash to escape at any time.

  He did not dodge, nor did he counterattack and block, but wanted to actually see whether the defensive power of the fourth-level force field could block the attack of a professional-level flying instrument master.


  Fei Yi stabbed half a meter in front of him, as if it had pierced into a ball of thick mud, and its speed slowed down rapidly. And it stirred up circles of transparent ripples that spread in all directions.

  As the ripples spread, the shape of the entire force field cover emerged clearly.

  In an instant, the flying instrument was deflected and slid to the right. It flew dozens of meters at night before slowing down and returning.

  'blocked! Li Chengyi felt relieved.

  The level four force field is indeed powerful!

  He simply used force field protection and actually blocked Li Shenhui's flying instrument attack.

  It is indeed the highest-level model for commercial use, and it deserves its reputation!

  It didn't work this time, which seemed to be beyond Li Shenhui's expectations.

  She controlled the flying instrument to spin in mid-air, without saying a word, and flew towards Li Chengyi from behind again.

  There was another muffled sound.

  The flying instrument was bounced away again and deflected to other places.

  "Level 4 force field!?" This time she clearly saw Li Chengyi's new defensive trump card.

  "Really think this thing can stop me!?" There was a trace of anger in her tone.

  Soon, Feiyi's dagger began to light up with complicated circuit board-like fluorescent patterns.

  Waves of air began to twist and rotate around it.

  There is more and more white energy attached to the sword blade, almost becoming solid.

  "Sword array mode - heavy smoke on." The dagger flying instrument sounded a mechanical and electronic sound.

  "Accelerate on."

  "Force lock on."

  "Die!!" Li Shenhui roared.

  Feiyi's dagger suddenly broke the sound barrier and flew towards Li Chengyi.

  In an instant, when Feiyi's dagger approached a distance of ten meters, its blade silently decomposed and suddenly transformed into dozens of smaller daggers.

  All the dagger blades vibrated and rolled up a large amount of white smoke.

  Smoke gathers. A pure white smoke bird more than one meter long was vaguely formed, and it flew towards Li Chengyi with a sharp scream.

  Li Chengyi stood still and did not dodge.

  His eyes were fixed on the rapidly approaching Yanniao, and Shadow Flash was ready to use it at any time.

  Soon, Yanniao got closer and closer, and finally hit the fourth-level force field shield in his field of vision.

  From his angle, he could clearly see the white smoke and the transparent force field squeezing against each other.

  This time the force field was obviously deformed more severely than before, and it was denting crazily inward.

  'I can't bear it anymore! 'Li Chengyi understood clearly and knew that this was the limit of the fourth-level force field.

  In an instant, his figure disappeared out of thin air and suddenly appeared in the shadow of a tree ten meters away.

  But the figure in the shadow of the tree only appeared for a moment and then continued to disappear.

  "Don't even think about escaping!!" Li Shenhui's voice came from behind.

  Immediately afterwards there was the sound of flying instruments rushing towards this side.

  Li Chengyi was a little surprised. He didn't expect this guy to be smarter this time.

  Obviously there is extensive surveillance of the entire surrounding environment.

  He had flashed five times in succession and reached the dense forest fifty meters away.

  The forest was dark, a few lizards crawled slowly on the trees, and a large number of small flying insects buzzed in the air.

  Li Chengyi turned around and made sure that the force field had returned to normal. He immediately held the secret sword and looked at the short sword Fei Yi who was flying towards him quickly.

  "Just in time to test the power."

  He held the hilt of the sword with one hand and the scabbard with the other. Draw the sword gently.


  A silver light lit up.

  On the body of the secret sword, red symbols kept lighting up.

  Suddenly, Li Chengyi accelerated his speed and pulled out.

  Clang! !

  Countless purple flames appeared around him out of thin air.

  'Secret Sword·Yinglong! '

  The flames turned into a light curtain, blocking him.

  A double-winged dragon composed of flames burst out from the light curtain, roaring and pounced on the flying instrument.

  Feiyi Fire Dragon collided instantly.

  Boom! ! !

  There was no collision or fight. The moment the two came into contact, the pterosaur made of flames exploded in the blink of an eye.

  A huge fireball with a diameter of five meters formed instantly and exploded again above the forest.

  Tentacles of purple-red flames decomposed and flew out from the fireball, extending in all directions.

  But the strange thing is that this purple-red flame did not ignite the trees, but broke dozens of surrounding trees with the force of physical impact.

  The firelight did not last long, only a few seconds, and then quickly dimmed.

  The blue dagger flying instrument shook, rushed out of the fire ball, and flew away in the distance.

  With the eyesight of the Shadow Dragon bloodline, Li Chengyi could clearly see that the blue dagger was covered with various scratches, and there were even slight discolorations in some places.

  Obviously, the power of the secret sword far exceeded the opponent's expectations.

  The flying instrument is damaged!
  "Wait for me!!" Li Shenhui's voice floated from afar.

  (End of chapter)

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