Chapter 11 011 people one (Thanks to the name of the leader, there is no one)

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  Chapter 11 011 person one (Thanks to the name of the leader, there is no one)

  My vision is blurring and shaking.

  There seemed to be something sticky flowing out of his eyes.

  Li Chengyi reached out and wiped away the viscous liquid that flowed to one side of his face with the back of his hand.


  A thick red color suddenly appeared on the back of the hand.

  'I'm bleeding.'

  He bent over, his chest burning with severe stinging pain.

  I don't know where my body is hurt.

  But he survived.


  Li Chengyi stood up straight, panting heavily, and looked at the huge human face that had completely disappeared in front of him.

  After the face was torn into pieces, it disappeared without any residue like an illusion.

  It's like it never existed in the first place.

  He lowered his head and tried to search for residual fragments on the ground, but the strange thing was that not only were there no residues, but even the black smoke emitted from the face had completely dissipated.

  If he couldn't find the ceiling dust falling from the sound vibration, he would even suspect that what he just encountered was all an illusion.

  'Now, it should be safe. '

  'No, I'm not out of here yet! 'Closing his eyes, he eased the stinging pain in his eyes and stood there to rest for a while.

  After only a few dozen seconds of rest, he felt something was wrong.

  The flower-scaled armor that he had just put on was slowly becoming lighter.

  'what happened! ? ’ He quickly opened his eyes and raised his hand, looking at the arm armor on his hand.

  Sure enough, the scales of the wisteria are slowly fading and becoming transparent.

  Only then did he realize that the Wisteria Flower Scale Clothes was already covered with dense tiny cracks.

  Obviously, in the confrontation with the huge human face just now, the scale clothes were not without damage.

  It’s just that I have been supporting it until now, and then I got feedback.


  Finally, after a few seconds, the entire flower scale coat completely spread out, shattered into countless wisteria petals, and faded away.

  Li Chengyi fell to his knees with a bang. When he was wearing the flower scale clothes before, he felt full of energy and relaxed.

  At this moment, the flower scale clothes disappeared, and all the fatigue in his body seemed to pour out at once.

  A feeling of emptiness, with no protective defenses, came to my heart.

  In this environment, he had just encountered danger, and suddenly lost the protection of the flower scale clothes, which made his mood that had just relaxed become tense again.

  'Does it have temporary amplification ability? '

  He didn't panic, but analyzed it calmly.

  Now that the danger has been temporarily lifted, the demand for scale clothing is not that great.

  The key is the wisteria flower tablet on the back of the hand, which conveys the message: the flower scale coat is damaged and needs to be repaired, and new wisteria flowers must be absorbed again.

  After resting on the ground for a while and feeling a little better, he stood up and began to pack up the bags that were blown away on the ground.

  Some of the compressed biscuits in the bag were scattered and rolled everywhere.

  While he bent down to clean up, he paid careful attention to the surrounding movements.

  In particular, the maintenance door where the face came out was the focus of his attention.

  Soon, everything was packed and put back into bags.

  He breathed a sigh of relief and felt the dried blood on his cheek harden, so he reached out and carefully peeled it off.

  Carrying the things, he looked around, quickly found a place against the wall, and sat down on the spot.

  With his back against the wall, his eyes scanned the front and left.

  The explosion just now was not only physical, but also emotional. In addition, when he entered before, he ran wildly and consumed a lot of energy.

  At this time, Li Chengyi felt exhausted and sleepy.

  But he didn't dare to sleep. In this strange place, he didn't know what would happen if he fell asleep. If he fell asleep, another person's face would appear and kill him in one go, that would be a real injustice.

  Under the cold white light, at the base of the gray wall, he squatted on the black ground and put the hood of his sportswear on his head to ensure his body temperature.

  Waves of cool breeze flowed around, cool and quiet.

  He took a nut chocolate bar from his pocket, tore open the package and stuffed it into his mouth.

  The dark plastic outer packaging was printed with messy letters and miscellaneous brand logos. He took a bite and frowned slightly.

  It tastes terrible, too sweet, overpoweringly sweet, and has very few nuts.

  He stopped after eating a piece, opened another bottle of pure water and ate together.

  The faint smell of cement wall dust continued to penetrate his nostrils as the air flow surged, tickling his nose.

  Now that he has calmed down, Li Chengyi has time to recall what just happened.

  'Not sure how awesome that face is though. But now as long as the flower scale coat can save lives, that's enough! Unfortunately, the flower-scaled clothes are now broken and can only be repaired after going out and finding wisteria flowers. Raising

  his hand, Li Chengyi looked carefully at the ring on the back of his hand.

  Although the flower scale clothing was broken into pieces, he could feel that he could still use the flower language ability attached to it.

  His right hand would be quickly covered with an invisible, invisible film as long as he thought about it.

  According to the information given to him by the language of flowers, this film described that as long as it touches any creature, it will produce a negative state of being temporarily intoxicated with a specified thing.

  But because there is no increase in flower scale clothing, the flower language ability can only be effective at a fraction of the time.

  'Hands of intoxication.'

  'If I can make that face focus on other places temporarily, then even if there is no flower-scaled clothing, when we encounter the face again, as long as we move quickly enough, we can still be safe.

  This flower language ability can only be used at close range, which is extremely dangerous. And in the end it won’t work on that person’s face, so I have to wait until I have the opportunity to try again. '

  He actually hoped he'd never get the chance to try it.

  Because trying it at close range is tantamount to risking your life. He didn't know whether the human face was a living thing or not. If it didn't
  work, he sat there. After resting for a while, Li Chengyi replenished his diet and recovered a lot of physical strength. He also wiped the sweat on his head with the dry towel he prepared. To avoid getting sick.

  'It's time to find the exit. I can't stay here forever. If I stay still, I can never get out.

  He wiped his hair and combed all the hair back to prevent it from falling down and blocking his sight.

  He lifted his pocket and looked around.

  The left is where he came in, and where he just fought with the face.

  What only surprised him was that some of the footprints and sonic vibration traces left on the ground had quietly disappeared without a trace.

  On the left side of the empty space where the face disappeared, there was only a dozen meters of space, and at the end was a white wall, which was a dead end.

  Li Chengyi turned his eyes to the right, looking towards the garage that seemed to have no end in sight.

  'It seems that we can only go this way, there is only one choice.

  He moved his ankles, picked up the things, and strode towards the right.

  As he walked around, a sharp fruit knife was quietly held in his right hand.

  The pattering of footsteps continued to echo in the empty garage.

  Li Chengyi passed through the parking spaces marked with white lines one after another. The solid feeling under his feet and the confidence he had just killed a person's face made him feel less panic.

  Of course, the most important thing is the flower language ability that he can use at any time: the hand of intoxication.

  This ability, used properly, can play a great life-saving role.

  As he walked along the garage, he stared warily at the maintenance room doors passing by on both sides from time to time.

  One small door after another was passed, and finally, after passing the fifth small door, a corner appeared in front of Li Chengyi.

  At the corner is a right-hand slope that extends upward to a higher level. It seems to be a passage for vehicles to enter and exit.

  A huge white arrow was drawn in the center of the black ground.

  The arrow points to where Li Chengyi is standing.

  The bases of the walls on both sides are painted with alternating yellow and black bright warning tapes, which are rough and eye-catching.

  Li Chengyi stood in the center of the road and looked forward.

  'Want to go up? Since the underground garage is located underground, it must be above ground. What will it look like on the ground here? ?

  Thoughts flashed through his mind, a mixture of curiosity and extreme nervousness.

  Holding the handle of the knife tightly in his hand, he took a deep breath, then raised his feet and moved forward.

  The ground at the corner in front reflected the shadow of a layer of white light on the curve.

  Light and light also create shadows.

  This kind of light and shadow will always appear when the light of dark lights and bright lights interweaves.

  This is a natural phenomenon caused by different light brightness.

  Stepping softly, Li Chengyi slowly walked towards the corner, step by step, approaching and turning.

  Soon, he narrowed his eyes and entered the upper level of the underground garage.

  Nothing changes.

  Standing at the corner, he looked forward, just as he did when he first entered.

  This is still a garage.

  Two cold-color light tubes, like two long lines of signs, divide the garage space into two parts and extend to the end of the field of vision.

  The view in front of me is exactly the same as the next floor.

  The position of the light tube, the position of the stone pillars, the position and size of the maintenance room door are all exactly the same.

  '.' Li Chengyi felt something bad in his heart.

  He lifted his feet and continued walking along the ground, this time speeding up.

  After a while, he came to the corner again, and there was another upward slope.

  In the middle of the black ground, an identical white arrow is clearly visible.

  There is still a warning coating of yellow and black on both sides to prevent cars entering and exiting from seeing clearly the position and distance of the wall.

  Li Chengyi did not stop and continued uphill.

  After passing the corner, he once again saw the same scene as before.

  It is another straight and long garage space, with an upward slope at the end.

  'This place! ’ He started to trot, and this time, it took him only five minutes to reach the corner, then up and out of the corner.

  the third time!
  In front of him, it was still the same garage!

  Li Chengyi gasped for air and stood there with the bag in hand, not moving again.

  Standing at the corner of the bend, his face turned pale and he felt that his physical strength was already a little exhausted.

  He took out the purified water, unscrewed the cap and took a sip. The cool water moistened his dry and sore throat and calmed him down a little.

  'It seems that it is not that easy to escape from a blind spot. Not only is the monster's face dangerous, but finding the exit is also difficult. '

  Confirming that there was no way to leave, Li Chengyi found a corner, sat down cross-legged, and put the big bag aside.

  Sheltering from the wind can reduce body temperature loss.

  In addition, the position he found was right opposite a small maintenance room door in front, so he could keep an eye on this dangerous position at any time.

  After resting on the spot for a while, he began to feel a faint feeling of distension in his lower abdomen and the urge to urinate.

  Immediately, he looked around, aimed at a column and walked over.

  There are two gray and white round stone pillars standing at regular intervals in the garage, which seem to be used as load-bearing objects.

  Walking to the backlit side of the column, Li Chengyi unzipped his pants and hissed.

  Just when he was feeling comfortable, a slight sound suddenly came from the small maintenance door on the side.


  Even when Li Chengyi was urinating, he kept staring at the nearest small door.

  Hearing the noise at this time, he got excited all over, yanked up the zipper of his trousers, and rushed forward in a few steps without thinking.

  (End of chapter)

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