Chapter 67 The shocking news

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  Chapter 67: The news of five thunderous strikes

  : "It's really a high-level spell!"

  Chu Ning's eyes were already glowing faintly after reading it.

  If you first use the Thorn Technique to bind your opponent, and then use the Cangmu Sword Technique, then the continuous damage will be sustained...

  Of course, the Cangmu Sword Technique also has shortcomings, which is the lack of explosive attack power.

  This is also the obvious difference between wood spells and metal and fire spells.

  But for Chu Ning, this shortcoming is currently ignored by him.

  After all, this is the first basic high-level spell in his career as an immortal!
  Remembering the key points of the technique, Chu Ning took the jade slip back into the storage bag.

  Immediately, he chanted a mantra in his mouth, held a spell in his hand, and raised his finger.

  The next moment, a faint cyan dagger-shaped spell flew directly from Chu Ning's hand.

  Head straight for the maidenhair vine not far away.

  At first contact, more than a dozen iron wire vines snapped.

  After cutting off nearly twenty iron wire vines, the green sword light disappeared.

  Seeing this scene, Chu Ning was slightly stunned.

  I'm not surprised as to why he was able to perform the Cangmu Sword Technique in one fell swoop.

  After all, this is a wood spell, and he has such a deep foundation in Qingmu Chunhua Technique.

  Being able to quickly comprehend and learn the Cangmu Sword Technique is not too difficult or unexpected for him.

  What really surprised him was that after all, this Cangmu Sword Technique was just a spell he had just learned as a beginner.

  Therefore, there is still a huge gap in the power of the real Cangmu Sword Technique.

  This can be seen just from how light the green light is.

  But what surprised Chu Ning was that even so, twenty iron wire vines were cut off in one blow.

  This is much more powerful than Chu Ning's full-strength use of the Blade Technique.

  "It seems that my understanding of the power of Cangmu Sword Technique is still too superficial!"

  Chu Ning's eyes quickly changed from surprise to excitement.

  The attack explosive power of this Cangmu Sword Technique is insufficient, which should be compared to the gold and fire spells of the same level.

  Or rather relative to its lasting damage.

  However, this is a basic, advanced spell after all!
  How can the attack power of the spell be weak? Naturally, it cannot be compared with the low-level blade skills.

  Chu Ning, who was originally planning to practice the Cangmu Sword Technique in the yard, saw this scene and immediately stood up and walked out.

  This yard is still not suitable for practicing the Cangmu Sword Technique, otherwise the iron wire vine that I worked so hard to get before will be completely cut off in a few strokes.

  Coming to the back mountain, Chu Ning no longer had any scruples.

  A series of Cangmu Sword Techniques were fired, and the surrounding iron wire vines were immediately chopped into pieces by Chu Ning.

  As the sword tactics were issued again and again, Chu Ning's casting speed also continued to increase.

  The cyan color on the sword formula is also gradually changing from light to thick.

  Yinmu's spiritual body's talent for cultivation, coupled with Chu Ning's Qingmu Chunhua Technique, which he had already mastered, turned into an innate magical power.

  With the blessing of the two, the proficiency of Cangmu Sword Technique is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In the days that followed, Chu Ning practiced making talismans and practicing the Cangmu Sword Technique.

  The proficiency of both is improving rapidly.

  Fifteen days later, Chu Ning had made all five kinds of talismans in the jade slips with a success rate of 60%.

  Naturally, Chu Ning would not be satisfied. In the next half month, Chu Ning continued to practice continuously.

  Ten days later, Chu Ning's success rate for making five kinds of talismans had increased to nearly 80%!

  This speed undoubtedly made Chu Ning very satisfied.

  You must know that during these twenty days, he also practiced the Cangmu Sword Technique. Although his elementary and advanced spells are not instantaneous yet, their lethality can be fully unleashed.

  And with Izaya's talent, it was obviously only a matter of time before he could achieve instantaneous use.

  Of course, Chu Ning spent a lot of time and energy this month.

  During this period, in addition to occasionally going to Lingfu Pavilion to ask for some knowledge on making talismans, he also chatted with Qiu Shunyi who came up to him along the way.

  The rest of the time is spent almost concentrating on practicing.

  But today, his month of dedicated training had to come to an end.

  Because yesterday afternoon, He Changyou sent a transmission message and told Chu Ning to find him early in the morning.

  Mainly related to his subsequent arrangements.

  Although He Changyou asked him to meet at Lingfu Pavilion, Chu Ning didn't think much about it.

  After all, he is now a disciple of Shuangtang. Perhaps the other party wants to assign tasks to him together with Liao Yunming.

  When Chu Ning rushed to Lingfu Pavilion, he saw He Changyou and Liao Yunming in the hall at a glance.

  Chu Ning quickly stepped forward and saluted the two of them.

  Before he could recover, He Changyou's next words shocked Chu Ning.

  "Chun Ning, you should know something. Recently, many disciples in the sect have to complete sect tasks.

  Now we have insufficient disciples in Lingzhi Room and Lingfu Pavilion. I have discussed with Deacon Liao and intend to let you go out to perform tasks."

  Listen . When he said this, Chu Ning suddenly felt like he was struck by thunder.

  "Could it be that my hidden cultivation aura was discovered? But, even so, I am only at the fifth level of Qi refining!

  Didn't they say before that they would only arrange that task after the sixth level of Qi refining?"

  His mind was racing. As these thoughts flashed through my mind, there was a chill in my heart.

  At this moment, Chu Ning felt as if he had fallen straight into an ice cave.

  When I first entered, I learned from Shang Zhaoxiang that in recent years, due to the sect's tasks, the number of handyman disciples had decreased significantly.

  Chu Ning has always been extremely wary of the so-called mission of the sect.

  After learning more detailed information from Zhuang Yunde, Chu Ning became worried.

  Although Zhuang Yunde said, many disciples still came back and became inner disciples.

  But this made Chu Ning even more worried.

  Because this also means that many disciples and even outer disciples have perished in this secret mission.

  I am just a disciple who has started for less than two years, why is it my turn?

  Could it be because he entered the outer door?

  He Changyou's words made his joy in joining the outer sect a few days ago disappear in an instant.

  However, Chu Ning, who has lived in two lifetimes, is still mentally strong after all.

  Although his heart was in turmoil, he could still maintain a relatively calm expression on his face at this moment.

  Suppressing the throbbing in her heart, Chu Ning looked at He Changyou and He Changyou with a puzzled expression on her face.

  "Deacon, I am only a mid-stage Qi Refining disciple, and I have only joined the sect for such a short time. Do I have to go on missions like other senior brothers?" "

  That's natural!" He Changyou nodded.

  "Although you have not been in the sect for a long time and your cultivation level is not high, you are good at planting and making talismans. You are a very suitable candidate." "..."

  Chu Ning wanted to say something, but for a moment he couldn't. refute.

  But when Liao Yunming on the side spoke, Chu Ning's eyes began to brighten.

  No, what they said seems to be different from what they thought.

  (End of chapter)

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