Chapter 75 Crying Xiuer

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  Chapter 75 Crying Xiu'er

  Chapter 75 Crying Xiu'er

  Tip 2: The snake spirit is the key core of the totem pole. Before the death of each generation of hosts, the soul should be integrated into it as much as possible to strengthen the spirit.

  Tip 3: The spirit cannot hold too many memories. It sleeps most of the time and only wakes up when needed.

  Before dawn, more than a dozen wild wolves appeared again. Led by a junior ferocious beast, they appeared in the field of vision and slowly approached.

  Including the knife, the two wizards did not take action, and the warriors had easily dealt with it.

  These NPC battles are very smart. They are not in a hurry to kill the primary ferocious beast Wild Wolf. Instead, they finish killing other Wild Wolf before taking action on this leader.

  This time, Xiaodao saw the 30th-level junior ferocious beast Wild Wolf's signature skill, Violence. Its body had grown in size, its eyes were red, and its strength had increased a lot. It was estimated that it could rival the intermediate beasts. Three level 40 beasts The battle entangled it so that no one was hurt.

  As a result, not a single wild wolf escaped, and they were all killed in the wolf's mouth.

  That's all. What surprised Xiaodao was that from these prey, he, the imposter witch who didn't take any action, actually took 70% of the profits. The remaining 30% was the equal share of these tribes, and Xiaodao also had the right of first refusal.

  The only dissatisfaction is that these prey are NPC kills and cannot be used as quest items for players to break through the bottleneck.

  But even so, Xiao Dao bought them all.

  Daybreak soon dawned.

  Bone hunting resuscitation!
  After using the knife, I felt dizzy, but two level 20 self-propelled bone carts were revived.

  It’s all filled up, but it can’t fit in, so I can only put it here for the time being.

  Then Zhan led the five tribesmen and escorted the goods towards the tribes.

  As for Wu, Black Soul Crow flew away directly at dawn to complete the mission of Xiao Dao.

  But his totem pole remained, and it was twice as thick as Xiaodao's totem pole.

  With this totem pole, your defense is stronger than that of the original witch town guard, so you don't have to worry about safety at all.

  Xiaodao went all the way back, and unexpectedly met more than ten wild wolves on the way, led by junior beasts.

  Xiaodao hesitated and took out his sniper rifle.


  Four consecutive shots!
  The junior beast, the level 30 Wild Explosive Wolf, fell directly to the ground.

  Although the five warriors present were curious, they didn't even ask.

  It seems that if there is no causal relationship, it will not affect the behavior of the knife.

  This made Xiaodao very satisfied with this attempt.

  There is one more junior beast, so I can only carry it away.

  Next, we only encountered scattered wild wolves. They did not dare to approach and wandered in the distance.

  Xiao Dao ignored it and walked back smoothly.

  Extra escort missions will naturally require extra rewards for these five warriors, but again, Xiao Dao doesn't care.

  Arriving at the familiar courtyard, I touched the stone door. As the owner, I naturally opened it easily.

  "Brother Master!" Xiu'er was not surprised when she saw the knife, her face was pale, and she burst into tears.

  "What happened?" Xiao Dao's expression changed and he quickly stepped forward.

  "Brother Master, it! It." Xiu'er's tears couldn't stop rolling down her pale face.

  "It has nothing to do with Sister Xiu'er. It's my problem. I didn't take good care of her." The soldier in the field said with a grimace.

  At this time, he was still studying there, but couldn't find the problem.

  Xiaodao stepped forward to take a look.

  It turned out that the blood vines were lying half-dead on the ground, and it was obvious that they were severely sluggish.

  Looking at the level, it was originally almost level 30, but now it was only level 12.

  Xiaodao was stunned for a moment and then understood.

  When I first recognized myself as the leader of the totem pole, the lack of experience turned out to be the absorption here. 100% favorability, experience transfer, that’s it.

  "It has nothing to do with you! It's okay." Xiao Dao waved his hand and touched Xiu'er's little head.

  Drop: The favorability of the slave soldier is +1, currently: 99.

  This made Nu Dabing breath a sigh of relief.

  Too lazy to pay attention to the sentimental soldiers over there, Xiao Dao repeatedly comforted Xiu'er. There was nothing he could do, he just treated her differently.

  Then the prey was pushed in by the warriors.

  Put the beast in the warehouse and wait for Xiu'er to break it down to increase her proficiency.

  Ordinary prey, such as those hunted by the knife alone, are naturally put into the warehouse. These are sold to other players to complete the fifteenth-level bottleneck mission.

  What's the price?

  As for the rest, they were piled next to the blood vine for them to enjoy.

  With the food, the bloodthirsty vine suddenly became energetic. The vine pierced the corpse and absorbed it quickly like a straw.

  As expected of the absorption of magical powers, the corpse of the level 25 Steppenwolf was washed into a mummified body in less than half an hour.

  Immediately, the bloodthirsty vine was swung, and the mummy was shattered into pieces and scattered across the surrounding fields, as if fertilizing the fields, making the surrounding crops more conducive to growth.

  This is its first skill, feedback.

  However, the bones were left intact and were immediately picked up by the soldiers and placed in the warehouse.

  The bloodthirsty vine eats greedily, seemingly endlessly, and its level is also rising rapidly.

  There was a knock on the door.

  He thought it was a bitch, but it turned out to be a witch. The Black Soul Crow came and he had prepared the materials.

  The Black Soul Crow began to draw witch patterns on the stone house. Xiu'er was very interested, but he didn't let her see it because he was still too weak now.

  Seeing her disappointed look, Xiaodao thought for a while, comforted her with a few words, and assured her that there would be plenty of opportunities in the future, and then arranged an urgent task for her to expand the chicken coop.

  When you're busy, you won't think so much.

  But then there was another knock on the door.

  This time, Jizui, Mr. Dai, and Brother Low-key are all here.

  When they saw the knife, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Brother Dao, I finally see you." Jianzui burst into tears.

  Mr. Dai and the low-key brother all looked resentful. There was no news about the three million yuan.

  At present, the only king dog is the Military Spur. What started as a puppy is now the same size as a real wolfdog, growing as fast as an inflatable. This makes the players who originally laughed at it immediately shut up, and can only envy and hate it.

  This made Mr. Dai and Brother Low-key anxious.

  They had already gotten angry with Wang Ma next door, and originally thought they could buy it at a high price.

  Unexpectedly, the Queen next door was really angry this time and refused to buy it, which made the two of them a little embarrassed.

  Especially today, Wang Ma next door teased them both for being cheated from time to time.

  Although they didn't believe it, they were anxious because three million was a lot of money for them.

  "Wait five minutes!" Xiao Dao finally remembered and couldn't help but apologize.

  A minute later, Knife was offline, taking two more hound pups from reality.

  It was already late at night in reality.

  Not only that, he also left a message to Shancao, asking him to buy some hound pups tomorrow, as well as chickens, ducks, geese, and fruit tree seedlings.

  Due to the feedback from the bloodthirsty vine, the quality of the poor fields has begun to improve. It is estimated that it will be improved in a few days at most, and the growth of some crops is extremely exaggerated.

   Thanks to Xiaomeng Aite for the reward of 100 starting coins

  (end of this chapter)

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