The first volume is over and I'm taking a break.

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  The first volume is over and I'm taking a break.

  There is a lot to say, so let’s stop there.

  I originally had some manuscripts, but after going through a lot of things these days, they were gradually exhausted.

  There are three reasons for taking leave.

  First, the first volume is over, with nearly 900,000 words, so it’s time to take a day off.

  The second is to think about the next volume.

  Third, I am moving to another city. When I post this chapter, I should have arrived in a new city, and then I will be looking for a rental house, and it will take a while before I can settle down.

  As long as there are no accidents, the next volume will be updated normally in three days.

  If I’m quarantined and don’t have a place to write, I’ll explain it.

  If he is accidentally suppressed by the Great Sage of the Sheep Clan, he will also explain it.

  In short, live well.

  See you in the second volume.

  (End of chapter)

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