Chapter 825 Xuantian Dragon Ship

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  Chapter 825 Xuantian Dragon Boat
  Li Qingxian raised his head and looked at the sky, thinking about the exam for the outer disciples.

  As early as a month ago, Zhou Xuanshan introduced the three tests of the outer sect in detail.

  This first entrance exam is the focus of this month’s preparation.

  Although my foundation was very poor at the beginning, and many of my memories were from the Ming Sect, I benefited from the memory of Protector Lu Han and "The Authentic Sect of Destiny", plus I have been studying Zhao Yishan, and cooperated with the God of Destiny Wen Kui and other destiny Xing, as early as in Qiyuan City, began to lay a solid foundation for life skills.

  After several years of hard work, Li Qingxian believes that the breadth of his fortune-telling knowledge is not as good as Duan Tianji, Zhao Qingchuan, Nie Jiuming or Ma Fuxing, but his mastery of basic knowledge is no worse than anyone else.

  At the same time, my grasp of the situation was mediocre at first, but after receiving the inheritance from the Star Chess Master and studying at the Tiansui Academy, my ability to control the situation improved rapidly.

  Understand the eighty-eight-story mountains and rivers thoroughly and lay a solid foundation for your situation.

  Studying at Tiansui Academy, especially the process of creating the Confidential Situation, benefited from the help of many unknown masters. In the field of Situation, I can already compete with those Tiansui in terms of depth, breadth, complexity or any aspect. The arrogant people sit on equal footing.

  However, in terms of fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and miscellaneous knowledge, he can't compare with those others.

  The Millennium Sect has cultivated the best disciples, and they cannot be easily surpassed by others.

  Zhou Xuanshan has coached Li Qingxian, and the first test is up for grabs, because there is an upper limit on the first test score, and occasionally someone will get a perfect score on the first test.

  In the second test, the test content is all-encompassing. Give up fighting for dominance. Don't put too much energy on it. Just try your best.

  The third test is to enter the Ming Lake, and the Ming Lake mainly tests the situation, supplemented by other things.

  Therefore, in the third trial, Li Qingxian also had a chance to compete.

  Thinking of Zhou Xuanshan's expectant eyes, Li Qingxian shook his head gently.

  If he were to compete with Duan Tianji in a life-and-death fight, or just compare the situation, he would be confident, but if he were to compare with anything else, as a half-way student of numerology, he would have no advantage.

  As for the chief of the outer sect, just do your best. Anyway, what Duan Tianji wants is the Lidao Mountain Crown, and that thing is useless to him.

  I can enter Lidao Mountain at any time now, and it is impossible to enter Lidao Mountain again even if I get the Lidao Mountain crown.

  However, other rewards are also good.

  A middle-grade life magician said: "We are candidates, they are examiners, we can only follow the Tianshi Sect, there is no need to think too much. What's more, the higher the ranking, the higher the reward. The chief of the outer sect is very big You may get the Lidao Mountain Crown, even if you are the second or third seat, you can also enter the Tianshi Sect's outer treasury and choose a treasure." "Although the outer treasury is

  good, it is still not as good as the secret treasury. As long as we pass the first two tests, we will be qualified. If you enter the Ming Lake, you may be qualified to enter the Tianshi Sect's secret treasury. That is a serious good thing." "The Tianshi Sect's secret treasury

  has collected thousands of years of collections. Everyone who enters can get what they need. treasure."

  "Do you consider Tianshi Sect as your own? Not to mention the elimination of people in the first two trials, how easy is it to win the Fate Lake?"

  Everyone was talking about it.

  When the rising sun from the east illuminated the entire Tianshi Mountain, a melodious horn sounded.

  Everyone followed the sound and saw a group of people in white robes walking out of the Tianshi Sect's mountain gate, with golden Tianshi Mountain patterns embroidered on their chests.

  At the head was a woman sitting on a bronze machine wheelchair, wearing a green robe embroidered with white flowers and a brocade robe. She had a slight smile on her face and her eyes were alert as she scanned the whole place.

  "It's Zhao Qingchuan...could she be the examiner this time?" "

  It is said that the Tianming Sect intends to bring Duan Tianji and Zhao Qingchuan together, and even offered an astonishing dowry. I wonder what the Tianshi Sect's attitude is towards her." "The talented man looks beautiful

  . , it’s a good story. Hey, why didn’t Duan Tianji come? It seems that there are no people from the Destiny Sect..." "Here he comes, the Destiny Sect is here!"

  A huge force in the sky struck in all directions. Everyone looked up and saw that the long clouds in the sky were torn apart, and a huge flying ship appeared in its true form.

  The giant ship was over a thousand feet in size, emitting colorful divine light from its entire body. Its appearance did not look like an ordinary boat, but resembled a golden dragon with visible dragon scales.

  Looking from the bottom up, one can vaguely see strange beast heads standing on top of the huge dragon boat, like majestic guards, looking down at the world.

  The huge mouth of the dragon boat spurted out a pillar of pure white light, which shone in the middle of the mountain gate square.

  Swish... The thick white light beam made a strange sound and then retracted.

  There were more than ten people on the ground, all wearing Tianming Sect costumes.

  The first person's skin was like jade. There were no pupils or whites in his eyes, only a slowly flowing golden light. Strange marks appeared under the skin all over his body, as if there was something inside that was about to break out of the skin.

  "It's Duan Tianji... That's not an ordinary flying giant ship, it's the Tianming Sect's super-grade war weapon, the Xuantian Dragon Ship. It's said that only one of them can withstand a super-grade statue. It once sat in the divine capital to help Emperor Taining. ..."

  "Behind Duan Tianji..."

  Everyone's eyes glanced past Duan Tianji and looked behind him.

  Two high-grade life magicians stood behind Duan Tian's machine.

  "They are the Sixth Elder and the Eighth Elder of the Tianming Sect. Haha, they are so impressive..." "No

  wonder the Tianming Sect said that they were determined to win the Daoshan crown, so they directly sent the elders to escort them and sit on the Xuantian Dragon Boat. Once there was a conflict, the Xuantian Dragon Boat directly bombarded them. It's really cruel..."

  "I was beaten by Zhao Shoufu before, but now I come here to show off my power. If you have the ability to go to the divine capital, Zhao Shoufu will slap you down." "The Tianming Sect has always been domineering..." Everyone was talking in low


  . , but it is inconvenient to criticize loudly.

  The two elders had expressionless faces and said nothing. They just stood there and looked ahead.

  Zhao Qingchuan glanced at Xuantian Dragon Boat, smiled slightly, and the clear voice spread throughout the mountain gate: "Today Tianshi Sect is holding the outer sect chief competition again, Zhao Qingchuan is the chief examiner, his talent is sparse, and he has little knowledge. I hope you can learn a lot. This time the outer sect will learn a lot. The Chief Competition is no different from the previous ones. The only difference is that this year’s exam questions have more tricky situations. I hope you will pay more attention. Now, after all candidates have registered, please follow me up the mountain for the entrance exam. Please."

  After Zhao Qingchuan finished speaking, the mechanical wheelchair rotated, and several bronze mechanical claws protruded from under the wheelchair, holding the wheelchair up the steps.

  The other examiners and Tianshi Sect disciples walked outside the mountain gate, sat on the table, and registered the candidates' names.

  Cui Dianxing told his son: "My father needs to go up the mountain twice before I can come down to you. In the past few days..."

  Cui Zhiyun smiled and said: "Dad, go to the exam quickly, I can take care of you." "I am a top-grade fortune-teller, and this is the realm of Tianshi Sect, so nothing will happen to me."

  Cui Dianxing smiled and patted his son on the shoulder, then turned and walked towards the registration place.

  Cui Zhiyun went to the edge of the square and sat down, eating grilled dried fish and looking around.

  As he was eating, there was a faint smell of meat coming from the side. He followed the smell and saw two acquaintances beside him. The fat man named Yu Ping was sitting, and the unknown master was standing with his arms folded across his chest.

  (End of chapter)

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