Chapter 813 Three Peaches

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  Chapter 813 Three Peaches
  On Xile Street in early spring, hot pots, hot stoves and hot fires all seemed to have been suppressed by the spring cold. Steam was rising on both sides of the street, and shouts came and went.

  There were only a few pedestrians coming and going.

  The big pot at the door of Zhangji Mutton Soup was steaming. The Zhang family father and son forced out smiles, stood by the pot, and shouted loudly in hoarse voices.

  "The time-honored mutton soup..."

  "The best white flour steamed buns, multigrain steamed buns..."

  There are no tables, chairs or benches at the door, nor are the piles of salted duck eggs. Next to the dustpan for white flour buns, there is a new dustpan with steamed buns inside. Multigrain steamed bun with a hint of heat.

  Except for the price list, the walls were covered with thick old stains.

  Pure soup is one article, mutton soup is four articles, and mutton soup is twelve articles.

  One article for multi-grain steamed buns and three for white flour steamed buns.

  Only three of the eight tables in the room were occupied.

  At the innermost table, Li Qingxian, Zheng Hui, Han Anbo and Yu Ping were eating the freshly served haggis soup.

  After taking a few bites, Yu Ping frowned and ate slowly.

  As usual, Han Anbo had no seasoning in the mutton soup, only green and white green onions floating in it.

  Zheng Hui looked outside the house, glanced at Lao Zhang's back, and whispered: "Zhang Ji's mutton soup brand is going to be destroyed. It's only been two years since I've eaten it, and I've started to drink it overnight. However, I can't blame him." ..."

  Yu Ping swallowed the haggis soup and said helplessly: "The sweet-scented osmanthus cake I often buy is not as good as in previous years. The Shaomai I usually eat smells wrong and I haven't tasted it at all." Li Qingxian ate silently

  . Haggis soup.

  A few people were eating and chatting about gossip in the capital.

  After drinking the haggis soup, Li Qingxian waved his right hand, an invisible sound of insulation enveloped the four of them, and took out some peanuts and fruits and placed them on the table.

  The three of them looked over.

  Li Qingxian looked at Han Anbo, took out a blue package from the Qiankun Bracelet, and placed it on the table.

  Li Qingxian opened the package and said, "These are the peaches sent by Mrs. Zhao. They were told by Zhao Shoufu. These are the peach peaches in the yard. Let me try them." The package was opened, and there were three blue peaches as big as a baby's fist

  . The words are arranged.

  Yu Ping frowned and said, "That's not right. Where do you get green peaches in early spring? Look at this peach. It's so hairy. It must be prickly. It doesn't look delicious no matter how you look at it." Zheng Hui opened his mouth and looked at it

  . One glance at Li Qingxian and shut his mouth. Han Anbo looked at Li Qingxian and said, "Is it the first-grade power that triggered it?"

  Li Qingxian nodded and said, "It should be Zhao Shoufu's literary spirit that triggered it."

  Han Anbo thought for a while and said, "Zhao Shoufu sent you this time. Before going to the River Guard Army, there were some rumors."

  "For example?"

  "It is rumored that the second assistant, Lin Fu, wanted you to go to the south and serve as the commander of Night Guard Zhennan to supervise the armies." Han Anbo said.

  Zheng Hui glanced at Li Qingxian, who was deep in thought, and said: "I heard that the Mad King's Army who embezzled food and wages has a very good relationship with Xie Linfu, but the Dingnan King's Army has a bad relationship with Xie Linfu. If nothing else, Xie Linfu asked your Excellency When you go to the south, the sword designates the king of the south. Old Han, do you mean Jie Cifu or Jinshang?"

  Yu Ping picked up the peanuts and said: "Brother Zheng, are you pretending to be confused or are you really confused? It's obvious. They have all left their names in the Lei Department and restored their cultivation, why can't they understand? When it comes to an appointment at the level of a Marquis, without the Emperor's nod, who would dare? Even Zhao Fu would not dare." Zheng Hui nodded


  Han Anbo continued: "Later, it was rumored that Zhao Shoufen tried his best to oppose it. He even said that the Marquis had close contacts with Meng Huaichuan, the grandson of the King of Dingnan, and his mother's family was from the Dongding Kingdom, so he must not send the Marquis to the Dongding Kingdom. Finally, after Zhao Shoufang At the insistence, the Marquis was transferred to the river guarding army. No, to be precise, it was the imperial army in the north." "

  Old Han, what do you know about the north?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Han Anbo thought for a moment and said: "It's not to say that we know each other very well, but I have some friends who work there, and occasionally we will chat with them when I return to Beijing. There are mainly two major forces in the north, although they are both called Shouhe on the surface. Army, but in fact, the real river guarding army was led by General Wang, and was basically not controlled by the court. The armies that were really controlled by the court were commonly known as the imperial army, but they were generally called the Zhenbei Army. Among the Zhenbei Army, there were also Including the state army, your Qiyuan army can also be regarded as the Zhenbei army."

  Li Qingxian nodded.

  Han Anbo continued: "There is still an old king's army in the river guarding army, which is composed of the forces of the kings who once rebelled. Now there are only tens of thousands of people left, and the power is not as powerful as before. However, there are some masters, and the court cannot kill them all. , just grinding it slowly. In addition to the River Guard Army and the Zhenbei Army, there are also some monks, who are basically controlled by the Northern Green Forest Alliance, that is, the Green Forest Army. The Green Forest Army cannot fight frontal battles, but guerrilla warfare is far between the River Guard Army and the Town Army. The Northern Army has repeatedly created miracles."

  Zheng Hui said: "The current actual controller of the Zhenbei Army is Marshal Zhenbei or the Supervisory Army of Zhenbei?" "

  A few years ago, when the Inner Factory was not established, it was still Marshal Zhenbei. However, with the expansion of the power of the inner factory, the most powerful person in the Zhenbei Army now is the Zhenbei Supervisor Army, the second-grade eunuch supervisor Fuli. The Zhenbei Army Fourteenth Army, Zhenbei Marshal Chen Yingyang can only reluctantly Controlling the four armies and the other ten armies, they are all under the control of Chafuli. You have all heard the name of Chen Yingyang. He is a man, but because he did not fight with the river defenders and focused on fighting against the monster, Chafuli gradually took over the power. . But Old General Chen knew very well what was more important. Even though he was constantly humiliated by Cha Fuli, he still stood firm on the river and resisted the demon."

  The three of them looked at each other and, standing on the night guard, vaguely understood the reason.

  Zheng Hui said: "Sure enough, the rumors are correct. Above... the Fifth Army Governor's Office and the Ministry of War have always wanted to take away the control of the River Guard Army. The purpose of the Zhenbei Army is to disrupt the River Guard Army and slowly swallow up the River Guard Army. . General Chen was so heroic when he was young. Even if he loses his edge when he gets old, he still has the righteousness in his chest and will never do anything to destroy the Great Wall. Fortunately, the old man is a first-class martial arts cultivator, and his disciples are all over the country. If he were replaced by someone a little worse, They may be forced out of the Zhenbei Army."

  "However, the Mo Dao Army you are about to command seems to belong to Cha Fuli, the Zhenbei Supervisory Army, right?" Yu Ping glanced at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian nodded and said: "I took a brief look at the information of the Modao Army. It originally belonged to the River Guard Army, but later due to a great defeat, the upper-level generals were purged by the court on the pretext of being purged. Some middle- and lower-level generals were also accused, and were eventually dismissed. It was divided into the Zhenbei Army. However, the foundation of the Modao Army is still there, and it was Marshal Chen Yingyang who presided over the reconstruction of the Modao Army and even mobilized a large number of elites. Even now in the hands of Chafuli, the Modao Army is still the Zhenbei Army One of the strongest armies."

  Han Anbo said: "The Mo Dao Army is strong, but it is also the most precious. Cha Fuli is afraid of losing, so he is not willing to fight in small battles, and he is reluctant to fight in big battles. In addition, the Mo Dao Army is not willing to fight. The Mo Dao Army is not suitable for the first charge, but is only suitable for holding down the formation and the final fight to the death. Therefore, after joining the Zhenbei Army, the military merit of the Modo Army is not as good as that of the ordinary army. In recent years, it is almost impossible to hear the name "Mo Dao Army" "Come out, all men and horses will be torn to pieces." If Chafuli hadn't had some insight and strictly controlled the Modao Army's training, many people would have been pregnant." (End of this


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