Chapter 797 Demon God’s Body

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  Chapter 797: Demon God Body
  Gai Feng You looked up worriedly.

  On the top of the mountain, Zhang Wentian suddenly burst into laughter. His eighteen pairs of giant hands stretched out in all directions, grabbing handfuls of fluffy magic clouds out of thin air. They took turns stuffing them into his mouth. His momentum was rising steadily, and a pair of demon clouds appeared on both sides. A pair of arms.

  "Retreat!" Huang Tiantao shouted.

  Zhou Hen carried Li Qingxian on his back and retreated to the mountainous area without saying a word.

  From time to time, everyone looked at Li Qingxian behind Zhou Hen with blank eyes.

  The backbone fell.

  They were like a pack of bereaved dogs, following Zhou Hen.

  Occasionally, I was startled by the roar on the top of the mountain. I looked up at the mountain. I only heard the huge roar and saw the evil light filling the sky.

  Everyone returned to the threshing floor, where all the remaining townspeople gathered.

  Everyone was sitting or standing, silently looking in the direction of the top of the mountain.

  "We can't fight Zhang Wentian. I've said it a long time ago. Dirty Beggar and Xu Changren are just mantises using their arms as chariots. They can't fight... If they don't fight back, they can live for a few more days. In Guizhen, one more day of life is all. Earn it..." an elder from the Ascended Immortal Sect said in a low voice.

  "Everyone else is qualified to say that, but you, the Shengxian Sect, are not qualified. Who doesn't know that your Shengxian Sect is the mayor's dog!" one person cursed.

  "What's wrong with being a dog? It's better to die than to live. I really want to be a dog in my next life and be raised by

  others." "Maybe I'll be killed for meat."

  "Speak less. I hope they both lose out and don't take advantage of us." ..."

  After an unknown amount of time, the sun turned to the west and the sound on the top of the mountain became silent.

  "Hahahaha..." Zhang Wentian's wild laughter suddenly sounded.

  Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they looked up at the top of the mountain.

  On the edge of the mountaintop, a ten-story giant demon king, the mayor Zhang Wentian, appeared.

  Green face, red body, thirty pairs of black and white arms.

  Thirty pairs of long arms were separated on both sides, floating up and down, and their cold eyes fell on the threshing floor.

  His body was crisscrossed with scarlet scars, which squirmed rapidly, emitting blood and black smoke, sizzling and unable to heal.

  "I have accomplished a great feat. After leaving Guizhen, I will be like a dragon returning to the sea, unstoppable. What Zhang Wentong and Emperor Taining are just local chickens and dogs, they have been wiped out. Now that I think about it, what Ye Sizheng said before What you said is very reasonable, but the matter has come to this and there is no turning back. After leaving Guizhen, I will think again and use new methods to pursue the super product." The good luck student frowned slightly, Zhang Wentian's words sounded familiar


  "But..." Zhang Wentian said, "Next, I will give you a beating on your teeth."

  Han Anbo asked He Lei to help with the technique of amplifying the notes, and shouted: "Mr. Mayor, eat up all the ginseng fruits and make the body of the devil. , how to leave Guizhen?"

  Everyone looked at Han Anbo and then at the mayor.

  Zhang Wentian was stunned for a while, and then sneered: "It doesn't matter, I'll kill you all and wait for someone to come. I've achieved great success in magic skills, and it's not less than a few years ago." Han Anbo shouted: "Mr. Mayor,

  you After all, we need people, so why don't we shake hands and make peace, work together with the adults, collect enough sacrifices as soon as possible, sacrifice to the ancient well, and open the passage. You are an immortal hero, so naturally you won't care about the small conflict before. You left Guizhen , don’t we need one person to conquer the world? We may have second thoughts now, but as long as we grow older and see how powerful you are, we will definitely have no problem. If you think about it carefully, the life magician Ye Sizheng, the river guarding army Zhou Hate, Tomb General Huang Tiantao, and the lucky person Good Luck Sheng, why did these people not die, and why are they alive now? Aren't they all your team members who will ascend the throne of the Great Emperor in the future?" Zhang Wentian stayed on the top of the mountain, lost in thought


  "Is it possible? How can you tell lies without being affected?" Yu Ping whispered.

  "What I said is all the truth. As long as he gives up, in order to survive, it doesn't matter if we work under him as before. As for other things in the future, I don't want to say anything about it. Besides, don't you think, I Is his suggestion actually the most reasonable? Do you really think that if he kills all of us and goes out on his own, he will be like a fish in water? I think that as soon as he goes out, he is likely to be strangled by human masters." Han Anbo said. "What you said makes sense, but I just don't believe it..." Yu Ping scratched his head gently.

  "Because you are not the mayor and you have no ambitions. For a person who has the world in mind, a little bit of hatred is not important. Future goals and interests are more important." Han Anbo said.

  Zhang Wentian thought for a while, rolled his eyes, and said: "Okay, very good! Then I will plant the Ten Thousand Insects Treasure Pill in you. It doesn't matter if you obey me. If you don't obey, then go to hell!"

  Everyone He looked helplessly at Han Anbo.

  Han Anbo spread his hands and said, "What else can you do? Can all of you high-ranking men really kill this demon?"

  Zhou Hen looked at Huang Tiantao and said, "Try?"


  The two looked at the other high-ranking men.

  "Then give it a try. If it doesn't work, surrender." Xue Heshan, who had just escaped, was calm and composed.

  Zhou Hen said loudly: "Mayor Zhang... No, we should call you Head Zhang. As long as you go out, you will definitely kill Zhang Wentong and become the head of Hua Mo Mountain. Of course, you may also be killed by Zhang Wentong." Playing to death. However, we...we are also afraid of death and want to fight you. If we win, we will kill you. If we lose, let’s talk about it." Everyone looked at

  Zhou Hen, wondering whether this man had any brains . Still no brainer.

  "Not convinced? I just happened to have mastered my magic skills, so I'll beat you to convince me! Hahahaha..." Zhang Wentian's huge body jumped lightly, jumped halfway up the mountain, and rushed all the way to the threshing floor, passing by Everywhere, trees were broken, houses collapsed, and a large cloud of smoke was left behind.

  Han Anbo whispered: "He is affected by the power of the devil and his brain is not working properly. If he waits for a while, when Ye Sizheng wakes up, there may be another way." "


  All the high-ranking people present looked helplessly, formed an arc, and rushed towards Zhang Wentian.

  Everyone watched the battle from a distance.

  Zhang Wentian is ten feet tall. Even if the other masters are taller, their bodies are far superior to ordinary people due to martial arts training, and they are only about one foot tall.

  Zhang Wentian was like a buffalo charging rampantly, and the other top-grade dogs were like puppies surrounding the buffalo. They howled fiercely, but were often slapped away by Zhang Wentian.

  Even if someone could leave a wound on Zhang Wentian, the wound would heal in the blink of an eye.

  As they continued to fight, one after another the top players were injured or exhausted, and had to retreat to the threshing floor.

  In the end, only three people were left in front of Zhang Wentian.

  Zhou Hen, Huang Tiantao and Xue Heshan.

  "Hahaha... so happy, so happy! This is the most enjoyable battle since I entered Guizhen. I have been planning for many years, and today I feel the blood boiling again. Come on, come again! I will... punch one by one, fight !Death! You!"

  Zhang Wentian's whole body was ignited with demonic flames, his sanity disappeared without a trace, and he attacked Zhou Hen and the others crazily.

  After a while, Xue Heshan vomited a mouthful of blood and had no choice but to withdraw.

  Then, Huang Tiantao was sweating profusely and quit.

  Only one person, Zhou Hen, dealt with Zhang Wentian.

  Only then did everyone realize that Zhou Hen had not taken full action from beginning to end, but was stalling for time with Zhang Wentian.

  (End of chapter)

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