Chapter 79 Double defeat of the great evil

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  Chapter 79: Double Attack:
  "Me!" A young prisoner couldn't help but raise his hands.

  There was the first one, there was the second one, and after that more than half of the people raised their hands.

  "Is there anyone who hasn't raised their hands? I understand." Fan Xing glanced at Pang Mingjing, Tao Zhi and the others.

  Li Qingxian said in a friendly manner: "Old Fan, there is no need to do this if there is no justice in buying and selling. I, Li Qingxian, will not buy or sell by force. Besides, I can't buy or sell by force in this life. If you really don't want to sell, everything will go as usual. If you are willing to sell, , not only are you going to live in Room A first, you are really wronged, I can’t promise to let you out, but I will definitely find a way to help.”

  In the dim cell, the eyes of the prisoners became eager.

  "Master Li is really a benevolent and righteous man. Listen, Master Li must be a reliable fortune-teller with a bright future. Your lives are already rotten. If you continue to stay in the cell, it will be different from the past. Sell it to Master Li , it is possible to get out." Fan Xing encouraged him vigorously.

  An old man looked at Li Qingxian and lowered his head.

  Li Qingxian said: "Everyone has his own ambitions. If you don't sincerely work hard, I can't get it. I don't seek strength. If you are really willing to work hard, go to the hall at the door with me. If you don't want to, go back to the cell. Fan Xing, how did you treat them before? Treat them the same way in the future, don't make mistakes. If they are willing to sacrifice their lives in the future and make you torture to death, I will ask you." "

  Follow your orders." Fan Xing said hurriedly.

  "Everyone, come with me." Li Qingxian turned around and walked back to the cell hall, found a chair and sat at the table.

  "What are you doing standing still? Go to the jailer's room to get some tea." Fan Xing shouted to a jailer.

  "By the way, grab some pen and paper and prepare to sign the life contract." Li Qingxian said.

  "Yes, yes, assign another person to get paper and pen for Mr. Li." Fan Xing said.

  One after another, the prisoners slowly came out of the corridor and walked to the hall to stand. There were twelve in total. Not all of the prisoners who had raised their hands before came out.

  "Get them some benches or chairs so they don't get tired." Li Qingxian.

  "Okay. You guys, get the benches, quickly." Fan Xing ordered hurriedly.

  Not long after, the prisoners sat down in a row and looked at Li Qingxian nervously.

  Li Qingxian took a sip of tea and said to Han Anbo: "Brother Han, have you ever written a life deed?" "Yes


  "Excuse me, please write a few life deeds for later use."

  "Okay, Yu Ping will help me study them. Mo." Han Anbo said.

  Li Qingxian looked at the twelve prisoners wearing ocher-colored burlap clothes. They were all disheveled and hunched over.

  There were old and young, the oldest looked to be in his seventies or eighties, and the youngest was less than twenty.

  Pang Mingjing and the other three were not among them.

  "Have you heard about buying your life?" Li Qingxian asked.

  The twelve people nodded hurriedly.

  Li Qingxian looked sincere and said: "As long as we cooperate, I guarantee that you will at least get a room in size A. Even if the room is not enough, I will immediately find someone from the Ministry of Industry to build a new batch. You don't have to be afraid. If I harm you and violate the contract, I will be unlucky first."

  Several prisoners nodded lightly.

  "However, the ugly talk is ahead. I won't force you. This is a fair deal. But if you violate the fate contract, have different intentions, and destroy my life skills, then I, Li Qingxian, will retaliate a hundredfold." Li Qingxian said.

  "Don't you dare..." the prisoners said one after another.

  "Okay, now all of you swear an oath that you are willing to sacrifice your life for me, and allow me to watch your fate and anger. If you have different intentions, I will be struck by thunder." Li Qingxian said.

  The twelve prisoners swore one after another.

  Li Qingxian nodded and said, "Fan Xing, please introduce them."

  Fan Xing immediately introduced them one by one from left to right.

  Li Qingxian listened carefully and analyzed.

  After the introduction, Li Qingxian looked at the youngest young man, who was also the first to raise his hands to work hard. He had a sallow face and thin muscles, sunken eye sockets, and he lost his human appearance after struggling.

  According to Fan Xing, this man was seventeen years old, with plain appearance and a poor family. He worked in a restaurant. Because something happened to a table of guests he was waiting on, he was taken to prison for more than a year.

  The case has been closed, but it involved sensitive people and was not handled cleanly, so no one took care of the young man, and the restaurant owner was not willing to smooth things over for him. If nothing else, this person’s life is over and he will never be able to get out.

  Li Qingxian did not believe Fan Xing's words. He first silently recited the fortune-telling technique and saw the dragon's energy.

  The boy's whole body shone with light, and a cemetery appeared above his head.

  The cemetery is sealed with bluestone, and there is no green grass around it, making it eerie.

  In front of this cemetery, there are still a few dead bones.

  Li Qingxian frowned, thinking that this person was really unlucky, this was a typical "death tomb". The four evils are defeat, death, grave, and death.

  The image of a tomb is a cemetery, and the dead bones represent "death".

  The fortune teller says: The two evil spirits died in the tomb, and they are about to die.

  This is one of the worst kinds of luck.

  Above this man's head, images of destiny appeared, more than those of his previous coach Dong Ying.

  When he was born, it happened to be the fourth of the four calamities of Tiankang, the last stage of the martial arts seizure of power. At the same time, Emperor Tiankang was critically ill, the kings were seizing his legitimate sons, the world was in chaos, and the people were in dire straits.

  Three days after he was born, his mother starved to death.

  When he was three years old, his father died and he was taken care of by relatives.

  At the age of seven, he was sold to a landowner by his relatives and began to work in the fields.

  When he was twelve years old, he encountered a great famine and was forced to wander with bandits everywhere.


  Last year, I was working as a waiter in a restaurant, but I was implicated.

  For more than a year, I have been living in a cell.

  There was only one picture of the future. One year later, shortly after he turned eighteen, he died of illness in prison.

  The destiny map shows that this person has no bad deeds and is an ordinary person, hard-working but occasionally lazy, honest but occasionally complaining, helping others to the best of his ability and never harming others.

  Li Qingxian sighed in his heart and was stunned for a moment after entering this person's life mansion.

  very familiar.

  A thatched hut with a roof covered with wild grass and a thin wooden wall, which was worse than my own wooden house.

  Li Qingxian walked to the door and the wooden door opened by itself.

  There is only one young man's destiny and two destiny stars.

  In the life star of the Nian Life Pillar, on a dry and cracked ground, a shriveled seed fell into the cracks of the dry ground.

  Destiny Star: Withered ground and shriveled seeds, very bad luck.

  There is a saying in the fortune telling: The mother dies when the ground is dry, the father dies when the seed is dry, the seed dies when the land is dry, the life is short and the father dies early.

  In the life star of the moon pillar, there is heavy rain, and in the dark pool, the waves are rolling, and a small half-yellow and half-green duckweed rises and falls with the waves.

  Destiny Star: Duckweed in troubled times, great misfortune.

  There is a saying in the fortune telling: In troubled times, people are not as good as dogs. They are worried both in life and in death. The duckweeds on the water are beaten by the rain. They are worried when they stop, and they are also sad when they float.

  "If there are four evils in the game, it is still possible to survive. These two great evils will prevent duckweeds from growing on the dry ground, and wheat seeds will not grow in the black water. Alas..."

  Li Qingxian exited this person's life mansion and looked at this person. people.

  His hair was disheveled, his face was full of stains, his eyes were dim, he was skinny and skinny, and he sat huddled on the bench.

  "What's your name?"

  "The little one's name is... Shen Goudan." Shen Goudan was careful.

  "No name?"


  "Are you willing to sacrifice your life?"

  Shen Goudan's face showed a desolate look that was incompatible with his age, and said: "If I sell my life, maybe I can live a few more years." "

  You Have you ever sold your life?"

  Shen Goudan sighed and said: "I wanted to sell it, but the life magician wouldn't accept it. He looked at me like a wild dog and said that I should get away with this cheap life. If you want to buy it, , there is no need to give anything. It would be better to have this miserable life on my body and harm me than to lose my life." "Are

  you willing to sign a life contract?" Li Qingxian said.

  "Ten thousand yes!" Shen Goudan stared at Li Qingxian.

  (End of chapter)

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