Chapter 789: A sincere and noble person

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  Chapter 789 The sincere and noble man

  Han Anbo whispered: "To be precise, this time... the fog caused all the words we said to become the truth in our hearts. However, we ourselves can only listen. We cannot hear the truth when it comes to what we want to say. In other words, we either shut up or tell the truth."

  Liu Yitian also said: "Another point is that all official clichés will also be changed into the truth."

  Everyone said one after another. nod.

  Li Qingxian pondered for a moment, winked at Zhou Hen, suddenly turned to look at Lucky Guy, and asked: "Lucky Guy, I can't completely believe you. Can you really promise not to harm me in the future?" Lucky Guy stood there stunned

  . He looked at Li Qingxian and slowly lowered his head.

  Zhou Hen sent a message to Li Qingxian and said: "What you just said is: Mr. Lucky, I can't completely believe you. Can you really promise not to harm me in the future? You are a mother-in-law. If it were me, I would have tried every means to kill you." Good Luck. That's all, I guess if I really do it, I will be killed by Luck's luck."

  Li Qingxian nodded, not bothering to care about Zhou Hen's truth behind it, thinking in his mind.

  "What I said myself was, 'Good luck, can you really promise not to harm me in the future?' This means that at some point, my true inner thoughts will be exposed. However, different semantics represent The deeper meaning is also different. If this sentence is 'I don't believe you at all', it is very direct, but since it is 'I can't completely believe you', it means..." A group of night guards looked at the good luck

  vigilantly born.

  Mayor Zhang Wentian's face turned blue and white as he listened to Mr. Fu's message. Then, he gave Mr. Fu a look.

  Mr. Fu hurriedly sent a message secretly: "Teacher, now that we are all deceived, I can't talk nonsense. Besides, I now suspect that you want to kill me. No matter how stupid I am, I can't help you completely. I even hope that you will come sooner." Die."

  Even though Zhang Wentian was very deep in the city, his expression changed slightly when he heard his disciple say this to his face.

  Mr. Fu has been cultivating demons with Zhang Wentian for many years and is the best at observing his words and expressions. When he saw the subtle changes in Zhang Wentian, his heart skipped a beat and he shut his mouth tightly.

  At the same time, many people in Shangshan District communicated secretly.

  "I have long suspected that Zhang Wentian is like this, so I promised him a lot of money and fully supported him after leaving Guizhen, hoping that he could take me out. As for you, I can't control that much, you are just my playthings..."

  "Husband, although I hope you die soon, I also know that I can't live well without you, so I have hooked up with several people in the Xue family, hoping that they will help me. Unexpectedly, Zhang Wentian wants to kill them all All of us, how about I commit myself to Zhang Wentian and try to get a chance to survive..." "

  You and I have been separated for a long time. I didn't say anything about what happened last time, but I already have a grudge. I will be there when the town is in chaos. , kill you, snatch your ginseng fruits, and find a way to leave..." "

  Don't blame me. In order to make you devote yourself to me, I killed your whole family..." "I

  never told you, In fact, I poisoned your bodies and cast spells. Every month, you will fall into coma. Then, I will control you, transfer your inner strength to me, and control you...for fun..." After a brief exchange

  , , the scene suddenly became chaotic. Some people suddenly retreated, some suddenly attacked, some fled quickly, and some cried loudly...

  "I'm going to kill you, you beast!"

  "I'm so good to you, and you actually treat me as a plaything... "

  I didn't expect you to think the same as me. I also want you to die soon, but I can't kill you, so I have to pretend to be a victim. I have to pretend that I am miserable. I want others to spit on you..." "No.

  " Blame me for attacking you because I was too scared. I was afraid that you would kill me because I have done too many evil things. On the surface, I am strong, vicious, and unscrupulous, but in my heart I know that I am guilty, but I want to live, so, I can only sacrifice you. Only by constantly pushing the mistakes, crimes and responsibilities onto you can I feel relaxed and prevent myself from torturing myself. I have to keep shirking responsibility, I have to keep blaming you, and I have to tell you that I am right. , otherwise I won’t be able to bear the self-moral condemnation and will die. Don’t blame me, I’m just protecting myself..."

  "What's wrong with me coveting ginseng fruit? I just want to live? As for whether others die or not, it's none of my business? They deserve to die, they all should die..." Seeing the sudden chaos and hearing the

  random shouting and cursing, everyone stood up one after another. , holding weapons, looking around carefully.

  Li Qingxian looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

  Xu Fang said: "In a normal place, telling the truth is harmless, but in a place like this where everyone is in danger, the result of telling the truth is falling apart."

  Yu Ping said thoughtfully: "In this way, the more you can't Where the truth is told, the more evil there is, the more serious the crime, and the more dangerous it is?" The

  night guards looked at each other and held their weapons tightly.

  Li Qingxian looked at it and frowned. The impact of this emotion and situation was far beyond expectation. Now it was just the chaos among the nobles in the mountainous area, but once it spread, all the forces and everyone would be in chaos.

  Han Anbo said calmly: "Actually, some lies are nothing. We are all human beings. We have all been hurt, so we all instinctively protect ourselves. In fact, we all make mistakes. I think this is normal. You Who has ever seen a truly morally perfect person? Even Zhao Yishan and Zhao Shoufu violated national laws and killed people for revenge."

  Everyone nodded lightly.

  Han Anbo continued: "So, even if we can't admit our mistakes to others, we should admit our mistakes to ourselves, and correct them if we make mistakes. Even if from now on, we only need to do good deeds and do good deeds, which is better than never repenting. The mistake itself It's not terrible. What's terrible is that you don't repent, and then make mistakes again and again, and finally turn mistakes into sins. Once you hurt people, or even hurt a lot of people, to protect your own mistakes, just like the person who covets ginseng fruit and doesn't care about the lives of others. You are a beast, you make the same mistake again and again, and you are worthy of being punished. Such damned people will never truly regret or change their ways, they will be afraid and frightened because they are afraid of being punished." Everyone was thoughtful


  Han Anbo continued: "So, we accept our mistakes calmly, because some mistakes are indeed beyond our control. For example, when we are bullied, for example, our family's misfortune, for example, when we come to Guizhen, it will cause us to do some mistakes. Things. But we can control ourselves not to make the same mistake again and again. We can decide not to hurt innocent people, and we can choose not to do evil." "I am doubtful and

  unsure about what I said, but I sincerely I hope that everyone will not be suspicious of each other, fear each other, and finally confront each other. In that case, we will all die. Just like the mayor and the old beasts in the upper mountain area, they know that there are two ways to solve the problem, and they know that as long as everyone works together, They were able to survive the difficulties, but for the selfish desires of their own family, they not only sat and watched us die, but even stretched out their bloody hands to force us to death. They chose to kill a country and enrich a family, but we, now have different choices, we can't decide Others, but you can decide yourself."

  (End of chapter)

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