Chapter 776 Good luck brings treasure together

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  Chapter 776 Good Luck Makes Treasures
  Li Qingxian said: "One reality is that a scholar can't do it, you can't do it, and I can't do it; the other reality is that since the first human being appeared in the human race, in thousands of years, , until now, has been changing reality, changing the reality of eating raw hair and drinking blood, changing the reality of being hunted by wild beasts, changing the reality of not being able to fly. Which kind of reality are you talking about?" The dirty beggar was stunned for a moment and said slowly

  : "I understand... Those who study the method of solving puzzles look like beads scattered everywhere, but if I slowly rise and look down from a higher place, those beads are closely connected together. The scholar died after studying for a year. He seemed to be interrupted. Two years passed, and it was still interrupted. Three years passed, and four years passed, and it continued to be interrupted... But today, sixteen years later, the last piece of the puzzle is about to be solved. This piece is connected together."

  Li Qingxian said: "There are more pieces that are coming together, and you are the thread that connects them all." The

  dirty beggar took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said, "I think about it, I want to recall everything, and I want to tell you all the possibilities to solve the mystery..." The

  dirty beggar said as he recalled, and finally poured out all the people and everything in his memory.

  Li Qingxian listened and took notes, and gained a deeper understanding of Guizhen.

  After a long time, the dirty beggar finished telling everything and suddenly burst out with a bright smile. He waved to Li Qingxian and turned around to leave.

  "I understand that if the theory is right, then reality can definitely be achieved. If the theory is not feasible, it either takes time or the theory is wrong. In theory, if the theory is right, then reality can definitely be achieved. I Let's go, you do your part, and I'll do mine. Hahahaha..." The

  dirty beggar laughed and walked out.

  The lucky man stood at the door and burst into tears when he saw the dirty beggar, but there was no pain in his tears, but joy and nostalgia.

  After the dirty beggar left, Lucky Bear entered the Night Guard Yamen under the leadership of the guards.

  The old guard Uncle Sheng stood at the door, waiting quietly.

  "I've met Mr. Ye." The lucky student said with cupped hands.

  Li Qingxian nodded and asked, "How are things going lately?"

  Lucky Guy shook his head and said, "Something may happen at any time. If I do something strange, please don't mind." "

  It's okay."

  Lucky Guy sighed softly and said : "I just went to the Prince of Chu's Mansion and the Mayor's Mansion. The Mayor was nice and lent me five ginseng fruits and a blank notice, plus some ordinary treasures. King Chu...that's all, let's not mention him. This is I can take out the last thing..."

  The lucky man said, slowly taking out various items from the lucky silverbait bag, including ginseng fruits, blank notices, silver notes, gold beads, jade, magical instruments, and elixirs. The secret books...

  were placed in a dense pile on the ground.

  The entire inventory of a small sect is nothing more than this.

  Li Qingxian glanced at the things on the ground, but thought in his heart that Lucky Life has been a little down in the past few years, and these things are not comparable to those back then.

  The lucky man smiled awkwardly and said: "I actually still have some on hand, but they are all at home, and there are some favors outside, which can be exchanged for treasures. It's just that this time I came in a hurry and didn't bring much." Li Qingxian looked

  at Good luck comes to you.

  The lucky man stiffened, sighed, slowly reached into his clothes, took out a palm-sized wood carving, and reluctantly placed it on the table.

  Li Qingxian looked around and saw peaches carved on the wood, with two layers on top and bottom, like a mold for pressing peach steamed buns.

  Li Qingxian's eyelids twitched slightly and remained calm.

  Good Luck Sheng said: "This is a strange object, called the Wanhua Peach Box. You can throw miscellaneous things in it and refine it into peach buns to replenish mana, true energy, etc. If a particularly precious treasure is put in it, , and may be refined into special peach steamed buns. Legend has it that this is a treasure from the upper world. I just got it not long ago, and I usually use it sparingly. I used it a few times after entering Fuzhen, but it was of no use to my disease." Li

  Qingxian He nodded, not caring, and continued to look at the lucky man.

  "I vaguely remember that you have many treasures on your body." Li Qingxian said.

  The lucky man sighed and said: "That's all happened in the Year of the Monkey. In these years, I have obtained a lot of treasures, but I have also used them a lot. In recent years, I have obtained more wealth, and there are also many ordinary treasures. , but there are almost no important treasures."

  The lucky man touched his abdomen with his hand, felt the destiny card inside through his clothes, and hurriedly let go.

  Li Qingxian said nothing and carefully looked at the lucky man. The lucky man took off his gold and silver jewelry and left behind the most important treasure.

  "Isn't this enough?" Lucky Man asked.

  Li Qingxian said: "We are dealing with demon gods, five demon gods. If you don't believe it, ask Master Gai, does he think these things are enough?" Good Luck said: "I have already told him that as long as you take

  action, we will contact you He's coming. But... he said he wanted to hide his whereabouts to avoid being seen by the King of Chu. Alas, for my sake, he has been wronged."

  Li Qingxian said: "Tomorrow the mayor will sacrifice the ginseng fruit tree, so we will do it today Okay, you contact him."


  The lucky man took out the communication talisman and said to Li Qingxian after a while: "Master Gai said he would come right away."

  The two of them were sitting in the side hall, chatting.

  Not long after, the guards entered with a masked man in black.

  The masked man in black stood at the door, looking inside.

  Li Qingxian and the lucky student stood up together, cupped their hands and said, "I've met Master Gai." "

  Yes." Gai Fengyou agreed lightly.

  The good luck student hurriedly said: "Master Gai, do you think these treasures are enough?"

  Gai Fengyou sighed and said, "Good Master, are you sending beggars away?"

  Good luck student's face rose with emotion. red.

  Li Qingxian said: "Master Gai is a top-grade master after all, so it's normal to look down on us middle-grade masters. That's all, I still have some here."

  As he said this, he took out some imperial edicts, court uniforms and some things belonging to the King of Chu, and piled them all over the floor. There were more than good luck.

  Lucky's face became more and more burning, so he asked others to do things for him, but the treasures and life materials he brought out were not as good as others.

  Gai Fengyou nodded and said: "Ye Sizheng is indeed extraordinary. No wonder His Royal Highness the King of Chu has praised you so much." The

  good luck student heard the coldness in Gai Fengyou's words, which was completely different from his previous attitude. He knew He was worried that the King of Chu would misunderstand and did this deliberately, so he hurriedly tried to smooth things over and said, "Master Gai, do you think it's enough now?"

  Gai Fengyou shook his head and said, "Of course it's not enough. If you have anything else on you, take it out as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, make an oath." , return it to me later, and I will go back to the mountainous area to help you put it together again. If I had known it was just these things, I wouldn't have come down."

  Gai Fengyou's eyes also wandered around the good luck student.

  The lucky man looked down and saw that all the valuables on his body had been taken away, and the rest were life-saving things. Wait... The

  lucky man's eyes fell on the jade pendant with the flying crane pattern around his waist. He slowly took it. Get up and stroke gently.

  This is one of the few relics of my mother, and it is also a dowry. It was seized by the Marquis Mansion and was not taken out until a few years ago.

  This jade pendant is not a treasure, but its quality is very good and its value is high.

  "This... this jade pendant isn't worth much, so I think I'll just forget it." Good Luck said.

  Gai Fengyou sighed: "Those who plan for great things cannot look forward or backward. Let me ask you, if this jade pendant can save your life, will you use it?" (End of Chapter


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