Chapter 755 All major forces prepare together

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  Qi State, Shan Ming Sect.

  Zhou Xuanshan and the elders looked at each other in silence for a long time.

  "Master, Li Qingxian has disappeared into a mysterious place and there has been no news. What should we do?" "

  We have signed contracts with other sects to canonize mountain gods for them one by one, but the person is gone." "

  I heard that the Demon Sect is gone. United with the Destiny Sect, using the Destiny Technique, and using the Five Sons to send demons away, all signs indicate that they are targeting Li Qingxian." "The

  Demon Sect and the Destiny Sect want to destroy the foundation of our Shanming Sect."

  "It's a good thing he asked. The power of the divine curse is extraordinary, allowing us to advance by leaps and bounds. Otherwise, once he dies in a strange place, the credibility of the Shanming Sect will collapse." Zhou Xuanshan said: "Now, the most important thing is to

  save his life. I have already contacted him. Li Xuzhong, but Li Xuzhong seems to be one step ahead, and he doesn't know where he is going. In addition, I can't find a solution, unless the major life sects join forces with all their strength, but... this is a fantasy. "

  If Li Qingxian dies, it will be a destiny that must not be violated. Our mountain life sect will compensate for the breach of contract and then seal the mountain to live in seclusion. If he comes out of the strange place alive, we will strictly protect him." "Li Qingxian is seeking death.

  " To this extent, I alone cannot protect the Shanming Sect. He even wants the Order of Heroes. Master, what do you say?"

  Zhou Xuanshan pondered for a moment and said, "I'd rather trick him... and guide him to the Tianshi Sect in good faith to learn the general situation. , grind him for ten or eight years, and with his talent, he will be promoted to the upper level. By then, it will be much better." "

  But the Tianshi Sect is in the north of the Great Wall, close to the river guarding army, will it..." "

  No problem. Guard. The River Army is safer than the Shendu City. At least the Destiny Sect doesn't dare to use the Spider King in the River Guarding Army." "

  This time, the Destiny Sect really ordered the Destiny Sect to use the Spider King this time?" "

  I guess so, but I probably don't want to use it in the Shendu City. But I don’t know why it became like this. It was probably an accident." "

  No matter how unexpected it is, it shows that the fortune of the Destiny Sect is very different from the past." "The

  Bagua Star Observation Tower was taken away by Zhao Yishan, and the Destiny Sect He became blind..."

  All the elders nodded.

  Destiny Sect.

  The white clouds are drifting and the green mountains are rolling.

  Several elders walked out of the hall and walked down the stairs, chatting as they walked.

  "The strange land is indeed unpredictable. Ye Han, who clearly had great luck, suddenly became weak for some reason, but unexpectedly, he recovered and even improved to a higher level." "

  It is not the strange land that is unpredictable, but the unpredictable land . The Son of Destiny. I have long said that no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. It’s not like our Destiny Sect has not chosen the wrong person before." "

  According to the great elder, it is very likely that the five sons who send demons will bump into Ye Han. The Destiny Sect's chess game is just one move away."

  "Don't make random guesses. We can't guess what happened in the strange place. Even if Li Xuzhong often enters the strange place, he can't remember many things. If you want to find out what happened in the strange place, We can only ask the person in the palace to mobilize the important weapons of the country, perform the "Report to the Emperor" technique, offer benefits, and ask Emperor Guidi to issue an edict. We have a bad relationship with Guidi. Even if we use the "Report to the Emperor" technique, Emperor Guidi will not I will pay attention to it."

  "Isn't that old fortune-telling immortal that his oil has run out?" "

  After all, he is Emperor Tiankang's imperial advisor and the real Prime Minister of the three dynasties. When Emperor Taining came to power, he was also the one who nodded. For decades, He said before that he might die, but after procrastinating and living for decades, God probably doesn't know when he will die." "

  He is really the oldest turtle in the world. If it weren't for him, Emperor Taining would be nothing more than... ..."

  "Forget it, we, the Tianming Sect, still have to be cautious. We can interfere in the human world, but we cannot interfere too much." "

  By the way, these days, the preaching board has changed, and I don't know whose kid is messing around again, spreading the law indiscriminately. People will check it carefully, then retrieve the inheritance, cut off the bloodline of the ten clans, and prevent the leakage of the orthodoxy." "

  Children today are really not easy to worry about, and they dare to do anything. It's not like we used to go down the mountain and fight for our lives. Hiding their identity, today's children are afraid that the world will not know that they are from the Destiny Sect

  when they go out." "One crab is not as good as the other, and they always know how to compare..."

  "It's not what you are used to..." "It's because of being People outside have taught me bad things..."

  Gui Town, the main hall of the mayor's residence.

  The guests who attended the banquet on the mountain left one after another. When the King of Chu left with Lucky Sheng and Gai Fengyou, there were only nine people left in the main hall.

  All the guards and maids retreated.

  The mayor Zhang Wentian waved his hand, and the talisman enveloped the main hall, isolating the inside and outside.

  He glanced at everyone and said slowly: "The time left for us is running out."

  "First the King of Chu, and then the Five Sons to Send Demons, do they really think we are fools? They cheated us of ginseng fruit back then, and now, they still I want to kill them all and catch the second wave, tsk tsk, you are worthy of being a noble man." "

  After all, ginseng fruit can prolong life. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do the same." "

  This King of Chu, like his father, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. "

  Who is the eldest King of Chu?"


  "Haha, counting from the fifth eldest brother to the last, you can't tell whether he is the seed or not."

  "That's why I feel free to let the King of Chu come in."

  The mayor said with both eyes A cold light flashed.

  "King Chu, don't move. If you really want to move, with the strength of the noble man and Ming Lao Xian, we will definitely be able to find out that it was us." "This

  is the most troublesome part."

  The nine people looked at each other, and they were helpless. People speak again.

  "That night guard seems to be at odds with the King of Chu."

  "Well, that Ye Sizheng is getting close to the King of Jin or the General Wang, and even instigated the night guard to go to the Prince of Chu's Mansion to arrest people." "Could it be that he was hiding something from

  the truth ? ?"

  "No. Ye Han, this kid, talks so much about the emperor's sage, who doesn't know what he is thinking? He is the unlucky guy who was implicated, including the lucky guy and Gai Fengyou, they are just outsiders, only the King of Chu Sending demons with Five Sons is our real enemy." "

  That Lucky Guy, there has been some estrangement from the King of Chu recently. We might as well find a way to get the Lucky Guy to join forces with Ye Han to deal with the King of Chu."

  "Yes, I heard from Master Gai and the newcomers that these two people are very lucky and have profound backgrounds. Together, they can defeat the King of Chu." "I think it will work. It won't go wrong if you give it a try.


  "In the short term, it will be difficult to use the night guards."

  "The gang of unruly people in the lower mountain area have been making trouble because of the support of the night guards. Especially the dirty beggar, his words are becoming more and more explicit, but he still refuses to ascend to immortality. ."

  "I told you, don't bother with the dirty beggar. He is most likely related to Guxuan Mountain, and was tricked into living here. The number one martial arts sect is not something we can afford to offend." "There is no place in the world that cannot be separated

  . For the banquet, Guxuan Mountain has not produced any big names in these years, so we can only desperately seek cooperation with Mingzong, buy Mingshan, stabilize the situation, and rest on our laurels." "Guxuanshan's laurels are enough to last for hundreds of years

  . . Unlike us, we are obviously trapped in a dead situation, and yet we are plotted by the nobleman again, haha..." "

  We can't let the King of Chu walk out of the town alive, and we can't let the nobleman get another ginseng fruit!" The

  nine people looked at each other, Nod vigorously.


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