Chapter 739 The arrow is on the string and has to be fired

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  Chapter 739: The arrow is on the string and I have to take
  action. Outside the town, there is a place where endless dim fog gathers.

  Rays of light of different colors hovered in the air, communicating in strange languages.

  "...Devils...too many...strange places...unstable..."

  "The upper too strong...maybe...catastrophe..."

  "...can't stand it..."

  "How..." "

  ... ...helpless..."

  "...the culprit...Li Qingxian..."

  " not afraid...of the harvest..."

  "...seems to be here to reap benefits..."

  "...can't drive away...the rules... ..."

  " a down...leave quickly..." "

  ...the sooner the better..."

  "...let's see..."

  Guizhen, go up to the mountainous area.


  Good Luck woke up suddenly. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, walked out of bed, walked to the mirror and sat down.

  Once upon a time, every time I looked in the mirror, I saw a high-spirited young man, handsome and suave.

  But today, the person in the mirror looked pale, with dark eyes. He was only in his twenties, and he had brown spots on his face.

  "What on earth happened?"

  Lucky Student recalled all the events of the past few days.

  It seems that he started to go downhill from the moment he agreed to use the Masked Spider King to the King of Chu.

  After entering Guizhen, he had a grudge with the King of Chu. He had just reconciled his old relationship, but when the Qingyang Devil came out, their relationship took a turn for the worse.

  Not only that, since the mist ended, I have never been able to sleep soundly again.

  In the beginning, I always dreamed of strange and magical giant eyes that filled the sky, and they often appeared suddenly in sweet dreams.

  Then, there is the giant hand of the devil.

  Today was even weirder. Ming Ming dreamed of having sex with a beautiful woman, but the beautiful woman suddenly had her whole body cracked, and countless white eyeballs bleeding out from the cracks.

  But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, so he persisted.

  Then, the devil's giant hand took the picture.

  But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, so he persisted.

  Then, for some reason, there were continuous whispers in the ears, and then various monsters rushed over.

  Their target is not the Thousand-Eyed Beauty.

  But when the arrow was on the string... the lucky man collapsed.

  The lucky student stared blankly at himself in the mirror.

  how so?
  Could it be that he has been tricked?

  Sigh softly.

  After leaving Guicheng City, he found many books and consulted the life magicians of the Black Lantern Division. Only then did he realize that the uncanny world and the human world are two different worlds.

  No matter how strong the talent and luck are in the human world, it will be weakened in the strange world.

  Perhaps the luck he had accumulated in the human world was expended in a strange way.

  At that time, I didn't want to use the Spider King against Ye Han at all, but the King of Chu was pressing down like a big mountain, so what could I do?
  The lucky student suddenly froze and slapped himself hard.

  If I had known that I would enter a deceitful place, if I had known that my luck would be wasted by the deception, so what if I offended the King of Chu?
  Can I die without the King of Chu?
  How can it be!

  The lucky guy saw himself in the mirror full of regret. Sure enough, I did something wrong.

  "No, I can't make the same mistake again!"

  Lucky Student thought to himself, took out a book artifact, opened it, and wrote seriously.

  "It was a big mistake to agree to King Chu to use the Spider King... The reasons for the error... In-depth analysis... Correction methods... Next time we encounter... Preventive strategies..." After the analysis, Good Luck grew and breathed a sigh of relief

  . , the person in the mirror showed a faint smile.

  "The mistakes of the past are not important. They cannot be changed anyway. But I cannot make this kind of mistake again. That Ye Han must be blessed with great fortune. Instead of fighting with him, it is better to shake hands and make peace." "King Chu? Haha, this

  is On the surface, he is very humble, but in reality, he is mean and ungrateful. On the surface, he is a humble gentleman, but in fact, he is just like other princes who will do whatever it takes to fight for the throne. Only now do I understand that as long as the emperor is here, Daqi will belong to the emperor. No matter how wise your prince is, you can do whatever you want. No matter how loyal the minister is, it doesn't matter. The emperor of Da Qi is the fundamental controller of everything, no matter strong or weak, good or evil, right or wrong." "

  However, on the surface, you still can't offend the King of Chu, but you must keep a distance."

  " This mayor is very powerful. He obviously has a huge conflict of interest with the King of Chu. He almost fell out over the Qingyang Devilzi incident, but he still remained stoic. While continuing to show favor to the King of Chu, he also attracted Master Gai and me, and at the same time he did not forget to promote the status of Night Guard. Confront the King of Chu..."

  "I have learned this trick. Don't make enemies at any time. There is a better way to solve it at any time. There is no need to conflict with others head-on at any time..." Good Luck

  Happens I worked hard to record it in the instrument book. The more I wrote, the clearer my mind became.

  After summing up everything, the lucky student looked at himself in the mirror and grinned.

  "Everything in the past has disappeared. I am no longer myself, I am the new me!"


  The lucky man in the mirror suddenly walked through the mirror and rushed forward. Then his whole body cracked and pus overflowed. Big eyes popped out.

  The lucky man was unprepared. He was so frightened that he pushed his fists forward. The sun's true fire spurted out, and his body suddenly retreated.

  The mirror and wall exploded at the same time.

  The illusion before my eyes dissipated.

  "grown ups……"

  Several people rushed in and stared blankly at the lucky boy.

  The good luck student was about to hide it, but he smiled calmly and said: "I was slightly tricked, but it doesn't matter. I have seen through everything in front of me. These are not important. What is important is how we solve the trick and leave this place." The guard left, good luck

  . Sheng touched the ancient jade pendant with flying crane pattern on his waist, and after a while, he took out the Destiny Card from the lucky silver fish bag.

  He gently touched the pattern on the front of the destiny card and murmured in a low voice: "Thanks to you, otherwise the trick on me would be more serious. But it doesn't matter, as long as I keep getting stronger, everything will become a thing of the past..." He stuffed the destiny card

  into Among the clothes, and patted gently through the clothes.

  The word "leaf" behind the Destiny Card flickered, then fell silent.

  He took out another square and hollow ancient jade, squinted his eyes, and thought quietly.

  This is an extremely precious open-earth jade, a masterpiece of a great life magician.

  The fate of ordinary people can only depend on their gradual growth with age, whether it is a generation of emperors or civil servants and generals, this is the case.

  However, the life magician masters the method of opening the ground.

  However, if you are not a life magician and use Kaidi Jade, there may be flaws.

  The lucky student recalled the words of the fortune-teller again. Although the fate will be unstable and the fortune will be shaken after the land is opened, as long as the fortune is strong enough, it can be stabilized and the flaws can be eliminated in two or three years at most.

  The fortune-teller also said that if something unexpected happens during the opening process, you should find him as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a big disaster.

  The lucky student thought for a long time and sighed softly.

  "I didn't want to use it at first, but I'm just a martial artist and know nothing about the Secret Earth. I'm threatened by Ye Han outside and rejected by the King of Chu inside. I must increase my strength as much as possible. This Kaidi Jade must be used!" Okay

  ! Yun Sheng sighed and stretched out his hand to activate the Kai Di Jade.

  The open ground jade turned into a ball of white light and penetrated into the brow of the good luck student.

  The lucky student screamed, vomited blood and fainted.

  At the same time, the Destiny Card flashed a glimmer of light.

  (End of chapter)

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