Chapter 73 My father praised you

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  Chapter 73 My father praised you.

  One after another, officials entered the Si Zhengdian. Soon, three people sat on the four rosewood chairs.

  Li Qingxian observed secretly.

  The first Grand Master's chair was empty, and the commander on the left had gone out but had not returned.

  On the second Taishi chair, Yang Xiangshu, the commander on the right, nicknamed Yang Mouzui, was thin, dark and tall, with a dull face. He sat upright from beginning to end and said nothing.

  On the third Grand Master's chair, Song Yanxue, the commander-in-chief on the left and the director of the Demon Hunting Department, is sitting. He is dressed in a military attache's official robe and has a heroic appearance, especially a pair of big eyes, which are bright and clear. Even his cold face cannot cover the eyes. look.

  On the fourth Grand Master's chair is Yu Xianhe, the commander-in-chief on the right who I have seen before. He is a fat old man who is kind and cheerful.

  Seeing this formation, Li Qingxian already understood that as the first life magician from the Night Guard, his significance was probably extraordinary.

  "Your Majesty, the Commander-in-Chief of Guards, has arrived!"

  With a roar...

  all the officials stood up and looked outside the gate.

  The dazzling sunlight made the ground white, and a huge chair appeared at the door.

  The chair was larger than an ordinary sedan chair, and it slowly turned around.

  The four bearers were wearing green-bottomed embroidered seventh-grade military attache uniforms. They were all strong and muscular.

  On top of the lifting bar, a large red flat plate is laid out.

  On the large red flat plate, there is a huge iron chair with carved beasts. Behind the chair, a bright blue canopy is erected, like a big umbrella to block the sun.

  The chair is more than two meters long from side to side.

  Such a big chair was filled to the brim with people on it.

  On the fine iron chair, there is a little giant sitting upright, holding a large fragrant wood fan in his hand and fanning it gently.

  This little giant was piled on the chair like a triangular mountain of meat, with its huge belly layered on top of each other, covering his fat legs and hanging down at his feet.

  The huge head was shiny without a single hair.

  When this man smiled, his eyes and mouth disappeared, sinking into the flesh of his face, forming three large slits.

  One layer, two layers, three layers, four layers, five layers... A full

  five layers of thick chin are like five steps spread on the chest.

  Even if the little giant is just sitting, it is close to one foot by visual inspection.

  Li Qingxian suspected that if this man's big pants were hung outside, no one would know what they were for, and they might be used as a quilt cover.

  The fair and tender giant smiled, with kind eyes, and said: "Everyone, sit down, everyone, sit down."

  Everyone still stood, carrying chairs and slowly entering.

  The little giant glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Li Qingxian.

  "But the new fortune-teller Li Qingxian?"

  Li Qingxian saluted and said, "It's the lower official who has met the Lord Commander of the Guards." "

  Okay, he has a lot of potential, but the tiger father has no dog son." "

  Your Excellency, I am complimenting you, and I want to lower my official status. You are unknown, but my father praised you before he was alive." Li Qingxian habitually climbed up the pole.

  "Oh? Why did Mr. Gangfeng praise me?" The gap opened, revealing two curious eyes.

  Li Qingxian's heart skipped a beat as he casually patted a horse. Why are you so careful? Who among you doesn't know what kind of coward you are?
  Li Qingxian hurriedly searched his mind. This evaluation must not be vernacular, otherwise it will not be like what Li Gangfeng said, but it must be consistent with the commander-in-chief, be positive, make the other party happy, and preferably have a good reputation. Officials are all good at this.

  Li Qingxian almost went crazy, thinking that he would never talk nonsense in Li Gangfeng's name again. Everyone looked at Li Qingxian quietly.

  Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, Li Qingxian was anxious and wise, and said: "My father is always careful about his words and deeds outside, but occasionally he drinks some wine at home and speaks freely. My father once praised the commander of the guard, saying that the sea is open to hundreds of rivers, and it is great to have tolerance. If you don't have desires, you will be strong."

  King Song's eyes suddenly widened, and then he laughed, the layers of fat on his body undulating rhythmically.

  "Wonderful couplet." Yu Xianhe, the commanding officer on the right, couldn't help but admire.

  Some cultural and cultural officials praised it one after another, and some even took off their hairpins and wrote them down.

  "Tolerating all rivers, he is the body of the Song King. He is tolerant and big, and he is the heart of the Song King. Standing on the wall is the title of the Song King. Without desire, he is strong. He is the god of the Song King. It is a perfect fit. Mr. Gangfeng is comparable to Bole." "Not only does it fit,

  this The couplet is also extremely exquisite. Its shape is majestic and its intention is far-reaching. It is a rare and beautiful sentence." "Tolerance

  is great and no desire is strong. They are both words of the saint. They are so absolute and rare in this world!" "

  This sentence, Enough to be famous forever!"

  All the officials praised him one after another, but Zhou Chunfeng was the only one who looked at Li Qingxian in confusion.

  King Song touched his bald head and said with a cheerful smile: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Chunfeng, today you go back and write this couplet and hang it in my study. No, write two couplets and hang them at my door...write a few more, I will hang it in a few more places. It is truly a blessing to be praised so much by Mr. Gang Feng. Mr. Gang Feng’s knowledge and ability to recognize people are the best today! My nephew, if you have hunted monsters, you will change your clothes tomorrow. Li

  Qingxian said: "Your Majesty, King Song, I have just been promoted to the tenth rank and have not yet hunted monsters."

  King Song said with a smile: "I think you are a talented person, full of knowledge, and a life magician. It is a pity not to be among the genuine ones. Don't delay Now, niece Yanxue, we will have some free time for the next round of demon hunting."

  "Yes." Song Yanxue agreed.

  All the officials looked at Li Qingxian with great envy.

  This couplet is simply a stepping stone to open the door of the Commander-in-Chief's family.

  The coward has a reputation for being patient and uncontroversial. Normally, he wouldn't be so happy when someone praises him, but that sentence "Be strong without desire" was a stroke of genius that scratched the itch.

  As for the position of guard envoy, King Zi was not willing to take it, and only wanted to work as a casualty, but it was this temperament that made Emperor Taining feel at ease, and he was forced by Emperor Taining to take up the post to replace the deceased third prince.

  Li Qingxian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the reaction was quite good. As for what the saint said, I couldn't understand it at all.

  Amid everyone's comments and praises, he carried the chair into the depths, slowly turned around, and landed on the platform.

  "Sit down, everyone, sit down, I am very happy today." The cowardly king said.

  Only then did everyone sit down.

  Wei Yong looked at Ye Han again and noticed that Ye Han's expression was different. He smiled slightly, regained his composure, and glanced at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian sat on the chair, lowered his head slightly, with a well-behaved look on his face.

  I accidentally got ahead of myself twice in a row, and that's pretty much it. If I stand out again, I'm afraid I'll get slapped.

  As a result, Li Qingxian seemed to have forgotten his mouth and only listened to the discussion of the middle-rank officials with his ears.

  This time in the Sizheng Hall, the only major event was the next demon hunt. After talking about this matter, the king closed his eyes and rested.

  At the end of the meeting, Cao Ming, the chief minister of the Shendu Division, stood up. He first saluted the Coward King and then said, "Since Li Qingxian has been promoted to a life magician, according to the usual practice, should we give him a partial position or a title?"

  Many The person nodded slightly.

  Taking partial positions with fame and salary but no real power is a means to win over non-court officials.

  A seventh-grade official in green stood up and said: "Master Cao, if the life magician is not registered in Qintian Prison, he is not from the great life sect, and he is afraid that his identity cannot be verified. It is better to wait. When there is evidence, it will not be too late to seal him again. . What's more, he is one of the Night Guards, and he has a full-time job, so it is not appropriate to add a partial position. "The

   sea is open to all rivers, tolerance is great, a wall stands thousands of feet high, and no desire is strong.

    Couplets written by the famous minister Lin Zexu. If there is contentment, it is a big change from "Shangshu", while if there is no desire, it is just a change from "The Analects of Confucius".

  (End of chapter)

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