Chapter 719: Conspiracy situation

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  Chapter 719: Conspiracy
  Situation expressionless Mr. Academy said: "Since Yuan Hai is in danger, let's help him resolve the danger first."

  Everyone nodded lightly, and no one refuted Mr.

  Li Qingxian said: "Thank you sir. In my opinion, although Guizhen is magical, there are traces to follow and methods to break it. The real danger comes from the mayor and the five sons sending demons. The Xuekou Demon has brought the Black Moon Demon, Then the other four great sons of gods must have brought different portraits of demon gods."

  Li Qingxian also said something in his heart, in fact, the mayor and the demon sons are nothing, the six laozi in his own spiritual platform are really terrifying.

  "Other demons are fine, but if you bring the portrait of the Demon God of Annihilation from the Heavenly Demon Sect, it will be troublesome." One person said.

  "The Great Nirvana Demon God is said to be a clone of the three supreme demon gods. He is one level higher than the Black Moon Demon God and is the most difficult to deal with. Even though Emperor Taining was so powerful, he never really killed the Demon Sect in the end." "The Great Nirvana Demon God is one level higher than the Black Moon Demon God

  . The God of Destroying Demons symbolizes ultimate power and eternal perdition. His attributes are often full of killing and madness, and few are normal. Therefore, the Demonic Gate God is acting like a pig, but no one dares to actually destroy it. After all, he is barely considered the Supreme Demonic God. Taoism."

  "It's better to do this. Once you find the devil from Tianmomen, you should avoid it immediately and find a way to lure him into a fight with the mayor." "That's the only way.

  Then, you need to use the situation to influence both sides. Let's talk about what you have. Situation and destiny skills can help each other..."

  Everyone came up with suggestions.

  At the beginning, Li Qingxian could still understand completely, such as the chariot and horse method, such as the star inducing method, such as the false fortune method, etc.

  But in the end, I could only barely understand various vocabulary words, but could not fully understand them in depth, so I had to write them down silently and study them later.

  Afterwards, everyone asked about Li Qingxian's strength and learned that Li Qingxian actually controlled three major situations. They became interested, and based on Li Qingxian's strength, they designed one hundred and thirty-seven methods, and finally selected twelve. Let Li Qingxian adapt to the situation and choose how to target the demons of the Demon Sect and the mayor according to the situation at that time.

  Li Qingxian was slowly learning the twelve ways to influence situation and destiny. The young Xiao Shenfeng touched his chin and said slowly: "The devil of the Tianmo Sect has strong luck, plus the protection of the devil's portrait, it is no small matter. That Zhang Wentian Shen He holds the important position of mayor and unites all the major forces, and his luck is also extraordinary. If you forcefully use force and fate to influence the other party, something unexpected may happen. I think we should borrow a little bit of the power of Gui..." Everyone turned to look at each other

  . Xiang Xiao Shenfeng.

  Li Qingxian turned to look at the teacher and said, "Sir, can I end today's class?"

  The teacher remained motionless. Xiao Shenfeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, we can't borrow the power of Wei Zhen or Wei Mist, but we can use the power of Wei Zhen or Wei Mist." The power of deceitful people. We try to create 'pretend men' to introduce the deceitfulness of the townspeople into the situation, and then use the deceitfulness to suppress the devil and the mayor, thus prompting the two forces to meet. We cannot completely eliminate the deception. Qi, but it can still be done to weaken the cunning energy."

  "Yes. If you add cunning power and cooperate with secret guidance, even if you fail, Yuan Hai will not be hurt. If you force the two sides to lead openly, they will face great disaster if they fail. The consequences of the Demon God of Nirvana's gaze will be disastrous."

  "Yes, let's think of other ways..."

  Everyone discussed again and came up with many good ideas.

  Some people suggested that they simply let Li Qingxian re-establish the Ming Sect in Gui Town, recruit more disciples, and let those who join the group directly learn the fortune-telling skills, and at the same time help Li Qingxian influence the situation and avoid fighting alone.

  Someone suggested that it would be more effective to let Li Qingxian deceive General Tomb and others from the mountain to come down and suppress the battle.

  Someone suggested that they find a way to bleed some blood for the King of Chu, and use the power of the King of Chu to induce the devil to fight with the mayor.

  Others suggested that they simply establish a false sect, worship false gods, and twist the townspeople in the lower mountain area into a rope to fight against the luck of the mayor and others.

  Li Qingxian was silent. In terms of playing dirty tricks, these fortune tellers really didn't fear anyone.

  If we really let this gang of people enter Guizhen, they can kill the mayor alive.

  Li Qingxian listened, took notes, and thought about various feasibility.

  In the end, with the help of a group of life magicians who came from nowhere, dozens of plans were formulated.

  "Okay, now that the basic plan is solved, we can start thinking about how to create a trick situation." Xiao Shenfeng said. "Okay!"

  Everyone completely forgot about Li Qingxian and enthusiastically discussed how to create an unprecedented situation.

  Li Qingxian looked at these guys helplessly and could only record their words silently and study silently.

  The Conspiracy situation involves a completely new situation and Qi structure, especially the core of Conspiracy Qi. Not many people understand it, so even if a large number of mysterious life magicians discuss it, the progress is very slow.

  Although Li Qingxian knew that one day inside and only a moment outside, they discussed it for three days at a stretch...

  What else could they do?
  I can only listen silently.

  After three days, the group of fortune masters had reached the conclusion of their discussions, and began to reconsider, re-analyze the structure of the Conspiracy Bureau, check for flaws one by one, and temporarily name it the Fortune Bureau.

  Each new situation required constant adjustment, including names.

  In the end, everyone found that there were sixty-seven places that were difficult to solve.

  Some were about the operation of qi, some were about the power of treacherous qi, some were about the lack of life materials, and some were more difficult than imagined...

  So everyone divided the difficult points and handed them over to the best people in the relevant fields to tackle them one by one.

  Soon, most of the difficult points were solved, but all the places involving trickery or treachery were stuck.

  Everyone discussed again.

  "The flow of strange qi is more complicated than the qi machine. In other words, although the qi machine changes in an unpredictable way, it originates from heaven and earth and has been slowly analyzed by countless of us over thousands of years. But the strange qi has never been analyzed by anyone. After..."

  "The core of the Fu terrain, Dafu Mountain, needs twelve strange rivers, but how will these twelve rivers be formed?" "

  We are talking a little bit on paper..."

  At this time, Li Qingxian, who had been recording and studying, raised his head and said slowly: "The flow of strange energy changes in many ways. Normally it is a biphasic state, like countless small Qingduanyun vortex machines connected into three streams of converging river energy. Of course, the subtleties are different. In the student's opinion, the twelve strange rivers should form a cloud-gathering pattern at the top, twelve consecutive snake rivers in the middle, six winding mountain bays at the bottom, and finally end with The other Qi connection points are supplemented by water vortex marble potential blocks. Of course, this is the best I can understand, and there should be a better way to deal with it." The whole place was silent


  Xiao Shenfeng asked slowly: "How did you detect the flow of strange energy?"

  Everyone inside and outside the classroom looked at Li Qingxian silently.

  Li Qingxian was silent for a few moments and said: "I have rich experience in the evil spirit."

  "Li Xuzhong has more experience than you. He has not studied the evil spirit yet."

  Xiao Shenfeng said slowly: "Can you demonstrate it with a life chart? ?"

  "It should be possible." Li Qingxian said.

  "Use this." Someone outside the door said.

  (End of chapter)

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