Chapter 717 The Emperor’s Sword Shines in the Light

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  Chapter 717: Emperor Sword Shining Huaguang

  walked out of Prince Chu's Mansion. Lucky Sang gently wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought over and over in his mind.

  Something must have happened in the mist, or the King of Chu had figured out something and decided to kill Ye Han and even move out of the Emperor Martial Pavilion.

  The Imperial Martial Arts Pavilion was built by Taizu Taizu of Great Qi when he founded the country, and contains countless martial arts secrets and treasures from the world's great sects.

  There is an unwritten rule in the imperial court that those who wish to become a general must first enter the Imperial Martial Pavilion.

  In history, everyone who enters the Imperial Martial Pavilion and obtains a great inheritance treasure will become a son of genius.

  What's more, since my luck is so strong, once I enter the Imperial Martial Pavilion, I will definitely get the most powerful treasure in it.

  The Imperial Martial Pavilion itself is extremely attractive, but what is more important is the attitude of King Chu.

  The King of Chu all said this, if he did not show his loyalty, he would not survive for three days.


  the lucky man looked up and looked forward, with a faint smile on his lips.

  "After all the hardships I have gone through, how can I turn back? The king of Chu, Ye Han, and Emperor Taining are all appearances. The essence of everything is the ability and resources at my disposal. I fought with Ye Han in a bloody battle, but the result How about it? Even if I help the King of Chu, even if he becomes the King of Heaven, if I don’t have the ability to protect myself, wouldn’t I end up in the tragic situation of retiring from old age and returning to my hometown, or even drinking poison in Bai Ling?” “Loyalty? Can you guarantee that I will enter the Super Rank and obtain the Great Dao

  ? If not, what's the difference between you, King Chu, and Ye Han?"

  "I have been studying books these days and observing the great sages of the past. There are only two kinds of people who die well. They either retreat bravely from the rapids, or they master the power that the emperor dare not move. I , I can only choose the latter! As for the fight between two people, what does it have to do with me? When a snipe and a clam fight, the fisherman gets the best." "

  From now on, I no longer act on impulse, and I have to consider everything when I encounter it. What do I gain and what do I lose.”

  "By fighting Ye Han, I might be rewarded by the King of Chu, but what will be the consequences? It will probably be a greater loss or even my life. So, I will continue to be loyal to the King of Chu, while on the other hand, I will secretly show my goodwill to Ye Han. If not If you are absolutely sure, you will keep showing your goodwill and pretending to fight. If there is a perfect chance, you will slap him to death and plunge him into a place of eternal destruction." "Currently, the only way to make

  Ye Han fall into a place of eternal destruction is to let the court discover him. I snatched the dragon vein, but unfortunately, there is nothing I can do for the time being. No matter what..." "

  I want to learn the way of doing things from the ancient sages!"

  "Kill the old me and rebuild the new me!"

  The lucky student smiled slightly and took a big step.

  There were roars in his life palace.

  As the fate star was being polished into a tool, magma spewed out from a huge crater, drowning the white light sword above.

  Countless hammer shadows fell from the sky and merged into the white light sword.

  After an instant, the bright light shone thousands of miles away.

  The light converged, and the crater turned into a high mountain. A golden emperor's sword stood on the top of the mountain. The light shone, overwhelming the world, and commanding majesty in all directions.

  The hilt of the sword is surrounded by stars, floating and sinking.

  Most of the Imperial Sword is solidified, with only the countless cloud patterns on the surface twisting and flowing. It is still a liquid, and it will take a period of growth to completely solidify.

  Life Star: The Emperor's Sword first condenses.

  The distant destiny sect.

  A golden light rose into the sky.

  The great elder hurriedly looked for the leader's token, took a closer look, and laughed loudly.

  "The son of destiny has come true. As I expected, Li Qingxian is just Ye Han's whetstone. Come here, cancel all previous plans, give up targeting Li Qingxian, and be on good terms with him. Find another way to resolve the relationship between him and him. The grievances between Ye Han made Li Qingxian the first minister of Ye Han. Well... He sent someone to warn Zhang Wentong that he must not do anything. After the five sons were sent to the devil, if it happened again, the Destiny Sect would not sit idly by and ignore it. "Then Li Qingxian must have misunderstood our Tianming Sect. I heard that he has a good relationship with Zhou Xuanshan. Come here, take an Imperial Martial Pavilion Order and ask the head of Zhou to pass it to Li Qingxian to resolve the grudges." Hua Mo Shan.

  Zhang Wentong listened to his subordinate's report with a confused look on his face. Why did the Tianming Sect suddenly try to protect Li Qingxian?
  Fuzhen, threshing floor.

  Everyone waited quietly for an hour, but no one came.

  The new townspeople don't know, but the old townspeople shudder.

  After a long time, a sixth-grade old town citizen couldn't help but gather his energy and shouted: "Residents of this town are invited to come to the threshing floor to discuss the matter of the strange fog."

  There was no reply.

  Everyone waited quietly.

  After a long time, still no one came.

  The dirty beggar sighed: "If the others are still alive, it proves that this strange fog is limited even if it is weird. Now that the others are gone, but we are the only ones who have survived so much, it only proves that we have done something, Withstood the erosion of the strange fog. Thanks to brothers Ye Sizheng and Ye Wei."

  Everyone nodded and looked at Li Qingxian with lingering fear.

  "What shall we do next?" Xu Changren asked.

  "What else can you do? Just live step by step and wait for the promotion to immortality."

  "Didn't the mayor give an order? All the demon cultivators should go to the town government office. Let's look for the new demon cultivators. Maybe they can make a contribution." "Yes.

  " Ah, there are so many rewards..."

  Some townspeople talked about the mayor's reward.

  Li Qingxian convened a brief discussion with his core subordinates and made a preliminary judgment. Since the relationship with the mayor was unclear, he would not go to the upper mountainous area for the time being and would wait and see what happened in the lower mountainous area.

  So, Li Qingxian said loudly: "Dear townspeople, I, Ye Han, have just arrived here and I am not familiar with this place. However, after all, I am the Night Guard Patrol Division Sizheng, responsible for the security of the country, the protection of the land, and the protection of the family and the people. Anyone who can trust me, You can follow us, but if you don't believe it, please explore the town on your own. I'll take my leave."

  After speaking, Li Qingxian gave everyone a fist and led the night guard towards the previous courtyard.

  The new townspeople hesitated, some followed the Night Guard, while others stayed where they were.

  Li Qingxian returned to the courtyard and counted the people.

  Although it is unclear how many people came in that day, there are still more than 200 night guards and more than 100 people of the divine capital around.

  With Li Qingxian's house as the center, everyone selected houses around them, assigned tasks, packed their things, and settled in temporarily.

  Li Qingxian's Qiankun bracelet contained many items, and he successively distributed daily necessities, food and water, swords, guns, bows and arrows, etc., and soon armed three hundred people.

  The night guards were well aware of Li Qingxian's deeds. Even though some of them were not from the patrol department, they respected the young marquis from the bottom of their hearts.

  Although the residents of Shendu City didn't know much about Li Qingxian, the name Gang Feng's son made them choose to believe him.

  After settling in for a while, Li Qingxian convened a meeting with core subordinates and formulated various plans.

  "...The attitude of the mayor is the most important. He will not let us develop. He will definitely find a way to stop us..." "...

  When the five sons send demons to cause trouble for him, we can be stable in a short time. Once he solves the five sons Sending demons..."

  (End of this chapter)

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