Chapter 705: The first aid method

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  Chapter 705: The First Assistant's Method
  After listening to the story of "The Debate of the Number One Scholar", many people had beads of sweat on their foreheads.

  Once you believe that "choice is greater than effort", you can find excuses, but you will also completely lose the opportunity to change.

  Xu Changren suddenly said: "Luck is a panacea. Dirty beggars, even if they are Quanjie Gong, they are not omnipotent. I have a friend who believes in goodness, but in the end he was harmed by evil and his family was destroyed. Later, he no longer believed in goodness. What do you think? Did he believe wrong or choose wrong?"

  Upon hearing this, everyone nodded slightly, this point seemed to hit the point.

  Unexpectedly, the dirty beggar smiled and said: "The mayor is wise. You can think of it. The students present also thought of it. Someone also asked this question at that time. Quan Jiegong asked that person: 'Do you believe in goodness, or only believe in goodness? You Is it enough to believe in goodness, or do you need something else besides goodness?' What Quan Jiegong means is that you think what you believe is enough, but in fact, it is far from enough. Do you think Quan Jiegong's front yard receives the decree? He kills enemies and corrupt officials in the backyard to avenge his benefactor. Is it just that he believes in kindness? Obviously, Quan Jiegong also believes in learning, himself, hard work, progress, strength, and many other things. That friend of yours is right to believe in kindness. , what was wrong was that I believed that I was right, and did not find that I had other wrong or missing beliefs, and then made the wrong choice." Xu Changren said slowly: "Blessing is a panacea. I understand. That

  friend of mine , in essence, you know a lot of truths, but understand few truths, believe in even fewer truths, and do even less truths."

  Li Qingxian said: "It's a blessing in disguise. That friend of yours still doesn't understand that in this world, there are more than just Great achievements are the only choice. Believe that you can live a peaceful life. Believe that you are happy when you are alive. Believe that you can be happy without buying a house in Guizhen, which is also good. Just be afraid. Believe in this for a while, believe that for a while, and be led by others. Walking with your nose in the dark, you actually don't know what you believe at all, and then you make random choices, and finally you keep blaming yourself and others."

  Xu Changren nodded.

  Li Qingxian said again: "Good luck. Thank you, old man, for retelling the story of 'The Debate of the Number One Scholar' at this time. I have heard it and thought I understood it, but now that I have listened to it again, I understand what Zhao Shoufu really meant after his words." . Now, we have to ask ourselves, do we believe in people in blue or people in white? Then ask, why should we believe in people in blue and people in white? At least as of the current situation, people in white do not regard us as human beings, and people in blue do not regard us as human beings. Among the people in clothes, some treat us like beasts and exploit us, but there are also a few people in blue who are unwilling to exploit us, protect us, and fight desperately against the people in white..." "...We need to sort out and collect some facts and truths, and pass them

  on A large number of truths are listed one by one to finally deduce who we should believe. Instead of relying on feelings, what others have said, our own old opinions or even wrong understandings..." "...If you are black-lined

  , White lining with blue lining hurts people in blue and opposes people in blue. I support it because you are not wrong. What is wrong is black lining with white lining and the people in blue..." "...

  but if this denies all people in blue, and then If you fully affirm the cannibalism of the man in white, then, like Xu Changren’s friends, will you believe less? Won’t you mistakenly think that what you believe is everything?” “…Similarly, most of the men in white I see

  are cannibals. Monsters, but I have also seen a few people in white with scarlet belts. They are opposing the people in white and helping the people in blue, and they may also help us. Therefore, it is up to you to decide how to judge in the end, and I will not interfere. ."

  Xu Fang said: "Fu Wu is lucky. If you use the method of Zhao Shoufu and Ye Sizheng to judge, it can only be the man in blue. It is true that most people in blue are bad, but the people in white are even more vicious." Liu Yitian sighed: "

  Fu Damn it. In fact, there is no difference between most people in blue and most people in white. People in white eat people openly, while people in blue eat people covertly. However, nowadays, our ability is not enough Let's solve all this, we can only lean towards the men in blue, at least most of the men in blue don't want our lives, they only care about the money in our pockets."

  The dirty beggar smiled and said: "The mayor is wise. The metaphor of Mr. Liu is good, and I will use it as well. They all want to eat us. The people in white will eat us when they catch them, while the people in blue will post a notice and find someone to eat." The reason is to dress neatly and eat slowly. When we meet people in white, we actually can’t resist, but when we meet people in blue, we can find ways to avoid being eaten before they eat us. So, I think we still choose blue. The man in blue is better." Everyone expressed their opinions, and in the end, except for a few silent ones, most of the people who were summoned chose the man in blue.

  Finally, Li Qingxian said slowly: "Okay, most of us choose the people in blue. But there are also differences between people in blue. I found that there have been internal conflicts among the people in blue, and we can take advantage of them Contradictions, fight for your own rights and interests. How the people in black with white lining and blue treat us, and how they performed in the battle, everyone has seen..." "...I also told you about the

  unlined blue From the performance of the people in blue and the people in scarlet belts, it is obvious that the people in blue on these two sides have a very good attitude towards us. Therefore, my plan is that we will continue to fight here first, but everyone will help each other and try our best. To avoid death in battle and preserve our vitality, it cannot be that the people in white did not kill us, but the people in blue killed us..." "

  ...At the same time, I will contact the people in blue without lining or the people in scarlet belt. Once After the fight against the people in white is over, or something happens in the middle, we will go and join them..." "

  ...However, no matter what happens in the future, no matter who we choose in the future, no matter what kind of clothes we wear, we are all human beings. We are all the same people, and we are all the same kind-hearted people. We live for ourselves and what we believe in, not for others, not for the clothes or anything else..." Soon, the content of the

  conversation is passed on to everyone.

  The vast majority of people also decided to choose the man in blue and supported Ye Sizheng's choice.

  Li Qingxian took out a lot of food, medicine, weapons and magic weapons and distributed them to everyone. After giving some instructions, he left the team and looked for the man in blue with the scarlet belt.

  Everyone looked at Li Qingxian's back and prayed silently in their hearts.

  The battle between blue and white continues.

  The men in black and white linings in blue kept driving the townspeople into battle like animals.

  There are fewer and fewer townspeople in other places, either killed in battle or transformed into men in white.

  (End of chapter)

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