Chapter 700 White clothes come to the rescue

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  Chapter 700: Bai Yi rescued the siege
  . While everyone was chatting, loud curses suddenly came from Zhang's Medical Clinic, and then the crowd became angry.

  "...He Zitu and these gray grandsons are just doing things like giving birth to children without having an asshole..." "...

  For the sake of money, they don't have any conscience at all..." "

  ...Every time they earn a tael of silver, the whole town will You will lose ten times a hundred times your money and your life!"

  Everyone gathered around and saw the dirty beggar jumping on his feet and yelling: "The mayor is wise. He Zitu, Zhang's Medical Center, you are still not human! You even have Fu Jing It’s all fake! If we hadn’t rushed in and found something wrong with the blessing mirror, we would never have discovered it in this life! Everyone, come and take a look, you guys, look at me now with different blessing mirrors, look at me, the nine blessings incarnation How many blessings does an old and immortal person have?"

  The people next to him took out different blessing mirrors from Zhang's Medical Center and took turns shining them on the dirty beggar. Most of the blessing mirrors showed nine blessings, but occasionally a blessing mirror showed no blessings. , Occasionally there is a mirror of blessing that reflects the ten blessings, and there is also a mirror of blessing that reflects the mist.

  "The mayor of the town is wise! These gray grandsons! No wonder everyone felt something was wrong back then. Some people were said to be lucky even though they clearly didn't have luck. Some people were said to be lucky despite being lucky, but they were actually surrounded by mist of luck. Scattered away and let others get lucky again! The lucky mirrors of the He Family Medical Center are now in the Zhang Family Medical Center. You and the He Zhang family are really good at planning! First make a lot of money in the name of curing evil, and then You make a fortune by treating diseases, and you shamelessly say that the medical clinic is prospering, so the whole town is prosperous... The business of the medical clinic is booming, but it is filled with human lives! Those are all human lives! You are still not human , are you human! My old brothers, you died so miserably. When we are all dead, no one in the world will know how you died..." The dirty

  beggar cried loudly.

  Everyone looked at the dirty beggar in silence.

  Suddenly, someone shouted: "The mayor is wise. I will kill anyone who can seriously injure the Zhang family. Isn't it just a matter of death? Instead of cowardly letting the trouble in the mountainous area die, it is better to kill them all first and bury them with them!"

  "Mayor Yingming, take me with you! I have long disliked the Xue family. What a bullshit. The Xue family from the north and the south are all the same. They all want to step on me and kill them! As long as they are crippled, I will kill them! The worst is possible. We are all destined to become immortals sooner or later, why not drag these beasts together to become immortals!"

  "The mayor is wise, kill!"

  "The mayor is wise, kill!"

  Everyone's eyes were red, especially those who were seriously deceived. People, breathing heavily, may rush forward at any time.

  Bai Gu whispered: "I am Wu Xiu. Let's leave immediately without parrots, otherwise, we are likely to die here." Zhang Hongshou's face turned red and he whispered: "I

  am the mayor. These unruly people deserve to die, wait. When the fog is over, ask my father to kill them!"

  Xue Baisheng said with a sullen face: "They are very pitiful. It doesn't matter, when you get out of the fog, capture some people and kill a group, and the rest will continue to farm honestly. , work."

  Xue Wangming smiled and said: "I am very sad. You two are too impulsive. You will kill whatever you want. Catch them and use them as beasts to pull mills and pull carts. Squeeze out the last oil and water and let them die. Just kill them and cancel the notice. ."

  "I am the mayor, let's go!"

  Zhang Hongshou threw down the parrot and left with the Xue brothers and Bai Gu.

  He Zitu and other people who were working for the mountainous area were shocked and hurriedly followed up: "Fu Town is safe. Dear nobles, why did you leave? Didn't you agree that as long as we follow you, you will protect us?" Zhang Hongshou was impatient

  . He waved his hand and slapped He Zitu to the ground with a palm filled with true energy, and said: "I am the mayor. Everything in Zhang's Medical Center has nothing to do with the Zhang family and Shangshan District. It belongs to He Zitu. If they act in private, you can kill or chop them into pieces, whatever."

  "Mayor Yingming! Don't let them go!"

  "Mayor Yingming! Stop them!"

  Everyone stepped forward to block them, and the four people moved forward slowly and nervously.

  Zhou Hen and the night guards looked at each other. This matter was not easy to handle.

  Take action, the other party has a notice and a top quality, the result is unpredictable, it is very likely that everyone will die together.

  Even if you don't take action, it's hard to stop it.

  At this moment, a white figure came out of the mist.

  Everyone lowered their heads and covered their waists.

  The whole threshing floor fell silent instantly. It was as if the man in white had entered a deserted area, and everyone moved out of his way.

  The brave ones peeked out of the corner of their eyes and realized that it was really the man in white, and quickly looked away.

  In such a large threshing floor, the only sounds that could be heard were the sound of the hard soles of the men in white hitting the ground, and each person's own heartbeat.

  Only a few people looked at the word "general" on their white clothes with strange expressions.

  The man in white walked up to Zhang Hongshou and the other four, and all four of them lowered their heads, not even daring to look at the bones.

  The four of them were all as well-behaved as puppies, thinking that they had offended the man in blue, and if they made any slight move against the man in white, they would probably be hunted down by the two major forces at the same time, and they would definitely die without a burial place.

  The man in white suddenly stopped, opened his big mouth, opened and closed it, and inhaled hard, as if a human being was sniffing something.

  After a while, the man in white stretched out his right hand with sharp nails, held Zhang Hongshou's chin, and slowly raised his head.

  Zhang Hongshou's whole body was shaking, his face was pale, he was so frightened that his breathing was intermittent, and his heart occasionally stopped.

  He tried not to look at the man in white, but was surprised to see the man in white making gestures.

  He secretly observed that the man in white had an extra word "general" on his body, which made him obviously different.

  He remembered just now that the man in white had surrounded the four people and opened his mouth to inhale, as if he was sniffing something. Could it be that he smelled the breath of the man in blue?
  Zhang Hongshou suppressed his fear and secretly looked at the gestures of the man in white.

  After watching for a while, he held his waist and said tentatively: "I am the mayor. You mean, let us follow you? Do you want to help us?" The man in white nodded


  Zhang Hongshou looked at the fierce-looking man in white in shock.

  The man in white looked impatient and growled, urging him to hurry up.

  Zhang Hongshou thought for a moment and remembered that he still had the notice and the ginseng fruit. Anyway, he was first targeted by the man in blue, then besieged by the townspeople, and could not return to the mountainous area. Since the man in white could communicate, maybe... Zhang Hongshou nodded immediately, and

  then The message was transmitted to the other three people, and finally they followed the man in white and left.

  When the man in white disappeared into the mist, everyone in the threshing floor breathed a sigh of relief and looked around with their hands on their waists.

  "The mayor is wise! Beat these dogs from the upper district to death!"

  Everyone swarmed forward, punching and kicking He Zitu and others.

  Zhang Hongshou and the four others followed the man in white to a secluded place. The man in white turned around and looked at them.

  Zhang Hongshou was well prepared. He took out a pen and paper from his lucky silverbait bag and started writing and communicating.

  The man in white made gestures for a while, and Zhang Hongshou kept writing and guessing, and finally asked: "Are you asking why we smell of the man in blue?" The

  man in white nodded.

  The four people looked at each other. Sure enough, the man in white was here for this.

  As a result, Zhang Hongshou began to fabricate lies, denounced how despicable and harmful the men in blue were, and how they were eventually hunted down by the men in blue, resulting in the loss of many of their subordinates.

  Finally, Zhang Hongshou wrote on the paper: "We believe what the notice says that only the people in white can save this place. We have decided to join you and fight against the people in blue!" (End of Chapter


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