Chapter 698 Notice Update

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  Chapter 698 Notes Update:
  Others can deceive people, but cunning energy cannot deceive people. No one in the human race can use cunning energy.

  Li Qingxian pointed at the blue token again.

  Xuekou Mozi guessed for a while before finally confirming it. He nodded and said: "Demon Sect Zhishan, I understand what you said. Anyone who encounters a blue sign is one of our own, and a white sign is an enemy. Don't worry, as long as you see someone Holding a white sign, he must be the bastard of the man in white. He will probably hunt me down, and I will definitely take action to avenge the man in white." The

  Bloody Mouth Devil looked down at his injuries and sighed softly.

  Afterwards, Li Qingxian turned around and walked outside, took out a green bamboo strip and pretended to knock it nearby.

  Xue Mou Mozi glanced at the green bamboo strips and no longer had any doubts in his heart. The strangeness contained in that thing was unimaginable.

  After staying away from the bloody devil, Li Qingxian returned to the alley where he had hidden before. The four tigers pointed at the deer cart and the big frog stayed here, wandering around.

  Li Qingxian recalled the images he saw from the Bloody Mouth Demon, slowly deduced them, and thought about them carefully.

  "As long as there is a portrait of the devil, whoever touches it will die..."

  Li Qingxian continued to look for notices. All signs showed that only by finding more notices could the mystery be solved better.

  Li Qingxian searched for a while, but found nothing. However, he noticed that the number of people in blue and white nearby increased significantly.

  Sometimes there are them on every street, so that there is no way to avoid them. Li Qingxian can only meet people in blue and turn into people in blue, and meet people in white and turn into people in white.

  After searching for a long time, I searched all around the threshing floor, but no new notices were seen.

  Suddenly, strange fluctuations came from the sky.

  Li Qingxian instinctively looked up.

  On the heavenly notice, words slowly appeared.

  "The situation in this town is critical. The people in white are affected by foreign objects and become more and more crazy. Therefore, the following instructions are added." "

  Seven, the people in white are too powerful. If you encounter them, don't rely too much on the people in blue. Please solve it yourself."

  "Eight, in order to tide over the difficulties, the price of food and drinking water has been increased. Anyone who dares to trade privately will be killed on the spot." "

  Nine, no one is allowed to steal the things of the man in blue and the man in white. Once discovered, he will be killed on the spot."

  "Ten. There are no mice or catfish in this town. If you see one, it must be an illusion. Leave immediately." "

  Eleven. Parrots have mysterious powers. No sound is allowed where parrots cannot be seen." "

  Twelve, except for This notice and the rest of the notices are all false. Once notices are posted randomly, kill them on the spot. If you encounter any notices, take them down and give them to the man in blue to get a reward. Be careful, some notices may contain the evil power of the man in white. "

  The more critical the moment, the more we should dedicate ourselves and unite as one to achieve success in this town."

  Li Qingxian read the instructions and found that after being a guard for many years, he had developed enough sensitivity.

  At this moment, Li Qingxian knew that there was a big problem in Guizhen.

  On the surface, this notice seems like nothing, calling everyone to unite.

  But if you break apart each word and look carefully, you will find something familiar. These things appeared at the end of the An Dynasty, the end of the Ya Dynasty, and the end of every old dynasty.

  This notice shows that during special times, the people in blue will not only reduce help, but even intensify oppression.

  If the people in blue are in trouble, it is understandable to reduce help, but why should they be squeezed even more?

  Li Qingxian couldn't figure it out, so he just sighed softly, used a spell to block his mouth to prevent him from accidentally speaking, and then walked quickly to the threshing floor.

  As he walked, he continued to send out seeking fairy bees to explore in all directions. The battles between the men in blue and the men in white began to increase.

  Even the men in black shirts and blue clothes, who had never been seen taking action, came out to fight, but they were far more passive than the men in blue clothes without shirts.

  As for the man in blue with white lining, it's just a fake fight.

  Occasionally, I saw men in blue clothes with scarlet belts, all of them were extremely fierce, beating the men in white clothes to retreat.

  What’s even more interesting is that the men in white are not mindless beasts. When they encounter a man in blue who is alone, they chase and fight fiercely, and when they encounter a powerful man in blue, they passively avoid fighting.

  The good news is that the blood-lined man in blue never came close.

  But when approaching the threshing floor, Li Qingxian stopped.

  Through the Seeker Bee, I saw a large green parrot falling in the center of the threshing floor.

  However, a group of strangers rushed over and grabbed the big parrot.

  Zhou Hen led Ye Wei and other masters to surround him, but many townspeople slowly retreated and refused to help each other.

  One of them said lazily: "I am the mayor. My surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Hongshou. The two people beside me are Xue Baisheng and Xue Wangming. Anyone who has lived here for a long time knows who we are." As for the tall, high-ranking man behind me, all the townspeople should have seen him. He is the Lord Bones you call him. Well, he personally led the team to kill the night guard who tried to die and disobeyed orders during the day today. Dear Night Guards, Wei, I advise you to see the situation clearly and don't make mistakes."

  Zhou Hen suddenly dwarfed slightly, the ground exploded, smoke and dust flew, and he rushed towards Zhang Hongshou.

  An instant later, two tall skeleton cavalrymen rushed forward and slashed at Zhou Hen with machetes. Then, the bones flashed in front of Zhang Hongshou, and he grabbed them with his right hand. The dense bones rose from the ground, forming a huge cage of bones to protect him. Four of them.

  "I am a martial arts cultivator. Zhou Hen, I have heard of your reputation. Although my reputation is not obvious, I have been promoted to the third level for many years. You may not have a chance of winning against me. What's more, we have a notice in our hands. This is You don't have it. As long as you don't fight with us in this strange fog, after it's over, I will ask the mayor to put things past the past, and even recruit you into the mountainous area..." While Bai Gu was talking, two skeleton cavalrymen were surrounded by Zhou

  . Hatred was chopped into pieces and fell to the ground, shaking wildly and unable to reassemble its body.

  When the townspeople not far away saw this scene, their eyes shone.

  Unexpectedly, there are still people who can defeat the skeleton cavalry. You know, there was once a fourth-level master who was chopped into meat by two skeleton cavalry.

  The bone-white face continued without changing: "...If you do it, the notice in the mayor's hand can kill you hundreds of times. You are very strong and may be able to kill us, but you don't have a notice. The power of the notice is far away. It's beyond your imagination. If you really want to kill Mr. Zhang, the mayor will definitely know that you can't escape. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people around you, old beggar, you know best, just tell him."

  The dirty beggar sighed helplessly and nodded slightly.

  Zhou Hen stood there, motionless.

  Bai Gu turned his head and glanced at Zhang Hongshou. Zhang Hongshou nodded and said, "I am the mayor. Everyone, you have misunderstood us. I catch parrots not for myself, but for all of us. Parrots are so precious, if If someone outside the town gets it, the consequences will be disastrous. I am the son of the mayor. If the mayor is not here, I am the top manager here. Will I harm everyone?" Everyone was silent, but there were various expressions on their faces, including mockery

  . Some looked angry, some showed hatred, and some looked as sinking as water.

  "No!" someone suddenly shouted.

  Zhang Hongshou nodded and smiled.

  But the next moment, many townspeople shouted.



  the dirty beggar shouted loudest.

  The smile on Zhang Hongshou's face solidified.

  (End of chapter)

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