Chapter 691 Lan Yi doesn’t speak

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  Li Qingxian said: "Good luck. Now our focus is on the 'real people in blue'. Through the search for fairy bees, I have discovered the following types of people in blue, namely blue people without shirts, black shirts and blue people." There are people in white shirts and blue clothes, and people in blood shirts and blue clothes. Among them, the only one in blood shirts and blue clothes wears a bamboo hat. Some of the people in white shirts and black shirts wear bamboo hats, and some do not. No one in blue clothes without a shirt wears a bamboo hat. ..."

  Li Qingxian glanced at everyone and continued: "But I have seen a shirtless man in blue carrying a bamboo hat. According to my deduction and judgment, the shirtless man in blue without a bamboo hat is most likely to be more dangerous than other people in blue. Believe it or not, because my fairy-seeking bees may disappear suddenly when they encounter other people in blue. However, when they encounter a man in blue without a shirt, they will not disappear suddenly. They will only actively lose traces of him because of the distance. However, This is just a basic guess. We can't be sure that the man in blue without a shirt is absolutely safe. What do you have to say?"

  Most people shook their heads. This weird place is too complicated, and they still haven't figured out what's going on.

  Han Anbo said slowly: "The following are all lies. I have no conclusive evidence, but I think we should find the most trustworthy man in blue as soon as possible, and then go back to inform the people in the camp and ask them to follow the trustworthy man in blue. People, only in this way can we avoid more deaths. We alone cannot protect so many people, and it is absolutely unsafe to stay in this kind of place." Li Qingxian nodded, discussed for a while, and said:

  "Good luck with the mist. Let's first go to the man in blue without a shirt, follow him, and see what happens. If possible, lead the man in white to him, and see what happens... Let's discuss the use of signs on the way, old gentleman, don't Tell me you don't know."

  The dirty beggar nodded silently.

  Li Qingxian first made a new four-tiger-pointing deer cart, and eventually there were five of them, pointing at four kinds of blue-clothed people and one kind of white-clothed people respectively without shirts, black shirts, white shirts, and blood shirts.

  According to the instructions of the deer guide, Li Qingxian led the people straight to where the shirtless man in blue was.

  In a residential house.

  Xekou Mozi quietly looked at the squirming left shoulder. One by one, the insects turned into flesh and blood, and the left arm slowly recovered.

  There were only four people left behind, and the eyes of those four people actually had a hint of ridicule compared to before.

  The blood-mouthed devil glanced at the four people coldly, restrained his mouth and thought quietly.

  After entering Gui Town, he met some strangers and prayed for their blessings.

  The first thing he did after waking up was to use demonic insects to control everyone. Every time he met a person to bless him, he would send one person out, killing four people to complete the solution.

  But I didn't expect that when I walked out the door, I was in a land of strange fog.

  Not long ago, when he met a man in white, he naturally followed the instructions and covered his waist.

  But in order to observe the changes, the two people deliberately did not cover their waists.

  A thin man was eaten alive by a man in white, causing his body to swell, and the stronger one turned into a man in white.

  Next, the new man in white continued to hunt down the bloody demon like a madman.

  The new man in white will also call other men in white to join forces to kill them.

  The Bloody Mouth Demon is not afraid of being chased, but the demonic insect puppets behind him cannot be like him, so his demonic insect puppets continue to decrease, and they either die or transform into new men in white to continue to hunt him.

  He found that the transformed man in white was obviously different from the original man in white. He was not that powerful and needed to obey orders, so he named it the puppet in white.

  As a demon child of the Demon Sect, he could not bear to run away like a lost dog, even if the other party was a scheming one.

  So he tried to fight and found that the normal man in white seemed to have an immortal body and could not be killed. Later, he was attacked by the man in white and his arm was bitten off.

  The puppet in white can be killed, but can be revived by the man in white.

  Now, four puppets in white clothes were searching for him, and he only had four demonic insect puppets left.

  "It seems that I need to find more people to refine into puppets. The bad news is that my consumption is increasing. The good news is that my god has instructed Ye Han to be here, and he must be as tricked as me... "

  In a farmhouse on the edge of town.

  Zhang Hongshou, Xue Baisheng, and Xue Wangming saw from a distance that three men in white were eating an old man tied to a tree, and then moved away. They had been followed by four guards, but now there were only three.

  The three of them were walking and chatting.

  "...I've almost figured out the rules, but this time it should be more dangerous than the last time. Last time, all eight of us returned safely, but this time, there was no one as soon as we came in..." "...It was just an accident

  . Who would have thought that the dead people would turn into men in white and attack us..." "

  ...How about, let's get started. How to play the first round?"

  "...Okay, let's find three people, and whoever chooses will live. In the end, whoever is the winner of the first round will be given a ginseng fruit by the other two people..."

  Behind the old cloth shop, Li Qingxian and nine people found the shirtless man in blue.

  The man in blue wore a black mask, and dark light surged inside the mask. He glanced at the nine people and walked forward.

  "Good luck to Fuwu. Hello, my name is Ye Han." Li Qingxian greeted with a smile.

  The man in blue just glanced at Li Qingxian and continued to move forward.

  Li Qingxian touched the thirty wooden sticks wrapped around his waist, stepped forward, blocked the path of the man in blue, and said with his hands, "Good luck. Ye Han, the Night Guard Inspector, has seen this." A friend."

  The man in blue stopped suddenly, looked Li Qingxian up and down, then nodded, walked around Li Qingxian, and continued walking.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the man in blue was not aggressive at all.

  Li Qingxian didn't expect that the man in blue didn't say a word, so he followed him, imitating a social gangster, chatting while walking, and trying various things, but the man in blue only nodded occasionally to show that he understood, but didn't do anything else. respond.

  "...Oh, why don't you say anything. By the way, I can find the man in white. Let's work together to deal with the man in white?"

  The man in blue suddenly stopped and looked at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Good luck. Why don't you come with me? There is a man in white nearby. If I guessed correctly, if I can kill a man in white, it will be good for you, right?" The man in blue hesitated for a moment

  . With a slight nod of his head, Li Qingxian was about to speak, but the man in blue shook his head again.

  "The fortune will be good. Is it certain?" Li Qingxian asked tentatively.

  The man in blue nodded.

  Li Qingxian was numb. He didn't expect it to be so complicated. He looked at Han Anbo, who shook his head.

  The man in blue continued to move forward. Li Qingxian thought for a while, then led the team away, found the nearest man in white, and pretended to escape, but in fact seduced him.

  After a while, nine people led the man in white to the man in blue.

  The last time, the man in blue with black lining and the man in white looked at each other and then left.

  This time, Li Qingxian observed secretly.

  Both sides stopped at the same time, and the man in white grinned widely and roared threateningly at the man in blue.


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