Chapter 687 The man in white

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  Chapter 687

  The door of a residential house on the edge of the town of the man in white suddenly opened.

  A tall middle-aged man with flashing blue eyes frowned slightly, stretched out his right hand, touched the strange mark on the back of his head, and touched the silver scroll behind his back.

  The silver scroll had thick thighs and was taller than him. It was slung behind him and stuck out from his left shoulder.

  At the top of the scroll, a cloud of demonic energy slowly rotated.

  The man frowned and looked at the notice in the sky. He was silent for a long time and then took out a portrait from the lucky silverbait bag. The person on it was wearing a third-grade purple lucky official uniform, but his appearance was unusually young.

  He slowly put away the portrait, remembering the instructions from the elders of the sect before setting off.

  If you kill...Ye Han, you can enter the Ten Thousand Demons Cave to practice for three years, you can brand a demon god on the spiritual platform, and you can obtain one of the four major skills of the Demon Sect, the "Great Heavenly Demon's Coming into the World".

  He looked at the notice quietly, scenes from the past flashing in his mind.

  If Ye Han is killed, he can be successfully promoted to the top rank, and then return to the family and slaughter the whole clan... He

  must solve it before the other four!
  When he laughed, his bloody mouth opened up and down, and insects flew around.

  He stepped out of the door and walked forward.

  People followed him out one after another, some wearing night guard uniforms, some wearing commoners, and some wearing brocade robes.

  Everyone's face was expressionless, their movements were stiff, and their bones seemed to have been replaced with straight wooden sticks.

  Their eyes were flashing with extremely complex lights, including fear, anger, despair, silence, nostalgia, regret... Most

  people didn't understand what was going on, except for an eighth-grade night guard whose eyes were particularly calm.

  If you encounter a bloody devil, you can live an extra quarter of an hour, so there is no need to struggle.

  In the alley not far from the Lower District Yamen, Li Qingxian took precautions and quickly put down the altar artifact.

  Not long after, Li Qingxian walked out.

  Everyone looked around and saw a waist-high two-wheeled wooden cart at Li Qingxian's feet. The wooden cart was pulled by four tigers. The strange thing was that the tigers were separated on four sides, as if they were pulling the cart in all directions at the same time.

  On the car, stood a pure white deer, with its head raised high, facing the direction of the yamen entrance through the layers of walls.

  Han Anbo looked at the wooden cart and nodded slightly.

  Xu Changren said: "Luck is a panacea. Lord Sizheng, what is this?"

  "Fu Mist brings good luck. Let's talk as we walk. The Four Tigers refer to the Deer Cart, a one-time life weapon, which is essentially a life skill. I We've locked in on that person...who can't be told directly. No matter where he is, the Four Tigers can point in his direction, and we can try our best to avoid it..." Li Qingxian walked and told

  everyone, walking out In the alley, Li Qingxian pointed in the direction of Bailu.

  "That's where the unspeakable person is. We can't go towards him. We have to change the direction, for example, to the west...

  Li Qingxian turned to look to the west of the street, his eyes trembled, and everyone who looked over was stunned for a moment.

  He saw four people running quickly with their hands on their waists. Behind them, a man in white walked forward slowly. He was obviously walking very slowly, but he was never thrown away by the four people. Li Qingxian hurriedly lowered his head to look at the ground, and then pressed the button with his left hand

  . on the left waist, coughed lightly, and quickly retreated to the entrance of the alley.

  Everyone's hearts trembled, remembering the instructions, guesses, and various precautions that had been recited before. Everyone imitated Li Qingxian and put their left hands on On the left waist, he hid back at the entrance of the alley and looked at the ground.

  The footsteps outside the alley were getting closer and closer, and they were getting more and more messy. One person ran past the entrance of the alley, two people, three people...


  Chapter 1 The four people ran to the entrance of the alley, suddenly fell down, and threw themselves forward. Their hands instinctively left their waists and held down the ground to prevent their faces from falling to the ground.

  Everyone saw from the corner of their eyes that a white afterimage suddenly flashed before the person who fell. He stretched out two slender white hands, placed them on the left and right ears of the man, and patted them three times.

  The bones of the man's body made a slight crackling sound, his body trembled up and down, and then he slowly stood up.

  As he stood up, his clothes gradually turned white from bottom to top. When he stood up, his clothes all over his body turned white, and then he chased after the first three people.

  No one knows what happened.

  The nine people in the alley were horrified. They all turned their gazes to the ground in front of them and no longer looked outside the entrance of the alley.

  Suddenly, crisp footsteps sounded at the entrance of the alley. The soles of the man's shoes seemed to be very hard, and the sound echoed in the alley as they hit the ground. The crowd remained motionless.

  The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and everyone was getting more and more panicked, looking at Li Qingxian.

  Although the notice says to cover your waist, what if the other person is a special man in white?

  the footsteps stopped, and the sound sounded like drinking water from straw.

  Li Qingxian slowly controlled his breathing and lowered his head.

  He saw white robe and black shoes walking in front of him and stopped.

  Li Qingxian's heart was beating wildly, but he still lowered his head and refused to look up.

  Suddenly, the black hair drooped, and the man in white bent down and turned his head, looking at Li Qingxian from bottom to top.

  That face had no eyes or nose, and only a pair of vertical white lips from forehead to chin.

  The white lips opened to both sides, revealing two rows of vertical sharp teeth.

  In the throat behind the teeth, black liquid surged with a faint white heat.

  Li Qingxian turned his head sharply, not looking at that terrifying face.

  His hands were tightly covering his waist, not making any sound.

  After a while, the hard heel made another sound, then suddenly stopped.

  Xu Changren's heartbeat nearby was beating like a drum.

  After a while, the sound of heels sounded again.

  The sounds of the three people running became smaller and smaller.

  A soft sigh sounded, and then the man in white stepped on the ground with his hard heels and walked toward the distance, his voice getting softer and softer.

  When the sound of hard heels disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  They all raised their heads, glanced at the empty alley, and then looked at Li Qingxian.

  Unexpectedly, Li Qingxian pointed with his right hand to his left hand that was still pressing on his waist, then pointed at his eyes, and then looked down at the ground.

  The rest of the people were covered in hair and hurriedly continued to cover their waists and looked down at the ground.

  They occasionally glanced at Li Qingxian and saw that Li Qingxian remained motionless, so they followed suit.

  Time passed slowly, and a full quarter of an hour passed, but Li Qingxian still didn't move.

  The others were full of questions, but they didn't dare to say anything or move. They still covered their waists and lowered their heads.

  Suddenly, another faint sigh came from outside the alley.

  It was exactly the same as the sigh of the man in white just now.

  Everyone was stiff.

  Then, there was the familiar sound of hard heels walking, and soon the sound disappeared.

  Everyone looked at Li Qingxian again.

  Li Qingxian's face darkened, he let go of his hand on his left waist, and said slowly: "Good luck. This time is very evil, everyone, be prepared. If this person goes to the threshing floor, I don't know how many people will be tricked." ."

  "The mayor is wise. This old man scared me to death. How could this thing be able to kill him? It's vicious!"

  Suddenly, Li Qingxian looked at the Sihu Deer Car and saw the white deer slowing down on the car. Back away slowly.

  "Good luck in the fog. Follow me now, hurry!"

  Li Qingxian walked quickly, and the others hurriedly followed Li Qingxian through the streets and kept looking at the four tiger pointing deer cart.

  (End of chapter)

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