Chapter 682 Notice from Heaven

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  Chapter 682 Notice from Heaven:
  "You have food and drink in the mountain area, but are you watching the people in the lower area starve to death? Isn't the food used in the upper area grown by us in the lower area with our lives?" "

  Please Help me from the nobles in the mountainous area!"

  One after another shouted, all of them were middle-grade or low-grade monks.

  Zhou Hen frowned and asked, "When Dafuwu comes out, the mayor doesn't care?"

  The dirty beggar said, "He is the mayor, and his first priority is to keep his position as mayor, followed by other things. Unless he is from the lower district People influenced him to become the mayor, otherwise why would he care about our life and death?"

  At this moment, someone began to curse.

  Xu Changren said: "Those who are scolding now are those who have many blessings, such as those with eight blessings and nine blessings. No accident, when the mist of fortune comes this time, they will all become immortals." "Aren't you looking forward to becoming immortals?


  Xu Changren said: "We are still looking forward to going to the Shangshan District to enjoy the entertainment. If we can choose to go to the Shangshan District to enjoy the entertainment, whoever wants to become an immortal is a fool. We don't have a choice." He pointed to the uniform of the Welcome Team. The word "福" on it.

  Gradually, the curses became louder and louder, and many people began to bang various pots and buckets. The sound was spectacular.

  Soon, the mayor's voice came again.

  "My colleagues, headed by Mr. Fu, have made full preparations in the lower district. When my colleagues are in the lower district, it means that the mayor is in the lower district, and it means that the mayor is fighting side by side with you. If the mayor stays in the upper mountain area, it is Because there are more important things to do. Believe me, the mist of blessing will pass soon, and the sun will rise as usual tomorrow."

  Li Qingxian froze on the spot, he was worthy of being a demon cultivator, and his brain circuit was not gnawed by hundreds of thousands of bugs Not coming out.

  Li Qingxian looked at Xu Changren and said, "I heard from you that many people admire such a mayor?"

  Xu Changren was silent.

  The dirty beggar said slowly: "Is there anything strange about this? For example, if one person tells you that you are going to die every day, and another person tells you that you will not die every day, who would you rather listen to?"

  Li Qingxian nodded, glanced at Fuwu who was getting closer, and said, "Old sir, do you have any tips for dealing with Fuwu?" The

  dirty beggar smiled, showing his black teeth, and said, "I'm not bragging, old man. I have only one way to deal with Fu Wu, and it is very useful, that is, eat well, drink well, and sleep well. If you love Fu Wu but not Fu Wu, I will die. Don’t be afraid, damn Gui!" Everyone stood stunned on the spot

  . .

  "The old man's determination not to be frightened by tricks is worth learning."

  "It's not worth learning, but it's necessary. People can be afraid, but they can't bow their heads! I'm scared to death of tricks, and I'm afraid of those bastards The upstarts like the mayor and the mayor are scared to death, but I won’t bow my head! I love so and so. Anyway, I’m already like this. I’m going to die no matter what, so why should I bow my head? When I can’t survive anymore, I’ll go to the mountains to do that. Help your grandson! What I despise the most are the losers who live in the lower areas. They appear to be very powerful, but in fact their backs have been broken by the upstarts in the upper mountainous areas. They are harmful to our time. If you have the ability to go to the upper mountainous areas! They don't know what's going on? They're just useless people who don't dare to go." The dirty beggar said with his face flushed. He kept sweeping the roots of the tree with his big hands, wanting to rush into the mountainous area immediately.

  Everyone was dumbfounded, and finally understood why this dirty beggar was said to be venomous. Even if this man cursed Emperor Taining, no one would be surprised.

  Li Qingxian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He obviously wanted to ask about the secrets of the mist, but in the end he only heard the dirty beggar pointing out the dirt of the land and the land.

  After a moment, Li Qingxian calmed down and stared at the dirty beggar.

  "The old gentleman is a wise man." Li Qingxian had a vague realization.

  The dirty beggar smiled even brighter, but said: "It's not as good as you said, there's nothing smart about it..."

  "Master Yehou." Someone suddenly shouted not far away.

  Li Qingxian heard a familiar voice and looked over in surprise.

  I saw Liu Yitian, the head of the Shen Gong Sect, rushing over with Wang Shoude and Xu Fang, followed by the Tomb Captain of the River Guard Army whom I had met before.

  "Why are you here?" Li Qingxian looked happy, but then his face darkened.

  Liu Yitian was also very happy at first, but then he smiled awkwardly and said: "It is indeed not a happy event to meet here. Mr. Hou, Lao Liu apologizes to you. We originally planned to go south to develop the Shen Gong Sect according to the plan, and we were going to go around to the capital to meet you. , I have a surprise for you. As soon as I arrived in the capital, I transferred to Fuzhen, and the Tomb Captain brothers behind me also came in for no reason." Li Qingxian understood the general idea in an instant, his face softened, he nodded, and said: "Okay, you are here. , I have more help, how are your hands?"

  Liu Yitian smiled and said: "Although the mechanism hand is weak, it is still good for an ordinary sixth-grade man."

  Li Qingxian glanced at Wang Shoude and Xu Fang, and looked at them several times. , with a look of surprise on his face.

  Wang Shoude was young and shy, and a little embarrassed. Xu Fang was obviously middle-aged. Li Qingxian's eyes swept him around, and a faint blush flew up on his face.

  "Already at the seventh level?" Li Qingxian believed that the upper realm bow skills were powerful, but he did not expect them to be so powerful.

  "Well, thanks to the Lord." Wang Shoude smiled and scratched his head.

  "Thanks to your lordship's help, the slave family can touch the threshold of the seventh rank." Xu Fang bowed and saluted.

  Li Qingxian said in surprise: "You ladies, why are you so embarrassed?"

  Xu Fang blushed immediately, Liu Yitian laughed, and Wang Shoude covered his mouth and lowered his head to snicker.

  "You guys go back to the team first and help me maintain order for a while. Fu Wu will be difficult to deal with next." Li Qingxian glanced at the dirty beggar again.

  The dirty beggar hurriedly said: "There must be special rules in the Fuwu. Like the Great Fuwu, there must be hidden rules. Whoever can grasp the hidden rules will get great benefits. Unfortunately, every time the Fuwu passes, everyone will only I remember some things but forget the important things, so I can't summarize it. If there are any dead rules, there is always a way to solve the problem of Fuwu in Gui Town." Xu Changren said: "Of course, Fuwu comes every

  three to five. If we can't solve it, we will all go to immortality."

  At this time, the sound of messy footsteps came from the distance.

  Everyone looked around and saw He Lei, Han Anbo and others running towards them with hundreds of night guards.

  I saw an eighth-grade night guard shouting: "The night guard is patrolling the eighth-grade Zhang Fifteen of the Sinan Road Hall. See Ye Sizheng and ask to return to the team!" "Yes!"

  Li Qingxian said.

  He Lei immediately shouted: "He Lei from the Night Guard Patrol Division of Sibei Road. See Ye Sizheng and ask to return to the team." "


  Everyone understood, so one after another high-ranking night guards shouted.

  The voices of the night guards asking to return to the team kept coming and going.

  Then, the night guards who were rushing or hesitating in the distance shouted together and accelerated their pace towards the threshing floor behind Zhang's Medical Center.

  The old and new townspeople who came in advance listened to the sounds one after another. For some reason, the blood in their chests surged and their hearts beat faster.

  Xu Changren looked at Li Qingxian and remembered what he said before, "We will overcome difficulties together as one united effort." For some reason, he looked at the dirty beggar.

  The dirty beggar didn't even look at Xu Changren, and said with a smile: "This high official is very popular, a little different."

  Xu Changren recalled everything along the way, especially thinking of Li Qingxian who did not hesitate to attack Mr. Fu, and nodded lightly.

  This Lord Sizheng is a little different.

  In the blink of an eye, a white light mist surged from the sky, covering the whole town.

  A white notice fell from the sky.

  (End of chapter)

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