Chapter 68 An acquaintance in prison

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  Chapter 68
  Li Qingxian, an acquaintance in prison, raised his hands and said: "Master Fan, you're welcome. I will come to the prison often from now on. I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble for you and Brother Han to know each other." "No trouble, no trouble, Brother Han and I have known each other for many years

  . Friendship, his friends are my friends." Fan Xing's face was full of excitement, he turned to look at the other jailers and said, "Come here and see Mr. Li Qingxian." A dozen jailers hurried over and bent down to salute


  The prisoners also looked over.

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "You don't have to be polite, we will come and go often in the future. I only stopped when I saw a few acquaintances." "

  Then I will take good care of your acquaintances." Fan Xing said with a smile.

  "That's not the case."

  Li Qingxian looked at the prisoner.

  Pang Mingjing, who was squatting in the corner, was different from other prisoners. He was neat and tidy and his hair was straightened. The former head of the finance department looked at Li Qingxian calmly.

  The man on the left side of Pang Mingjing was stained with blood, and his face was pale. He looked like he could die at any time. He glanced at Li Qingxian, his eyes flashed, his lips trembled, and he gritted his teeth without saying a word.

  The romantic figure last night, the famous person in the night guard Yamen today, the front chamberlain of the Finance Department, Tao Zhi.

  To the right of Pang Mingjing, the man's head was covered with hay, his clothes were torn, his body was full of filth, and there were even yellow marks. He only raised his head and glanced at Li Qingxian. He was so frightened that he curled up his legs and hugged his head, huddled up in a ball, like a chick encountering a vicious beast, shivering, and tried his best to lean against Pang Mingjing.

  Li Qingxian shook his head and said, "Master Fan, I'm still busy, so I'll take my leave." "

  I'll see you off." Fan Xing immediately followed Li Qingxian.

  Pang Mingjing looked at Li Qingxian's back and sighed.

  Tao Zhi whispered: "Man Pangda, why are you sighing?" "

  If he came to humiliate us, I would be relieved. In the end, he just glanced at me. This kind of magnanimity will definitely become a great thing in the future. What's even more frightening is that he completely Not caring about us means that he has a sure chance of victory."

  "But, you just let it go?" Tao Zhi gritted his teeth.

  Pang Mingjing calmly glanced at the guy who took over his position but went to jail to accompany him when his butt was not hot, and thought that choosing such an idiot was Master Wei's biggest failure.

  "Alas..." Pang Mingjing just sighed without saying a word.

  Li Qingxian said goodbye to Fan Xing, and saw Zhou Chunfeng, Luo Jing, and a seventh-grade eunuch wearing bright red embroidery standing at the door of Room B3, talking.

  There were bursts of chaotic sounds and shouts in Room B3, and Liu Muwa could faintly be heard directing people to do things.

  When Zhou Chunfeng saw Li Qingxian, he said to the eunuch: "Master Jing, this is Li Qingxian. Qingxian, this is Master Jing Guanjing." He saw

  the eunuch Jing Guan with a round face, small eyes and a kind expression taking the initiative He raised his hand to Li Qingxian and said, "I have met Mr. Li. Mr. Yan has praised you again and again today."

  Li Qingxian immediately responded: "I have met Mr. Jing, but I don't dare to be an adult. Just call me Xiao Li."

  Li Qingxian looked at this more. Taking a closer look, he is also a eunuch, completely different from Yan Shixiao. He is elegant and polite. Without the bright red brocade eunuch uniform, he would be more like a gentle scholar.

  "From now on, our family will be stationed here with a team of young eunuchs. If there is any trouble, I hope Master Li will forgive me." Jing Guanhe said kindly.

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "We are all doing things for the emperor, so there is nothing to worry about. In the future, if Master Jing has any instructions, just tell me. But..."

  Li Qingxian glanced at ten men without beards standing not far away. The eunuchs are all brave in appearance, all dressed in bright red brocade, ranging from eighth to tenth grade. "Sir Li, speak frankly. Before leaving, Mr. Yan told us that we will obey your orders on everything related to the winery and we must not mess with the rules," Jing Guan said.

  Li Qingxian whispered: "Are you only working in the inner treasury office, or do you have the brand of the inner factory?"

  Jing Guan smiled, and a large red-edged wooden sign with a golden dragon pattern slipped out of his sleeve, and he immediately took it back.

  "So that's the case, then I'm relieved. You also know that the four houses have high hopes for this matter, and they are most afraid that someone will be jealous of money and create complications." Li Qingxian said.

  Jing Guan smiled and said: "Master Li seems to be straight-tempered, so we won't make any detours. Logically speaking, our family would not be needed for this matter, but Master Yan attaches great importance to it, so he sent our family. Our family is here for The emperor is on errands. The world is big and the emperor is the biggest." "

  Then I'm relieved."

  Li Qingxian said and looked at Luo Jing: "Don't you have any comments from the household department?"

  Luo Jing said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "You really didn't take advantage of me enough. , I came with the magic card Evil Eye, what do you mean by saying that?"

  "Nothing else?"

  Luo Jing sighed helplessly and nodded lightly, but did not say a word.

  Zhou Chunfeng said helplessly: "Master Jing, you have also seen that my good nephew is straight-forward, please bear with me."

  Jing Guan smiled and said: "Our family has seen too many people who are like flies and dogs, and it is too late to be happy when we encounter such a straight-tempered person. Master Yan also has this temper, no wonder Master Yan keeps praising Master Li and asking me to take care of this Qingxian brother."

  Everyone present suddenly realized, no wonder Jing Guan is so warm to Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian glanced at Zhou Chunfeng, and Zhou Chunfeng raised his chin towards Room B3 and said, "Old Liu has been waiting for you for a long time. He is making the first large... um... distiller. Please advise me."

  Luo Jing smiled and said, "Go ahead. We were all kicked out by him and he doesn't like us." "


  Li Qingxian walked into the door. There was a mess in front of him. The walls were broken and broken bricks were exposed. The corners of the walls were filled with dust. Some Chains, iron ropes, iron railings and other objects were piled up in the corners, and a stench penetrated straight into the nose.

  It seemed that these were originally separate rooms that had just been opened up.

  Liu Muwa was directing the installation of the still. Just like yesterday, there was smoke coming from all the orifices, a smoke skull on his head, the skin all over his body was black and stiff, and he always had a dead face.

  Seeing Li Qingxian, Liu Muwa rushed over and said: "Qingxian, I just had an idea, please give it to my staff."

  Liu Muwa patted the lucky silverbait bag and flew out a small condenser tube, which was the same as before. Different, this condenser tube is spiraling inside, like a snake.

  Li Qingxian was stunned, as if he had seen this thing vaguely, but that was all. His knowledge of alcohol distillation was completely at the junior high school level. He did not understand the methods of large-scale alcohol distillation at all.

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "This snake-shaped condenser tube looks good, but I am not sure whether it is suitable for alcohol distillation. In addition, in addition to distillation, other factors must be considered, such as whether it is better to use ice or water. After all, Overcooling may cause the condenser tube to break. In addition to glass, are there any other substitutes? I can only offer my opinions on these. Specific improvements are entirely up to you." "You are still thoughtful,

  those people don't know anything. I understand. Then as you said, we will use a stupid method to build a few more distillers together, and finally choose the best one." Liu Muwa said.

  Li Qingxian pointed at the garbage in the corner and said: "Liu Sizheng, from the perspective of running a winery, don't mind. What we want to do is not an ordinary winery, nor is it a small business, we want to build a large-scale winery." The best distillery in the country. Every person here, every bit of garbage, and every wisp of dust may affect the final quality. As an old craftsman, you must know that there are many invisible things floating in the dust in the air. Bugs. The less these things, the better."

  Liu Muwa wrinkled his brows so hard that no one could see them, and said, "What you said makes sense, but I want to make the distiller faster." (This

  chapter over)

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