Chapter 648 The leader appears

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  Chapter 648: The leader

  noticed that the night guard next to him winked at Yu Ping, stretched out his hand, and Yu Ping looked up at the sky.


  When Ping finished eating, a group of Yewei brothers looked at each other, took out cold water, swarmed over him, drank a lot of water on him, and then dispersed.

  "What a fool..."

  Yu Ping held his stomach and bent over, quickly running towards the woods.

  Han Anbo smiled and shook his head. Eating alone will lead to hardship.

  After a long time, Leng Can and Jian Yuancang walked out of Gai Fengyou's magic weapon room. With smiles on their faces, they walked towards the evil sect's location.

  Li Qingxian then took out the communication talisman and contacted Gai Fengyou.

  "What did Leng Can and Jian Yuancang say just now?"

  "You're here too? Isn't it convenient to see you? Oh...His Royal Highness the King of Chu contacted me. Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning was clear. He hoped that I could help these two people, and finally I was able to introduce him to Zhou Xuanshan, the head of the Shanming Sect, and said that once the matter is accomplished, he will definitely be rewarded heavily. Alas, these descendants of the Tian family always have an attitude of being courteous and virtuous, and they have no problem with me, but who is the head of Zhou? I have even recommended Jin Shang’s summons so many times. Who can I recommend? Can those two people convince me?” “

  How did you respond?”

  “I can only say that I will do my best, but I can’t guarantee it. The other party said that I will do my best. That's it. I guess the King of Chu understood the status of Head Zhou, but he didn't understand the seriousness of this matter. He thought that Head Zhou would sell off his dignity as a dignified prince. Alas..." "They also seem to know people from the evil sect

  . "

  The King of Chu has had several encounters with the person who carved the tablet of the evil sect's Holy Son. The King of Chu is known as the king of connections, and his connections are so vast that it is unimaginable." "Can

  his connections be used today?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "Don't underestimate it. If both parties are court, martial arts cultivator or literary cultivator today, even if the first rank comes, they will have to betray King Chu's face, but it is hard to say whether they are evil cultivators or life cultivators. After all, King Chu is a human being, not a god. In some places, Intervene, but not deeply. He has been inviting me to be his staff, but I repeatedly refused. The same goes for other Ming cultivators. The battle for the right to inherit the line was inherently risky, and except for the Tianming Sect, almost no one dared to intervene. Besides, back then, the Ming Sect The reason for intervening in Jiulong to seize the direct descendants was because Emperor Tiankang died and the dragons were leaderless. Now that Emperor Taining rules the world, a top-grade life magician who is not so stupid dares to interfere. At most, it is a show of goodwill." "Yeah, I understand." "


  . What should I do?"

  "Just do it normally."


  Not long after, Leng Can and Jian Yuancang came out of the evil camp and chose an open space. The Night Guards went there and set up camp on the spot.

  At night, the clear moon shines slantingly.

  King Cang sent court documents to both parties, asking those in charge of both parties to come to the night guard tent.

  Both sides sent a low-ranking elder to chat with each other and said nothing about peace talks and reconciliation.

  The struggle lasted until late at night, but there was no result, but there was a constant rumbling outside, and the high-level battle never stopped.

  The cowardly king had a dark face, while the other night guard officials sat helplessly.

  After staying up all night, the two elders couldn't get enough food, so the coward had no choice but to ask them to leave.

  "Say something." The king of counsel filled the lounge chair like a big pile of melted wax.

  Everyone saw each other and bowed their heads in silence.

  It's a bit cold in Woniu Mountain in the early morning.

  Suddenly, a terrifying aura fell from the sky, as if a world-destroying beast had arrived, and as if the sky was collapsing. Everyone's hair stood up and their knees became weak.

  The Night Guards all looked at each other, first-class arrival!
  And it’s a first-class product that has no restraining power.

  The first-level realm is Dingshen, which means that one is like a god and is worshiped by all living beings.

  "Let's go out and take a look." The coward said.

  The recliner was lifted up, and the king was sent away from the tent first. The others got up, followed the king out, and looked at the source of the breath.

  I saw white feathers of light scattering all over the sky in the west. In a pillar of pure white light, a middle-aged woman slowly disappeared. Everyone could see that this woman was extremely beautiful. She looked to be in her thirties, but there was no trace of trace on her face. There are wrinkles, and there is still some girlishness, but the strange thing is that it is impossible to describe the specific appearance of this woman.

  I can only feel the beauty. "See the Holy Lord!"

  Everyone from the Nanxing Faction half-knelt on the ground, and the other Fist-Assisting Evil Factions also saluted.

  Only the top graders bowed their heads and did not bow.

  The stunningly beautiful woman, dressed in dazzling white clothes, descended from the sky full of light and went straight into the evil sect's tent.

  When everyone in the evil sect stood up and the pressure disappeared, everyone in the evil sect slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

  "That one should be the leader of the Southern Star Sect..."

  "It seems to be called...forget it, I dare not say it."

  Everyone nodded.

  "Isn't it a big deal when the leader comes in person?" one person muttered.

  Zhang Fugui said lazily: "The evil sect is different from ordinary big sects. As long as there is money to be made, not to mention the leader, the whole sect can come out. In their view, making money can please the evil god. Since they can please the evil god, No face is important. What's more, this Woniu Mountain has a huge profit of hundreds of millions of taels of silver, so it's normal for the head to come personally." At this moment, the mountains shook, and then, something appeared on the mountain

  . Huge phantoms of mountain peaks squirmed slowly, bending in the direction of Shanmingzong's station, and then disappeared.

  "It turns out that the leader of the Shanming Sect has arrived a long time ago, but he is not so ostentatious." "

  Okay now, it depends on the outcome of the peace talks between the two parties."

  Everyone looked at the Coward King.

  The Coward King sighed and said, "Wait. If the two sides negotiate a peace, we will return where we are. Otherwise, we will have no choice but to step forward." "

  But..." Zhang Fugui said.

  "But what? You are the only one who is becoming more and more slick every day. You come first! They will come forward one by one. If the fine cannot be solved, whoever can solve it will be promoted to the first rank!" "Sir..." Zhang Fugui looked like the world was falling apart

  . of shock.

  "The time has come to serve the imperial court!" King Zhou glanced at the officials coldly.

  The officials stayed where they were, all looking flustered. They were of a high rank, and if they went up to persuade them now, wouldn't that mean they were seeking death?
  The night guards were in chaos when they saw the beautiful woman in white walking out of the tent barefoot under the morning light, facing the Shanming Sect's headquarters.

  Everyone looked carefully, still thrilling, their hearts beating faster, and they even vaguely realized that the woman looked like the most beautiful woman in their minds, but even so, it was still difficult to describe the specific appearance.

  "Zhou Xuanshan, come out and see you." The clear and melodious voice spread across the sky, and everyone was stunned. They thought that the leader was old and his voice should be old, but they didn't expect that he sounded like a twenty-year-old woman.

  "Mi Baizhu, long time no see." Zhou Xuanshan, with yellow eyebrows and yellow beard, walked out of the Shanming Sect's tent.

  A strong wind blew up, flying sand and rocks, and the mountains moved and grass fell.

  Storms gathered in the sky, black clouds billowed, and strong winds made the banners and tents roar. Thousands of people's clothes were fluttering, but only Zhou Xuanshan and Mi Baizhu could not move their clothes.

  Lines of gray-black tornadoes slowly formed around it, like giant arms of the sky, surrounding the surrounding area.

  Everyone in the Night Guard stared blankly ahead, with despair on their faces.

  If the two of them really took action, hundreds of people in the surrounding area would be destroyed in an instant, and everyone would die.

  "Woniu Mountain was bought by me."

  "This place will be investigated by our Shan Ming Sect."

  "I will give you 10%, and you will be safe." "

  Where the mountains are, the Shan Ming Sect will do its duty."

  "Headmaster Zhou, Why bother?"

  "Master Mi, why bother."

  (End of Chapter)

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