Chapter 633 The human race turns and splits into two

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  Chapter 633 The human race turns a corner and splits into two.

  Li Qingxian continued slowly: "About the law of the jungle, and about good and evil. After Uncle Zhou passed away, I have been thinking about why the kind and upright Uncle Zhou was killed?" Si

  Zhengdianjing Quietly, only the candle burned and made a subtle popping sound.

  Some people looked at each other, and then all looked at Li Qingxian.

  The coward's eyes seemed to open a little.

  Li Qingxian said slowly: "For a long time, I have concluded that there is only one reason, and that is the viciousness of the Demon Sect's Punishment Department. It was not until later that someone told the story of Zhao Shoufu when he was young. Zhao Shoufu was given guidance at that time, and his studies improved. However, the person who pointed him out was eventually killed by the county magistrate's son. Next, Zhao Shoufu endured for decades, collected evidence, and killed the guilty father and son. Some people say that Zhao Shoufu originally did not intend to be an official, but the death of that man , let him change and have the idea of ​​​​supporting justice. Obviously, if Zhao Shoufu thinks that the cause is only the son of a county magistrate, then he can solve it by just killing people. Since he did not do that, there must be other reasons. Next, I Use Night Guard to collect all the stories of Zhao Shoufu."

  "I read and studied repeatedly, and I could even memorize many of Zhao Shoufu's stories. It was not until later that I discovered something different from the past from other people's comments and Zhao Shoufu's few words. ."

  "Who is the murderer who killed Uncle Zhou? The most direct and critical murderer is naturally the Demon Sect Punishment Department. I just asked myself at that time, why did the Demon Sect Punishment Department do this? The answer is that they are vicious and vicious, and they deserve to die , they are not human. However, after reading Zhao Shoufu's story, I imitated Zhao Shoufu's method and asked further, why are they so non-human?" "

  Now, who can answer me?" Li Qingxian glanced at everyone.

  Everyone frowned and looked for the answer, but found it difficult to explain.

  Li Qingxian continued: "This question is indeed difficult to answer, because there are many factors affecting it, not a single reason. I have found many answers, and even divided them into categories. For example, one of the reasons is that some of the Demon Sect disciples have been I was instilled with wrong ideas and influenced by evil behaviors. I will continue to follow Zhao Shoufu's method and ask, how did these wrong ideas and evil behaviors form? How should they be eradicated? Who has the answer?" Everyone shook their heads


  "Obviously, this is a question that has troubled the human race for countless years. Even Zhao Shoufu has probably not found the answer. At the beginning, like Master Leng Can, I also felt that the fundamental law of this world is that the weak eat the strong. However, when I organized the human race History, sorting out the turning points in history, I found something very interesting, very, very interesting."

  Everyone looked at Li Qingxian curiously.

  "In the long history of mankind, there are many turning points. Some rise upwards, allowing mankind to improve, and some fall downwards, causing mankind to suffer. For example, the formation of writing was a major turning point in the long history of history, allowing mankind to achieve an unprecedented rise. This Is it the law of the jungle? No, this is wisdom, this is progress. The establishment of families, tribes and cities is also a series of upward turning points for human beings. Is this the law of the jungle? No, this is family affection, unity and protection. Such upward turning points , many, many, such as growing grass for food, raising livestock, passing on knowledge, passing on morals, establishing laws... countless upward turning points have nothing to do with the law of the jungle." "In history, there are indeed many incidents of the jungle of the jungle, such as the Dark Wars, such as barbarian invasions, the change of dynasties between Yaguo and Anguo, and those wars. But if we analyze it carefully, we will find that more than 90% of the wars are turning points for mankind's downward trajectory. Only a handful of wars, Because it ends conflicts and creates peace, thus promoting human progress.”

  "The most interesting thing is that we draw a line in the long history of human beings and divide it into two eras. The oldest humans drank hair and blood, and 'eat the strong' on animals. They only knew how to hunt and eat meat. In that era, the law of the jungle was indeed the law of the jungle. is the main law. However, since humans began planting, raising livestock, and establishing city states, human activities have undergone earth-shaking changes. From that moment on, most of the weak and the strong will cause human beings to suffer, and the vast majority of human beings will suffer. The upward turning point is all against the law of the jungle."

  "Then, can I say that most of the human race's law of the jungle has led to the decline of the human race?"

  Leng Can said: "I want to mention a widely recognized statement here. Everyone agrees that , war promotes the technological progress of the human race, and many martial arts, magic, etc. are derived from war."

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Master Leng Can made the same mistake as I did when I was young, only looking at the surface and not the essence. We are young This is always the case, because new technologies appear in wars, so we say that this is a causal relationship, but sorry, the two are not causal, just correlation." "Then what is the

  reason that promotes the technological progress of the human race?

  "It's very simple. It's demand. As long as people have needs, a technology may appear. It has nothing to do with whether there is a war. War can at most accelerate this demand. However, war destroys human beings, destroys needs, and destroys technology. " , the losses caused far exceed the gains of war. Let us return to my boy's question. War promotes technology, which is almost equivalent to beasts competing for food. Since humans are not beasts, and since humans are better than beasts, then, do you think there is a Maybe, the advancement of human race technology does not need to be driven by beast-like wars at all, but can be actively promoted through thinking and progress, and by exploring the needs of the human race?" Everyone was stunned, they had never heard of such a completely transcendent technology before

  . Concept, although this statement is somewhat unrealistic.

  Li Qingxian stared at the crowd and said slowly: "The so-called war-promoted technology, do you think it will be like animals competing for food? It is not the competition that gave birth to powerful animals, but in the process of competition, all the weak animals died. , only the originally powerful animals are left? It’s not that war promotes technology, but that technology suitable for war remains, but unsuitable technology is swallowed up by war? When one day, the food is gone, the last remaining powerful animals What will be the result of the final struggle? Just like when the intensity of the war continues to increase and eventually destroys the entire human world, then what technology will be promoted in the end? Nothing." Everyone looked at Li Qingxian blankly, vaguely aware

  of There is a profound truth in it, but I don’t understand the key.

  Finally, Li Qingxian said slowly: "These are just my summary of studying Zhao Shoufu and the sages of past dynasties over the years. All of these are just assumptions and possibilities. If there are any omissions, it is normal." (End of Chapter


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