Chapter 621 Turn around and leave

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  Chapter 621: Turn around and walk
  around the city. Occasionally, a light will appear in the water. The person will adjust the direction in advance and let the white paper boat crash into it to enhance his luck. Occasionally, he will make an oversight.

  Li Qingxian glanced at the young man and raised his brows slightly.

  Li Qingxian asked Liu Laohu: "I roughly understand the gameplay, which is to predict luck in advance, avoid disasters, obtain Baoguang, and finally complete it. Can this also make people bankrupt?" Liu Laohu said: "The rewards of this kind of

  game , it’s graded. You take ten taels of silver, and when you finish, you’ll only be given something small that’s almost worth a hundred taels. You bet a thousand taels of silver, and you’ll be given something worth ten thousand taels in the end. The more valuable the thing you bet on, the greater the reward. I just said Look, this young man started playing at a young age, winning and losing, and then started playing big games. It was basically the same, and he basically maintained small wins. This kind of situation is controllable, and the person who makes the game has a very clear purpose. It's obvious."

  "No one cares?"

  "In the world of fortune-telling, everyone depends on their abilities. Those few people are not authentic, but that young man, wasn't he just blinded by the treasure? Wasn't he just too arrogant? This kind of thing We can't say whether one is willing to fight or suffer."

  Li Qingxian looked at the young man and was silent for a long time. I wanted to use qi gao to predict my luck, but stopped.

  "Come on, let's go take a look." Li Qingxian walked forward.

  Liu Laohu glanced at the young man in confusion, followed him, and secretly transmitted a message: "The other person has a good background, so pay more attention."

  Li Qingxian nodded.

  Walking to the edge of Shanshuishiju City, Li Qingxian glanced at a piece of paper on the stall with the content of the game written on it, then asked the stall owner with a smile: "What is the highest reward for playing this?" The stall owner glanced at Li

  Qingxian Qing Xian, his eyes fell on Liu Lao Lao. He found that this person was in front and Liu Lao Lao was behind him. He hurriedly smiled and said: "Senior, our Jiuqu Liushui has nine rewards. The ninth reward is the top-grade alchemy master. The Thousand Machines Poison-inducing Pill."

  "The Thousand-Ji Poison-inducing Pill? This thing is rare. It is worth at least 200,000 taels of silver." Li Qingxian said.

  "The minimum is 200,000 taels, and usually it can be sold for around 250,000 taels. Senior Liu Laohu, are you a friend?" the stall owner said.

  Liu Laohu nodded.

  The stall owner smiled and said, "When I get the chance, I'll treat you to a drink, senior."

  Liu Laohu nodded again, turned to Li Qingxian and said, "The other party is subdued. I hope we will be noble and not interfere in this matter."

  " We have to take care of this matter." Li Qingxian sighed and sent a message.

  Liu Laohu instantly understood that this young man was probably related to the Jade Cup boy.

  Li Qingxian looked at the young man quietly.

  The man had a plain appearance, rough complexion, his hands were covered with calluses, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

  He doesn't look like a fortune teller, but looks like someone who does rough work.

  Not long after, the boat successfully arrived at the destination, and the young man had a happy smile on his face.

  The stall owner smiled and said: "This Mr. Hu is really powerful. Here is a thousand tael of silver notes. Take it." The

  young man stood quietly and adjusted his breath, and looked at Li Qingxian and Liu Laohu again.

  Li Qingxian looked down at the things on the paper and said with a smile: "The ninth level will reward Thousand Machines Poison-inducing Pill, the eighth level will reward Requiem Needle, and the seventh level will reward Hundred Mountain Shield. Tsk tsk, that's really good. Liu Laohu, how about that? Let's have some fun?"

  Liu Laohu glanced at him and said, "Are you interested in the prizes inside?"

  "They are all good things, so I'm bound to be excited. By the way, my friend, what do you want?" Li Qingxian asked casually. .

  The young man glanced at Li Qingxian and then at Liu Laohu. He was silent for a while and said, "Qianji Dudu Pill."

  "Save people?"

  "Save people."

  "Then you need to deposit at least 20,000 taels of silver first. Something." Li Qingxian said.

  "Well, I'm trying."

  "You go first, I'll wait." Li Qingxian said.


  After a while, the young man played Jiuquliushui again.

  Next, the young man's luck seemed to improve, and he gradually saved up to 20,000 taels of silver.

  The young man breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "I'm all-in. As long as I win, I can get the Thousand Machines Poison Pill, right?" "Of course." "Okay."


  Qingxian and Liu Laohu looked at each other, in silence.

  The young people played again, and as they expected, they failed in the eighth song.

  "I accepted." The stall owner took away all the money.

  The young man sighed, turned around and left.

  Li Qingxian was stunned for a moment, and the stall owner and Liu Laohu were also stunned.

  Seeing the young man striding away without looking back, Li Qingxian smiled and said: "He is a decisive person."

  Liu Laohu sent a message: "This Mr. Hu has seen through their game, but he still wants to take a gamble. You Look at that stall owner, he is dumbfounded."

  Li Qingxian said: "Let's go shopping."

  Li Qingxian wandered around and soon came to an independent venue with "Jiangnan Mingzong" written on it.

  The life magicians of Jiangnan Ming Sect were maintaining order, and the place was divided into three parts.

  One venue was auctioning goods, part of the venue was for consignment, and another part of the venue had more than a dozen life magicians sitting there, collecting things, and there was a long queue in front of them.

  Shen Xiaoyi was sitting at the consignment place, drinking tea.

  Li Qingxian walked over and said, "Business is booming."

  Shen Xiaoyi arched his eyebrows, raised his head and smiled, "What do you want to buy?" "

  Just take a look. Are you very busy these days?"

  "I'm fine, let me go to the shopkeeper. , not very busy. Even the treasures transferred between the two places are all on me, so I have to be careful."

  Li Qingxian looked around: "Yes, these things add up to tens of millions if not hundreds of millions."

  Shen Xiaoyi just smiled and said, "It's quite a lot."

  Liu Laohu walked around knowingly, staying away from the two of them.

  Li Qingxian said: "I asked about someone, Mr. Zhu, he is the owner of Zhuge Shu Brocade Shop."

  Shen Xiaoyi smiled and said: "Do you still remember the panda head when we first met?"

  Li Qingxian said blankly: "What panda head ? , the first time we met at the Beast Bridge, wasn't it just me and a white deer head? As for the others, I have forgotten." Shen Xiaoyi glared at Li Qingxian fiercely, then smiled again and said, "Young

  Master What a mouthful. Mr. Zhu’s whereabouts are secretive and he is best at disguise. Later in Changshan, we said we saw a person with a panda head. It was probably him. At that time, he did not expect to meet you and me, so his accent and habits were exposed. The black man a few days ago It's him who cooperates with Mao Tou and Liu Lao Lao."

  "What about the other person?"

  Shen Xiaoyi thought for a while and said, "I haven't heard of anything bad, but he does things mysteriously and sneakily, so I'm afraid he has a background. "

  That's good. Liu Laohu also said that the guy is good."

  "What, you have something to do with him? Liu Laohu said he mentioned you last time."

  "It's a little trivial." Li Qingxian said.

  "Do you need my help?" Shen Xiaoyi asked.

  "It's just a small thing, he can't change the world." Li Qingxian said.

  "As long as you can solve it."

  "Let's have dinner together tonight?" Li Qingxian said with a smile.

  Shen Xiaoyi looked at the venue of Jiangnan Mingzong and said helplessly: "I'm too busy today. I have to listen to Master Zhou's lecture tomorrow. In this way, after listening to Master Zhou's lecture, we can eat and talk about our learning experiences." "The best of both worlds

  , Not bad." Li Qingxian said.

  The two chatted for a while, and Li Qingxian walked away to buy some things he needed, mainly the life materials he didn't have.

  Early the next morning, all transactions in the Life Magic Tea House were stopped, and the three floors were filled with Life Magic Masters of different levels.

  (End of chapter)

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