Chapter 595 Zhou Hen pats the car

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  Chapter 595 Zhou Hen took pictures of the car
  Zhou Hen walked to the door and stood there, his eyes reflecting the vegetation of Chunfeng Residence as before.

  Li Qingxian said: "I want to learn very difficult life skills, and you can simply protect them."

  Zhou Hen nodded.

  As Li Qingxian spoke, he placed the isolation note outside, held the Mountain Order in his hand, and read into the spiritual platform.

  Zhou Hen glanced back, then looked around, and sent a message to the gray falcon on the tree not far away. Then, he turned around and walked to the back wall of the yard, jumped behind with a slight jump.

  Several night guards were driving day laborers to dig trees and weeds and tidy up the ground.

  Seeing Zhou Hentian descending, everyone stopped.

  Zhou Hen walked to an ox cart, patted it gently, and said, "Master Li is practicing. There must be no abnormal noise within a radius of thirty feet. If there is any abnormal noise again, I will not embarrass you, but I will definitely go to Jane." I asked Yuancang why he was disturbing Shangguan's practice."

  Zhou Hen turned around and left, walking back to the courtyard.

  The night guards looked at each other.

  Suddenly, the day laborers hurriedly retreated.

  The wooden cart is like dust that scatters when blown by the wind, leaving only fine wood ash on the ground and nothing else.

  "Master Zhou has indeed become a top grader. Let's go back and report to Master Jian."

  "Take off your shoes first and walk slowly." The night guards nodded, took off their boots and walked out gently.

  The day laborers, who were already barefoot, slowly walked away.


  Li Qingxian closed his eyes tightly, and a three-peak mountain peak appeared in the spiritual platform.

  On the top of the three consecutive peaks, there are four big characters written, "Three Mountains God's Mandate".

  This is the general outline of the Shanming Sect.

  Ordinary disciples only teach half of the general outline of the method, only words.

  Only disciples or geniuses who have made great contributions to the sect can teach the general outline of the whole method, which contains all the secrets of the Shanming Sect and leads directly to the Dao of Shanming.

  Slowly, lines of text appeared on the three mountain peaks.

  Li Qingxian read carefully. After reading a paragraph, the text suddenly shrank, then expanded and diverged, turning into a scene related to the general content.

  The first scene was the blurry shadows of three gods descending from the sky. They were as tall as mountains, with the sun and moon on their heads. They were like giants, walking between heaven and earth.

  The peaks of the mountains are like weeds, no higher than the knees.

  Li Qingxian was shocked. He had indeed underestimated this kind of sect that had been passed down for many years. It seemed that what Zhou Xuanshan said was true. Their founder had indeed seen the real inheritance of immortals, so he had this kind of scene in his memory.

  "If the prediction is correct, in the distant ancient times, in front of the Jedi Tiantong, three gods descended somewhere, and then left the imprint of the immortal gods. The founder of the Shanming Sect had a bad luck, accidentally entered that place, and felt the imprint of the immortal gods. Seal, so he understood the great road and founded the Shanming Sect."

  Li Qingxian quietly recalled the scene of the three gods coming to the world, vaguely realizing something, but not knowing exactly what he realized.

  Not long after, Li Qingxian woke up and completed his enlightenment.

  Li Qingxian exhaled slowly, and an indescribable feeling surged through his body.

  The connection between oneself and the life mountain in the body becomes even closer.

  The five true spiritual life mountains above the true altar have an even more ancient and vast aura, just like the enlightenment of ancient gods.

  A strong desire arose in my heart, wanting to realize the Immortal God's Mark again.

  Li Qingxian suppressed this desire, because the mark of the Immortal God is extremely special. Every time he realizes it, it will fade a little. Basically, after three realizations, it will disappear.

  If you don't realize it, it will slowly dissipate in a few years.

  Li Qingxian tried to recall the images of immortals and gods, and sure enough, they were blurry like clouds and smoke.

  Afterwards, Li Qingxian calmly read the second paragraph of the Three Mountains Divine Destiny General Outline.

  After reading the text, the entire Dharma appeared. The text actually revealed three eternal sacred mountains, and their aura was even higher than that of the three gods. That is the sacred mountain where the three gods live.

  "The Holy Mountain of the Upper Realm..."

  Li Qingxian firmly imprinted the image of the sacred mountain in his mind.

  Then, Li Qingxian read paragraph by paragraph.

  There are sixteen paragraphs in the general outline and sixteen photos.

  After finishing studying, Li Qingxian checked himself.

  The mana increased steadily, and the thunder dragon on the Thunder Dragon Fire Seal actually gained a lot of weight, and its mana doubled.

  The real altar also expanded a full sixteen times.

  The former hexagonal altar looked like a table, but now the hexagonal altar looks like a large banquet hall with tables.

  "Ordinary Mingshan, Dapai Weifeng Mingshan, Dapai's main peak Mingshan, Dragon Veined Mingshan, and National Destiny Mingshan are all strengthened in sequence. As for the Sacred Mountain, it will definitely not be able to carry it. As for Dragon Veined Mingshan, I originally thought it would be difficult to carry it, but now There is absolutely no problem in looking at it. As for the National Destiny Mountain...the Obelisk Destiny Mountain, it seems that I can give it a try. However, my hexagonal altar only has one vacancy, so I can only use the obelisk Destiny Mountain to swallow an ordinary sky. Xuanshan Wei Feng ordered the mountain to be replaced. If it doesn't work, replace all the Wei Feng..."

  Then, Li Qingxian continued to read "Three Mountains Divine Fate".

  Apart from the general outline, there are no photos left, it is just text, including the main text and the annotations of the great life magicians of the Shanming Sect in the past.

  After reading it roughly, Li Qingxian felt dizzy, but he also gained a lot.

  Only then did I understand that many of Zhou Xuanshan's instructions yesterday were inextricably related to the "Three Mountains Divine Destiny". They confirmed each other and gained huge rewards.

  Li Qingxian opened his eyes, it was already afternoon, and he was going to Huahai Tower in the evening to meet his old comrades from Qingyun Trial in Guicheng City, such as Sun Qingtian, Meng Huaichuan and Qiu Ye.

  While there was still some free time, Li Qingxian locked up Chunfeng Residence, used magic talismans to shield it, and invited out one by one the electrically negative drummers, the twin guards who shook the wind and Fulan, the guards who raised the sky and held up the clouds, and the generals who shot the sun and chased the light.

  "Huh?" Li Qingxian looked at the electric warrior warrior and said, "Have you been promoted?" "I

  have been promoted from warrior to bodyguard, but you continue to call me the original one." The tall man sat on the ground and said His face was helpless.

  Chunfengju really couldn't tolerate him.

  Li Qingxian took out the three spells filled with "empty" and said, "I would like to ask some fellow Taoists to help me identify the original texts of these three spells." When several people took a look, the drummer with the electric negative drum rolled his eyes and said

  : "The Heavenly Court exam is not that difficult. Unless you come up with a large number of spells and compare them one by one, where can you find the original text of the spell? Besides, since it is a spell to invite a god, there are quite a lot of flexibility. The same god is invited, except that they are generally similar. , the details are ever-changing."

  "Difficult." Zhuguang Sheritian General said.

  Li Qingxian said: "As expected. This spell is called the 'Three Mountains Inviting God Curse'. Have you ever heard of it?" Everyone

  shook their heads in unison.

  "It's probably to invite the mountain gods. There are thousands of mountain gods in the upper world. It's hard to guess which one it is."

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "I have a general outline of the whole law, which comes from the same source as this spell. It's just that I I have sworn that the law cannot be spread outside, I wonder if you have any way to break it."

  Several gods suddenly showed similar smiles.

  The drummer said: "How can the laws of the world reach heaven? If you teach us the law, if it is nothing, you can teach it boldly." "Then I will try it word by word first." Li Qingxian stared at a few people


  cautiously He said: ""

  After saying these five words, Li Qingxian didn't feel any problem with his oath.

  "How is it?" The electric drummer said with a smile.

  "Sure enough."

  Then, Li Qingxian recited the general outline.

  The gods listened and wrote words in mid-air, and then they all frowned.

  (End of chapter)

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