Chapter 593 Heavenly Eyes and Ears

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  Chapter 593 Heavenly Eyes and Ears

  Zhou Xuanshan said: "The Shanming Sect's first-grade god-inviting curse is mediocre. It is absolutely impossible for other sects to exchange this level of god-inviting curse. I am still looking for a better first-grade god-inviting curse." Curse, if I still can't summon the gods when I glimpse the sky clouds, I can only use the old spell to summon the gods."

  "What does it mean to glimpse the sky clouds?"

  "The sky clouds are arranged, and the upper world is in sight." Zhou Xuanshan said.

  "Then I probably understand." Li Qingxian lowered his head and pondered.

  Zhou Xuanshan and Guo Xiang looked at each other and waited quietly.

  After a while, Li Qingxian said: "To be honest, if it is just a normal first-grade upper realm prayer spell, it is not difficult for me, but what is difficult is to complete it, and what is difficult is to be consistent with your Shan Ming Sect. "

  Indeed. If it's just an ordinary first-grade God-Inviting Curse that can't match our sect's skills, then our sect doesn't need to exchange it for the Qi Vein Life Mountain. Our sect's God-Inviting Curse can be used as well," Zhou Xuanshan said. .

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "In other words, the three Heavenly Master-level divine spells can be replaced by a Dragon Vein Life Mountain?" "


  "The Heavenly Lord is higher than the Heavenly Master. A Heavenly Lord-level divine spell , can I change it to a Dragon Vein Life Mountain?"

  "Of course, only one Heavenly Lord is far better than three Heavenly Masters." Zhou Xuanshan said.

  "Then, what if it's the True Lord level?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Xuanshan said: "Three."

  "Apart from Mingshan, what else can you give me?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Xuanshan spread his hands and said, "I can only be the leader."

  "Would you like some refined general situation?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Xuanshan said: "I personally object to the indiscriminate use of refined general situations. If you are in a sect and need to lay out a large number of general situations, you can naturally use ready-made situations, or constantly devour the same situations of others. But if you want to use the general situation To maximize the power of the situation, you must use the situation you refined, even if it requires various treasures or life skills to catalyze it. Even if you get the refined general situation, after you are promoted to the top level, you can We must carry out a new reform situation, dismantle it completely, and then refining it bit by bit." "

  I haven't learned the new reform situation yet. You give me the general situation, and I will slowly change it myself, that's fine too. ?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "You can, you can, but I suggest that you advance to the top level and accumulate enough before you change the situation. After all, the new situation may fail." Zhou Xuanshan said.

  "Okay, then I'll think about it. Since your sect doesn't have any good stuff, then I don't have to go to any trouble to find a higher-level divine spell." Li Qingxian said.

  Zhou Xuanshan smiled and said: "Everything is just a matter of price."

  "Then what if I want the complete inheritance of Tianming Sect and Tianshi Sect?" Li Qingxian said with a smile.

  Zhou Xuanshan still smiled and said: "Everything is just a matter of price."

  Li Qingxian stared at Zhou Xuanshan, but Zhou Xuanshan's expression did not change.

  Guo Xiang smiled and added: "Brother Qingxian..."

  Li Qingxian interrupted: "Both of you call me brother, the seniority is confusing."

  Zhou Xuanshan and Guo Xiang looked at each other with no expression on their faces.

  Guo Xiang shook his head and said: "Li Qingxian. We know that you are from a reclusive sect and are unwilling to show off too much. However, you need to be promoted. If it is just life materials that can be traded, Jiangnan Mingzong can satisfy you, but if it is more Jiangnan Mingzong, which has just emerged a few hundred years ago, may not be good at rare things. Our Shanmingzong has been passed down for thousands of years, and everyone knows about it. So, if you really want to buy something special, but you don’t want others to know about it. , you can definitely pass through our Shanming Sect.”

  "Can your Shan Ming Sect prevent detection?" Li Qingxian asked. Zhou Xuanshan smiled and said nothing, and Guo Xiang said: "Shan Ming Yi, in terms of attack, may only be at the bottom, far inferior to Tian Ming, Tian Shi, and may even be inferior to some of our enemies. But in terms of defense, it is enough to be tied with Tianshi Sect. Our sect is stationed here All over the general situation, protected by the Three Thousand Life Mountains, anyone who wants to find traces of life magic from our sect has never succeeded, and has even suffered repeated backlash. Therefore, I can guarantee that the Mountain Life Sect is your best partner."

  "Everything is just a matter of price." Li Qingxian said.

  Guo Xiang was choked to the point of being unable to speak a word.

  Zhou Xuanshan said: "This is indeed true, but if you can really complete the God-Inviting Curse, then your price is no less than today, Tianshi Sect and Tianming Sect. Your strength has no conflict with our sect. But the strength of other Mingzong can hinder the development of our mountain Mingzong. In terms of price, you have an innate advantage. To put it bluntly, when one day someone can afford to buy you, it will definitely be far beyond the world. It doesn't matter whether our Shan Ming Sect agrees to the powerful existence of the sum of all forces." "

  I appreciate Master Zhou's honesty very much."

  Zhou Xuanshan sighed and said, "There is no way, Guo Xiang told me , your... temper may turn against you at any time, so instead of fussing over things, it's better to be honest with each other. What's more, I really don't like beating around the bush." ​​Li Qingxian rolled his eyes at Guo Xiang, and

  Guo Xiang smiled slightly.

  Li Qingxian said: "In this case, I will wait for your good news in Chunfeng Residence. As long as the elders of your sect agree to trade the Dragon Vein Mingshan, I can guarantee that you will help your sect complete the Three Mountains God-Inviting Curse." "It's a deal

  . "

  It's a deal."

  Just as Zhou Xuanshan was about to stand up, Li Qingxian smiled and said, "Teacher Zhou, the student has some questions about the situation that he would like to ask for advice." Zhou Xuanshan was stunned for a moment, nodded in approval: "

  Good. You ask."

  Guo Xiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry at first, but recalling Zhou Xuanshan's praise, he soon realized that this guy Xindao had really improved a lot compared to back then.

  Although he was considered smart back then, he was only of average quality.

  I met Zhou Xuanshan today. After completing the transaction, I directly studied the situation, but it seemed simple but was actually extraordinary.

  The benefits gained from directly consulting a first-grade life magician are no less than those from a Dragon Vein Mountain.

  Guo Xiang sighed in his heart. This question means that Li Qingxian has seen through the essence of the world and truly understands what is heavy and what is light, what is real and what is empty.

  It was almost dawn before Li Qingxian thanked Zhou Xuanshan and left the private room.

  Guo Xiang couldn't help but said: "Uncle, you can only teach your disciples so much." "

  This love is more important than life."

  "But you have given too much. If you conflict with him in the future..." Guo Xiang said.

  Zhou Xuanshan said: "Seeing and seeing clearly are not the same. Some people talk about everything and know everything, but they can only see clearly one-third of an acre of land in front of them, or even one-third of an acre of land in front of them. He can't even see clearly, but he is always afraid that others will fight against him. You are in the Black Light Department, a fourth-grade official, and you will definitely be promoted to a top-grade officer in the future. It can be said that if you look at the world, will you compete with others for the profit of one-third of an acre? Don't talk about fighting, but if you take a second look, you will lose. If there is a world, there will be a heaven. Just as those who look at the world will not fight for an acre of profit, the disputes in the world will not enter the eyes and ears of heaven." "Disciples are taught." Guo

  Xiang Bow.

  Zhou Xuanshan smiled, stood up and patted Guo Xiang on the shoulder, saying: "Hold on to your destiny."

  After saying that, Zhou Xuanshan left.

  Guo Xiang stayed in the room, thinking repeatedly about Zhou Xuanshan's two sentences.

  (End of chapter)

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