Chapter 590 Gold Collar and Purple Clothes Climb Stairs

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  Chapter 590 The man in gold collar and purple clothes
  climbed up to the second floor. Looking around, he saw that the total number of middle-grade life magicians was no less than five hundred.

  Li Qingxian remembered that tomorrow would be the Beast Bridge, so it was normal for there to be so many people.

  Li Qingxian walked towards where King Gang, Liu Laohu and Old Man Feihan were.

  In the crowd, Shen Xiaoyi stood behind the chair where the old man Feihan sat, waving his fan to Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian nodded lightly.

  More than two hundred people were already standing there.

  "Here comes the Jade Cup boy, please take a seat..." An old man with middle-grade life skills stood up on his own initiative.

  Li Qingxian resigned, and the other party directly pushed Li Qingxian onto the chair.

  The old man Feihan looked at his horoscope and said: "The time has come, let's continue to start. A few days ago, we discussed and solved many situation blocks of Shanhe on the 88th floor, and today, we are going to discuss the solution of potential wells and situations. Eye. As we all know, the well is the root of the situation, and the eye is the door of the situation. The well is responsible for the operation of the situation, and the eye exerts the power of the situation. If both are broken, the situation will collapse... ..."

  "Next, I will show you how to solve the situation. I am best at the basic 'excellent solution'..."

  Everyone secretly praised after hearing this.

  Li Qingxian also nodded. The brute-force solution is the most common method among game-solving methods, but as long as you practice it to a deep level, it is said that you can break every game. Comprehension and diligence are indispensable.

  Everyone comes on stage one by one, first explains the situation, then tells the story, and then accepts questions from others.

  Not long after, it was King Gang's turn, and he used the famous "Bamboo Breaking Solution".

  "The key to breaking bamboo is momentum. I am good at cracking the simplest ones first and changing the relationship between Qi and machine. In the end, one solution is better than the other. In the end, the momentum is like breaking bamboo and there is nothing to stop it. Next, I will carry out the first step of breaking bamboo, Weiwei . That is, look for those subtle shortcomings, use the technique of 'induction and deflection' to detect the strength of these qi machines, and finally determine the weak points. Then, sort the qi machines and find the most suitable qi machine. Make the first breakthrough..."

  The King of Gangs has practiced breaking bamboo for many years. In the microcosm of everyone, he created a series of magic techniques and excavated a series of qi machines, and finally connected the broken places together, like breaking bamboo, to break this situation.

  After everyone finished speaking, many people asked questions, but after King Bang finished speaking, only a few people expressed their intention to ask questions.

  King Kong chose a person, and that person said: "I would like to ask, how to determine the weakest qi machine, does it only need to be sorted?"

  King Kong opened his mouth and said: "Your question is very poor. The weakest qi machine is based on different situations. , it is determined by different environments and changes, so there is no direct answer. For example, the Eighty-eight Floor Mountain and River situation is very strong. I choose one of the Qi Machines to start, but if it is replaced by the Eighty-eight of the Great Life Magician, Loushanhe, the Qi movement is perfect, the situation is flawless, let alone looking for flaws, the entire Po Bamboo Solution cannot be used. The reason is very simple, the Po Bamboo Solution is more suitable for situations with many loopholes. To deal with situations that reach the human city, it is more suitable for a powerful sword The solution or the solution to the general situation..."

  The life magician's face turned red, but what Gang Wang said was correct and he could not refute it.

  Li Qingxian nodded lightly. What he learned was the general situation solution method of the Star Chess Master, which was called the 'General Power Stars Solution', which was adapted from the Tianshi Sect's 'Great Power Mountains and Rivers Solution'. But the star chess master also said that the general solution can indeed solve all situations, but the prerequisite is to master a large number of ordinary solution methods, because those ordinary solution methods are the basis of the general solution.

  After King Kong finished answering another question, Li Qingxian signaled and King Kong nodded.

  Everyone's eyes lit up and they looked forward to it.

  These days, Gang Wang and Li Qingxian bicker a lot. Although they are talking about matters, they are not polite when talking about the heated points, which is very interesting.

  However, both of them were very ambitious, and after the discussion, they continued to talk, laugh, and eat and drink.

  "Brother Gangwang, after you solved the 192nd move with your Bamboo Breaking Solution, the whole situation loosened up, so you took advantage of the trend and broke the Bamboo Solution and continued to release the Qi Machine. My question is, if after this 192nd move, You find that you suddenly can’t solve it because it was a trap before, what should you do?”

  The Gang King frowned slightly and said: "You still want to gang up on me today, let me think about depends on many situations. If it is really a Qi machine trap, then it depends on what type. Generally speaking, to deal with Po Zhu Jie's Qi machine Traps are mostly flexible and changeable..."

  After Gang King finished answering, Li Qingxian nodded and said, "I have learned a lesson. Then, following what a friend said, I suddenly encountered a situation on the 88th floor of the Human City level. I want to crack it, but I only know one solution, what should I do?"

  "What should I do? Of course, I'm going to learn a new general solution now!" King Kong's face was expressionless, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. Everyone laughed secretly. Once King Kong narrowed his eyes, it meant that he was going to start a big counterattack.

  Li Qingxian said seriously: "No, I just want Po Zhu to solve the eighty-eighth floor of the Human City. If you get stuck in it and can't solve it, you will die. What will you do?" "Then I'll hit you to death

  . "

  Have a good discussion and don't go to extremes, don't you think so, Old Man Feihan?"

  Old Man Feihan said with a smile: "King Gang, don't believe it. All the great fortune-telling masters of all ages have said that the situation is not perfect. All kinds of general situations can be solved by basic solutions. This is why a powerful sword can solve thousands of situations." "..." King Gang


  for a while, and soon came up with a storm of answers and rhetorical questions.

  Li Qingxian also responded frequently, and soon the two of them were spitting and quarreling.

  Shen Xiaoyi laughed while watching, this is called evil people having their own evil people to grind against each other, and two wicked people are grinding against each other.

  After laughing, when the two of them mentioned something exciting, Shen Xiaoyi immediately wrote it down with a magic weapon.

  The mid-level life magicians on the second floor were arguing endlessly about different situations.

  The low-level life magicians on the first floor were in harmony, chatting about life magic, gossip, and tomorrow's Great Beast Bridge.

  As night approaches, more and more people come.

  The door opened wide, and an old man in purple robes entered, followed by four people in crimson robes, one of whom was also wearing a fourth-grade crimson official uniform, and it was Guo Xiang, the principal of the Black Light Division.

  Some low-level life magicians turned around to look, immediately stood up straight and shut their mouths.

  It was normal for the high-grade fortune-teller to come and go in the fortune-teller teahouse, but when the lower-grade fortune-teller saw this person, their pupils suddenly dilated.

  On this man's purple robe, there are no three flowers on the chest, and there are no sun and moon patterns on the shoulders. Only the collar has a faint golden edge.

  A first-grade fortune-teller.

  Life magicians are no better than other monks, and there are very few super-grade ones. A first-grade life magician with a half-step super-grade status.

  Generally, second-level people can be called great destiny magicians.

  Even in the fortune-telling teahouses in the capital, it is rare for a first-grade fortune-teller to enter.

  The low-level life magicians looked carefully and saw that this man had yellow eyebrows and a yellow beard, and a black mole the size of a soybean was condensed between his eyebrows. His skin was shimmering, and there was no wrinkle on his face. At first glance, he looked about thirty years old.

  Everyone was secretly guessing the identity of this person, when a low-level life magician lowered his head and said, "I have met Master Zhou." Zhou Xuanshan, a high-level life magician and the

  head of the Shanming Sect, nodded slightly, without squinting, and went straight up the stairs. .

  The hall on the first floor was completely silent. When Zhou Xuanshan went up the stairs, the first floor remained silent for a few breaths, and then became full of people.

  (End of chapter)

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