Chapter 579 Xiaoyi searches for bones

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  Liu Laohu sighed and said: "Except for the auction, I have only seen this kind of city a few times in my life. It is the first time to see it so close with my own eyes." "The key is that all three of them are human cities

  . ." King Bang said with emotion.

  The old man with the jade hairpin gently stroked his beard and asked: "Young man with the jade cup, it wouldn't be surprising if he occasionally made a city of this kind. There have been some geniuses in the past who built a human city at the mid-level. But there is a prerequisite. That is to specialize in a situation city, understand all the details of the entire situation, be no worse than a great life magician, and use life materials that are good enough. Moreover, not every situation city can be like this. You have to make multiple situation cities before you can have one like this. So, how did you make three?" Li Qingxian said modestly: "It's not that I have succeeded in all of them, it's just that I have made many, and

  these three It's just the best."

  "Really?" Shen Xiaoyi looked Li Qingxian up and down with twinkling eyes.

  "Really." Li Qingxian said.

  "Then it's fake." Shen Xiaoyi said.

  Gang King shook his head and said: "You can't, you can't. The Jade Cup boy's understanding of the situation is far above ordinary people. He must be a sincere gentleman. What he says must be what it means. Besides, even an ordinary high-grade life magician can't. It is impossible to achieve this level. Only a few high-ranking and great life magicians can sit in the human city. I don't believe that the Jade Cup boy can reach this level." "King Gang is right," Li Qingxian said


  Liu Laohu said: "Now I finally understand why you can talk in public, and you are so calm and calm when solving the chaos of the Shuihui River. The eighty-eight-story mountains and rivers are the most complicated and basic. If you can If this Situation City is built to this level, it will be able to connect to all other Situation cities, not to mention other Situation cities." King

  Gang nodded and said: "I now vaguely understand what some great life magicians say, they have to specialize in many things. Yes. I originally thought that if I specialize in a certain situation, I can do many other life arts, too. But I forgot that if I specialize in a certain situation, I can also go into more details. For example, if I specialize in a certain situation, I can do many other things. Situation. It may even be expanded. For example, I specialize in life skills and multi-purpose Tao skills. I have to go back and think about this matter. I also want to find a situation city to specialize in and not refine it into a human city. The state of the world, never stop."

  "This is a good insight. It's a bit like what Mr. Ao said. By the way, who did Mr. Ao learn from?" Liu Laohu asked.

  The old man with the jade hairpin nodded and said: "If it is not necessary, do not add substance, just like cutting it with a knife, it is simple and effective. These sixteen words seem simple and ordinary, but after careful consideration, they make a lot of sense. I didn't pay attention to it at the time. I think, chewing now is different. But, who is this Mr. Ao?"

  Several people looked at Li Qingxian.

  "I accidentally saw it in Master Xu Yuanhai's fortune-telling notes." "

  Can you let me have a look? Just open that page of the book." Shen Xiaoyi looked at Li Qingxian with a smile, an innocent look on his face .

  Li Qingxian said calmly: "At the end of the horoscope note, it says, burn after reading. I read it over and over again, recited it into my head, and then burned it all. If you want to read it, I will write down the page silently." "Only a ghost can believe it

  . You must have made it up yourself and then put it in the mouth of the master." Shen Xiaoyi said.

  "I think it looks like it." Liu Laohu said with a smile.

  Li Qingxian shook his head and said: "You guys, you really don't believe in honest people. I... How can the Jade Cup boy be so virtuous and able to say such words that are full of Taoist ideals? This master's full name is Ockham. In this sense, his full name is Occam. Cam's Razor is another perspective on the path to simplicity."

  "Look, it's nonsense again. This name is obviously the name of someone from overseas. How do they know anything about fortune-telling. Okay, we all understand. , you don’t need to explain." Shen Xiaoyi said.

  The old man with the jade hairpin muttered: "Occam's razor is a very powerful artistic conception. After I go back, I will study it carefully and use this artistic conception to try to create a situation. Now looking back on some of the techniques of the jade cup boy, they are quite interesting. If it is unnecessary and without the intention of increasing the entity, dismantling my qi machines into pieces, or even dismantling the original owner's qi machines, will turn out to be more effective." Li Qingxian said casually: "This is the sword of the great road

  . It can cut down all things. If you want to be multi-talented, you can use this Dao Dao Knife to eliminate it. If you want to practice, you can do anything else." "You said it

  wasn't you..." Shen Xiaoyi curled her lips.

  Li Qingxian shook his head and changed the subject: "How much money can I sell for a city like this?" Shen Xiaoyi rolled his eyes and said: "This kind of human city can already be put up for auction. However, big Time is very tight for the Beast Bridge, and it is only suitable for people with a million or even ten million level. Your situation is not yet a million level, so why not stay in my Jiangnan Trading Company for auction." "Okay, as agreed before

  , My things are consigned and auctioned for free."

  "Ah? When did you say that? Didn't you just say that consignment is free..." "

  King Gang, what do you want to sell? Show it to Shen Xiaoyi." Li Qingxian changed the subject again. .

  The King of Gong coughed slightly and said: "I'm not ready yet."

  Liu Laohu smiled and said: "We are all our own people, why are you still shy? It's nothing if you can't compare to the Jade Cup boy."

  The King of Gong reluctantly took out a few sets of positions. city.

  These plates of situation and situation look very exquisite at first glance, as if they are holding exquisite models of cities or mountains and rivers on black plates.

  But compared with Li Qingxian's 88th floor next to it, it was like a plucked chicken lying behind a peacock with its tail spread out. The chicken could only cover its eyes with its featherless chicken wings.

  The corner of Shen Xiaoyi's mouth moved, and he was about to comment, but out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Li Qingxian and said expressionlessly: "Not bad. Then you can go to the Shendu branch of our Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and hand it over to shopkeeper Sun." "Thank you Shen

  . Young Master." King Gang's face heated up and he silently withdrew.

  Liu Laohu turned his head and chuckled unkindly.

  "Are you almost done with those life materials?" Li Qingxian has been asking Shen Xiaoyi to help collect the life materials from the strongest eighty-eighth floor Shanhe.

  "After the Great Beast Bridge this time, I will probably receive it. Everything else is simple, except that the keel required for the Shijing is difficult to find. There are too many substitutes for this thing, such as elephant bones and snake bones, but they must To truly carry the spirit of a dragon, you need at least dragon bones. Unfortunately, those who have these things will not be willing to sell them. Even if they sell, they will be sold out by various houses." "Building a city with dragon bones? What a luxury." King

  Gang A look of envy.

  The old man Feihan said: "If you use dragon bones, you don't need to use a large amount. In general situations, three inches of dragon bones will suffice."

  "Three inches is indeed enough." Li Qingxian said.

  "I'll help you look for it again," Shen Xiaoyi said.

  The old man with a jade hairpin said: "If that doesn't work, you can use a combination of life materials. For example, instead of dragon bone, use the bone of any big animal that is not inferior to dragon bone, plus something containing dragon energy. If you can get it together, it can even be better than dragon bone." "

  Li Qingxian's mind suddenly moved and he said: "Thank you, Master, I forgot about this." "Generally speaking, when

  using dragon bones in a situation, you must either take the dragon's meaning or the foundation must be solid, as long as it is strong enough and contains the dragon's bones. It means that it is no different from the dragon bone."

  Li Qingxian nodded lightly.


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