Chapter 575 Three pills come to awaken the mind

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  Chapter 575 Three Pills Come to Awaken the God

  All the eyes of the life magicians were focused on Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian shook his head helplessly, stood up and walked to the table, raised his fists to everyone, and said: "This junior is a junior student with limited knowledge. But he is very lucky. He won the jackpot and was favored by the Life Skills Teahouse..." Liu

  Huxiao He said in a voice: "The Mingshu Tea House is not blind."

  Li Qingxian was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued: "No matter what, these are not important, what is important is this situation. There are old friends here and there are new friends, so I will Let me briefly recount the process of solving the situation that day, and talk about what we all gained... At first, they thought that this situation was made by the disciples of Tianshi Sect, but I felt there was a problem because... Jade Hairpin The old man admitted that he had tampered with me and bet on tea with me. I thought to myself, besides being a little handsome, how can I compare with everyone else? So I pretended to ask for two cups of tea, but the old man Feihan was more serious and pushed me up. ..."

  Liu Laohu and Gang Wang looked at each other and whispered: "Why do I think this guy is more slippery than that day?" "I'm sorry

  last time, but I'm familiar with it this time..."

  Li Qingxian's voice continued on the second floor Echo: "Then, I tried my best, took elixirs, and used life weapons. I almost lost my lifespan and vomited blood profusely, so I managed to finish it within two hours. And then..." Everyone present at the time raised their eyes

  . Look to the sky, this kid is really capable of talking nonsense.

  Before Li Qingxian finished speaking, a tall and thin life magician in the crowd said: "Since you can defeat the old man with the jade hairpin, you must be able to repeat what happened that day. Ten thousand or twenty thousand mobile phones are nothing to you. ."

  Everyone was stunned and looked at that person.

  A tall, thin man with a plain appearance and dark skin stood next to a short, fat man.

  Liu Laohu said: "This is a bit embarrassing, isn't it? This situation of chaotic water converging into the river was originally an ancient situation. The original owner later became a high-ranking person, and the improver was the old man with a jade hairpin. His rank is far higher than that of the boy with a jade cup." King Gang frowned

  . Said: "If a comrade takes the initiative to share his experience, then let's listen to it before talking."

  The tall and thin life magician laughed and said: "It's strange, our life magic teahouse has always said whatever it is, just for the advancement of life magic. No matter whether your tone is good or bad, you are the king of gangs who is famous among gods. Don't you know?"

  "The rules of our city of gods are that if you interrupt and let others prove themselves, you will be offered tea." King Gang said casually.

  "There is such a rule." Liu Laohu followed.

  "I think it will work." The old man with the hairpin smiled.

  Everyone smiled and looked at the tall and thin life magician. This kind of thing is very common in life magic teahouses, but in the end it can promote life magic communication, and everyone is happy to see it.

  "Since gods have such rules, then let's abide by them! As long as he can reproduce all the qi of the day, Feihan old man admitted, then I will be convinced and offer the tea. I got this cup of tea by chance, and it is a cup of tea. The technique for deploying qi is called 'Thirty Strings' and its top-level insights. If the Jade Cup boy completes it, it is fitting that he will get this technique." Everyone was stunned for a moment,

  this person has an unusual background, the qi technique is for deploying These thirty strings are a very important part of the situation. They are also somewhat famous. They are only available to a few major sects. With the addition of high-grade insights, they are even more extraordinary.

  Some people frowned and recalled, but they couldn't remember who this person was.

  Being able to produce thirty strings of high-grade insights is by no means an ordinary life magician.

  Only two or three people glanced at the tall and thin life magician and the short and fat life magician beside him, and remained silent.

  Li Qingxian smiled slightly and said: "Since fellow Taoist is so generous, I would rather be respectful than obey. However, the whole process is extraordinary. Not only does it have to recreate the scene of that day, but some places also need to be explained one by one, so please allow me to eat some Miraculous medicine to support energy."

  "Please do so." said the tall and thin life magician.

  As Li Qingxian spoke, he took out three whole elixirs. Everyone looked helpless.

  A light white Bigu Pill keeps the body from being hungry.

  A blue-black refreshing elixir to refresh your mind.

  A milky white Qi-Returning Pill ensures the smooth flow of Qi, blood and magic power in the body. Later, Li Qingxian took out a few small magical instruments and hung them on his body, such as the Qingling jade pendant, the nourishing cold jade bracelet, the Mingshen hairpin...

  "This kid..."

  Everyone couldn't laugh or cry.

  Finally, Li Qingxian secretly consumed the luck fish and said: "To restore the Qi of the old man with a hairpin, I have to recreate the Qi one by one. My ability is limited and I cannot achieve the grand Qi of the old man with the hairpin. Please forgive me if this makes me laugh." After

  Li Qingxian finished speaking, he walked to the east corner of the broken situation, stretched out his hands, and invisible mana overflowed from his fingers. Under the influence of Qi Machinery, it transformed into something as invisible as the world. The qi machine landed on an isolated island in Shiji City.

  At the same time, all life magicians either release their life charts or other life tools.

  Either forcefully deduce it, or use the birth chart to visualize the Qi mechanism.

  In Li Qingxian's eyes, the entire ruined Shiji City has turned into an organism entangled with countless qi machines. His own qi machines are like a line, falling on it and blending into it.

  Then, Li Qingxian's hands were like butterflies piercing flowers, and seemed to be playing the Yao Qin. Wisps of mana flew out and turned into qi machines, like colorful silk threads, falling into the situation city one after another.

  At first, everyone could keep up, but just a quarter of an hour later, some sixth- and even fifth-grade life magicians shouted softly.

  "Slow down, slow down, I can't keep up."

  "How come it's so fast?"

  "This guy has some tricks up his sleeve, and his hands are very steady."

  Two quarters of an hour later, the whole room was like a steamer.

  Threads of white mist curled up above the life master's head.

  Half an hour later, a small number of the life magicians quit watching and walked to the corner to cross their legs and recuperate.

  After a while, an old man sitting on the chair, his head covered with white breath, slowly stood up with a cane.

  "Old man, old man, you are useless. This world is still a world for young people..." The old man arched his back and slowly walked out of the crowd and walked to the corner.

  Another two quarters of an hour later, out of the two-story teahouse with more than sixty people, only eighteen people were still watching.

  The fat and thin life magicians glanced at each other at the mana steam above the other's head, silently each took out a pill and stuffed it into their mouths.

  An entire hour later, Li Qingxian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Recovery is complete, please give me some advice from the old man Feihan." The old man Feihan nodded and said:

  "I have seen the whole process. Although the Qi technique, strength, The stability and other factors are different, but the position and shape are exactly the same. He is worthy of being a Jade Cup boy, which is admirable."

  Everyone turned to look at the tall and thin life magician, who was silent.

  Li Qingxian didn't seem to see the man, and continued: "That day, the old man Feihan asked me to remove all his qi, and I made improvements. Now that the situation has recovered, I started to improve the situation and analyze the situation that day. Carry out a second recovery."

  The second floor was filled with silence, and no one knew what to say.

  Someone suddenly said: "Jade Cup Boy, can you wait for a quarter of an hour? Let us take a break. In addition, a friend of mine heard about this and is running over using a magic talisman." (End of Chapter


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