Chapter 558 Drinking Sheep’s Head

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  Chapter 558: Drinking Sheep Head

  Life Mansion has two more life weapons than before.

  One is a nine-story blood wooden building, starting from the foundation, with blood flowing from bottom to top.

  On the wall behind the waterfall of blood, faces with eyes closed appeared, and their lips moved slightly, as if they were reciting something silently.

  Next to the Blood Wood Building, there is a zigzag pool, like a dragon.

  Li Qingxian looked at the dragon-shaped pool and used his destiny technique.

  I saw rays of life magic light falling on the dragon-shaped pool, and the dragon-shaped pool remained motionless.

  When the mana was exhausted, Li Qingxian shook his head and stopped casting spells.

  "This dragon-shaped pool should be the legendary Yinlong Lake. It is said that this is the great inheritance of the ancient Dragon Yun Sect. Every disciple of the Dragon Yun Sect has a projection of Yinlong Lake, but the original body is only in the head of the Ming Mansion. The main function of Yinlong Lake is to absorb the power of luck, national luck and other forces to strengthen itself. However, the way Yinlong Lake obtains luck is quite special. It must rely on the situation of thousands of ants climbing the dragon, and this life weapon will This situation naturally strengthens the effect of devouring luck and promotes each other." "

  By continuously absorbing luck, Yinlong Lake can condense the 'Qi Luck Dragon'. The Qi Luck Dragon is equivalent to a one-time miniature dragon vein. Once used, it can Enhance any kind of fortune-building power. The power of the luck dragon is not only stronger than my ordinary luck fish, but also stronger than the golden luck fish. The luck dragon can be regarded as a universal luck-enhancing technique, but the quantity is limited , it cannot always work like the Blood Soul Tower."

  "The Blood Soul Tower is for blood refining. If I use it indiscriminately, I will suffer backlash, but Yinlong Lake is very suitable for me to use. However, Yinlong Lake is, after all, the only large lake in the ancient sect. It takes a long time to refine the inherited great destiny weapon."

  "There are many legends about Yinlong Lake. This destiny weapon must have some uses that I don't know about."

  Li Qingxian glanced at Yinlong Lake and looked away.

  "A few days later, when I opened the Great Beast Bridge, the head of the Mountain Life Sect, Zhou Xuanshan, came to complete the deal with me and personally taught me the complete "Mountain Life Technique", even including the Mountain Life Sect's most powerful force, 'Ten Thousand Mountains Zhenshi'. Coupled with the Heming Sect's "Thousands of Rivers Confronting the Sea", it is no less inferior to the Tianming Sect's general situation of suppressing the sect "The Return of Tianming". However, so far, it is recognized that the three major situations of the Tianshi Sect are the strongest. Stronger than the Tianming Sect, So far, there is nothing we can do about the Tianshi Sect."

  Li Qingxian glanced at the Ming Mansion again, and his eyes fell on the sacred mountain in the center of the Ming Pond.

  The sacred mountain remains unchanged to this day.

  Li Qingxian shook his head, left the Ming Mansion, and flipped his right hand, revealing a half-made Situation City.

  This is the fourth 88-story Shanhe built after leaving Langtou Mountain.

  Put the city-shaped city in front of you, grab it with your right hand, and take out the thunder strike jujube wood, thunder strike peach wood and thunder strike locust wood. With a gentle grip, the mana is inhaled, the life magic is activated, and the three thunder strike wood slowly melt. Like black ink.

  Li Qingxian held black ink in his right hand, staring at a blank space in the city, using his magic power, and the black ink dripped.

  The ink fell to the ground and slowly solidified into a square wooden base.

  Li Qingxian kept making spells with his left hand, and uttered spells in his mouth. Every time he completed a spell, a ray of light flew out and fell into the slowly solidifying ink.

  Ten breaths later, the ink completely solidified, and fourteen life skills were also penetrated into it.

  Li Qingxian nodded slightly. Compared with the previous three-wood lightning strike tower in Situation City, it had an extra life skill.

  The ink dripped again, turning it into the first floor of the wooden building, and extending the steps, windows, doors, patterns and other details.

  Li Qingxian's right hand dripped ink, and his left hand controlled the life skills. Not long after, a small wooden building with a height of thirteen stories stood in the city.

  Li Qingxian stopped, turned around, and observed the new wooden building from all angles.

  Finally, Li Qingxian stared at the eighth floor and considered it carefully.

  A full quarter of an hour later, Li Qingxian smiled and recorded the gains and losses.

  At this moment, the green-clothed guard walked to the door and said, "To inform you, Lord Marquis, the Head Guard has sent a message to ask you to go to his place during the second brunch." "Okay.


  "The other invitations are here." The guard said, passing over a square wooden plate filled with invitations. "Yeah." Li Qingxian didn't even look at the invitations.

  Li Qingxian continued to refine the eighty-eighth floor of mountains and rivers. When the time approached, he went out to the residence of the head guard.

  Along the way, there were extra-wide door frames, extra-wide steps, and extra-wide roads, and finally Li Qingxian stood in front of the extra-wide hall door.

  "Your Majesty, Li Qingxian, I have met the Lord Commander of the Guards." Li Qingxian cupped his hands outside the door and looked inside.

  "Hmm!" The Coward King stretched out his greasy right hand to wave, then lowered it, inserted his five fingers into a braised pig head, grabbed it, stuffed it into his mouth, and sucked it hard.


  In the blink of an eye, he pulled out the complete pig skull from his mouth, and the flesh and eyes disappeared.

  The Coward pointed to the chair with his left hand, then grabbed a sheep's head and stuffed it into his mouth.

  Snort, suck it all in one gulp, faster than sucking a pig's head.

  The coward showed a satisfied smile, slapped his mouth, and started sucking the sheep's head again.

  After finishing the tenth puff, I reached out and grabbed it. The plate was empty.

  "Alas..." The cowardly king shook his head and ate silently.

  After finishing a table of food, the night guard brought up a new tabletop. The tabletop was filled with iron basins, half of which were filled with fruits and half with pastries.

  Li Qingxian knew that it was time to coax the king into eating dessert again.

  However, this time the dessert table was smaller than before.

  On the wall behind the King of Coin, there are couplets hanging on the left and right.

  Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.

  Standing on a wall for thousands of feet, if you have no desire, you will be strong.

  The coward finished the fruit, glanced at the empty table next to Li Qingxian, hesitated for a moment, sent a message to the guard, and then immersed himself in eating pastries.

  Four pots of fruit were placed, the same as last time.

  Li Qingxian was not polite and picked some big cherries to eat.

  After finishing the meal, the coward king wiped his mouth, looked at the three pots of fruits beside Li Qingxian, and swallowed.

  The Coward King sighed and said: "It's getting more and more difficult for Night Guards now. Things like sheep's heads and pig's heads were not eaten in previous years, but now they have to eat them in order to save money. But then again, sheep's heads are so good. After drinking, I now eat ten sheep heads a day. If I drink one less, I feel uncomfortable all over."

  Li Qingxian said: "I heard that the night guard has been laid off a lot, and the money given by the superiors has also been reduced a lot. Brothers, life is It's not easy for me."

  "Just like this, one after another reaches out to the night guard, asking for this or that, do I dare not to give it to you? Do you think so?" The timid king lowered his head slightly and looked directly at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian looked at the cowardly king.

  The eyes of the third-grade master were slightly bloodshot.

  The hall was quiet. After a long time, Li Qingxian said slowly: "You are the commander of the guard, and you are the biggest among the night guards." The

  Coward King breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back on the chair, and said slowly: " Tolerance means magnanimity, and lack of desire means strength. This is my favorite comment. I know everything about you in Qiyuan City. Your talents are no less than Mr. Gang Feng. Seeing that you can be where you are today, Mr. Gang Feng’s The spirit in heaven must be very happy."

  (End of this chapter)

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