Chapter 556 Eat haggis soup again

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  Li Qingxian glanced at Zhou Hen who was changing into regular clothes and said, "Let's go have a bowl of mutton soup."

  Zhou Hen nodded.

  Li Qingxian said as he walked: "Take some away after eating and bring them to Captain Zheng."

  Han Anbo nodded, and the smile on his face shrank a lot.

  Li Qingxian asked as he walked: "Brother Han, how are the art shops in the market lately?"

  Han Anbo followed with a smile, and said as he walked: "Thirty percent of the artists in the capital have joined our art shops. Some of them go to various places to branch out. Sanye, in addition to Shendu, has now expanded to eighteen states and four small countries in the south. In two years, we will have branches all over the country." "Is the money enough?" "Yes, they are all poor


  . It doesn't cost much. Nowadays, most of the money for the art industry is provided by artists."

  "Is there anything difficult?" "Nothing

  in the world is easy, but no matter how difficult it is, there is a solution. Don't worry. , everything is fine."

  "Where is the Night Guard?"

  "Some have been abolished, and the external departments such as the Demon Slayer Department have basically been abolished. Now the Patrol Department is very popular. However, there have been no big moves in the past two years. Compared with the situation in its heyday, Ye Wei can't compare."

  Several people chatted all the way and left Ye Wei Yamen.

  The night guards on the road saw that no matter whether they were familiar or unfamiliar, they all stood obediently and bowed their heads in greetings.

  Sometimes Li Qingxian just nodded, sometimes called his name and chatted for a while.

  Step out of the Yewei Yamen and walk through the streets.

  "We're here!" Yu Ping rushed into Xile Street first, regardless of the water stains on the ground.

  The three of them followed, moving against the current in the crowded crowd.

  Oil smoke billows, steam curls, and the unstoppable aroma hits your face.

  Li Qingxian moved his nose slightly.

  The snack street in Shendu is more fragrant than Qiyuan City.

  Walking under the bright morning light, not long after, a big fat man in front of me waved vigorously.

  "Hurry up, I've got a seat..."

  The dirty Zhang Ji's mask swayed lightly in the wind.

  There are people sitting inside and outside the mutton soup shop under the guise.

  Li Qingxian's eyes were in a trance, as if he had returned to that steamy morning two years ago.

  The three of them walked over and sat on long wooden benches in four directions.

  Yu Ping said with a smile: "Do you think those salted duck eggs are big? I'm sure they're all dripping with oil." "

  You pick four... Uncle Zhou, how many white buns do you want, do you want them to be broken by hand or cut by them?" "

  Two. Break it off yourself." Zhou Hen said.

  "Yu Ping, do you want white flour buns?"

  "Yes, why not?" Yu Ping said, rushing to a small pile of duck eggs and slowly selecting them.

  "Lao Zhang, please bring four bowls of mutton soup, five white flour buns, and three knife cuts."

  "Okay... Oh, isn't this Mr. Li? I haven't seen you for two years." Lao Zhang hurriedly smiled and greeted him. .

  Li Qingxian nodded and said, "How has the business been in the past two years?"

  "Thanks to Mr. Li, the business has been very good."

  "Okay, you can be busy, I won't delay you."

  "Okay." Lao Zhang smiled. Then he turned and left, and whispered to his son, "Get more haggis, he is Zheng Hei's friend."

  Li Qingxian glanced at the wall. A bowl of haggis soup was 4 cents, and mutton soup was 12 cents.

  They were one cent and three cents less than two years ago.

  The price of white-flour steamed buns increased by one penny. Li Qingxian looked up and saw that the store was only half full, and the pile of white-flour buns was only half as high as it used to be.

  Li Qingxian took a closer look at Xile Street and then at the sun. At the same time, there seemed to be fewer people on the street this year than two years ago.

  "Four big salted duck eggs! They are absolutely leaking!" Yu Ping came back happily holding four salted duck eggs and distributed them to four people.

  After waiting for a while, Lao Zhang and his son came up with mutton soup and white flour buns, and also added an extra bowl of pure soup.

  Yu Ping gave a thumbs up and said, "Old Zhang Renyi."

  Lao Zhang smiled and said, "Everyone, eat well. If you don't have enough, tell me again."

  Li Qingxian looked at the haggis soup in front of him and nodded.

  Zhou Hen picked up the hard white bun and broke it open.

  Han Anbo took a look and saw that every piece Zhou Hen broke off was evenly sized.

  It cuts more evenly than a knife.

  Yu Ping poured the cut white flour bun into pieces into the pure soup, took a sip happily, and then slowly started eating the haggis.

  After taking a bite of haggis, Li Qingxian nodded, it still tasted the same as before.

  After swallowing, Li Qingxian asked casually: "How are the livelihoods of those artists this year?"

  Han Anbo slowly finished chewing and swallowed, and then said: "Some people can't afford to eat, so they leave the divine capital and go their separate ways. Some even say that the capital is still It's not as lively as Qiyuan City."

  "What about Captain Zheng?"

  Han Anbo said with a smile: "I heard that Gao Jue was promising and was promoted to seventh rank. He was cheerful all day long and his waist was straighter than when he was in the Night Guard. He is just older. My body is not as good as usual."

  "Okay, let's go see Captain Zheng after eating. I have to go home at noon."

  After breakfast, Li Qingxian took out a jar and filled some haggis soup and four white flour buns, and got on the carriage. Arrive at Zheng Hui’s house.

  "Old Zheng, guess who is here."

  Han Anbo pushed the door in with a jar in front and shouted loudly.

  "Old Han, I haven't been here for two months..."

  Zheng Hui suddenly froze, then squinted and looked carefully at the three people behind Han Anbo.

  Zheng Hui couldn't help but grinned and said: "Little... Mr. Li... no, Mr. Li! Mr. Li, please come in!"

  Zheng Hui didn't know where to put his hands, so he walked over blankly.

  Li Qingxian looked up and saw that Zheng Hui had white hair, and his beaming face seemed to be covered with light gray powder.

  "We are all our own people. Why is the Marquis not the Marquis? Captain Zheng, how are you?"

  Li Qingxian had some more specialties from Qiyuan City in his hand.

  "Okay, everything's okay!" Zheng Hui straightened his chest in a hurry.

  Li Qingxian handed over the souvenirs, and finally pressed a letter, saying: "This is the letter home that Gao Jue asked me to take before returning to Beijing. Gao Jue is now promising, ranking seventh rank. After a few more years of training, he will have a chance to become a god. The leader of the Gong Sect."

  "Ah? Really? I didn't believe it before when Gao Jue wrote that he was in the seventh rank." Zheng Hui tried hard to keep a calm expression on his face.

  "Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it." Li Qingxian said.

  Zheng Hui asked everyone to go inside and said: "Master Li, you have a lot of things to do now. If you have anything to do, just send someone to tell me. You can come in person. What if you delay the national affairs?" Zheng Hui said politely

  . , but the smile on his face could not be suppressed.

  Yu Ping and Zhou Hen remained silent and glanced at Li Qingxian.

  Han Anbo said: "Master Li Hou came to see you, you are suffering, you, the older you are, the more nonsense you say. By the way, last time you said you had back pain, did you do too much at night?" Zheng Hui scolded with a smile

  . : "Half of your body has already been buried in the ground. Where can you go to work? Old Han, I see you are getting more and more handsome as you live. Why were you not so glib before?" Han Anbo said with a smile: "I have been dealing with the art industry all day long

  . It's more or less contaminated. Come on, let's sit outside and chat. Mr. Li has to go home for lunch at noon." As he said that, he touched Zheng Hui lightly.

  "Yes, yes, of course I have to go home after coming all the way." Zheng Hui said.


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