Chapter 540: Seize the City Lord in Three Steps and Four Steps

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  Chapter 540: Seizing the City Lord in Three Steps and Four Steps

  "There are rumors that Mr. Da is from the evil sect. Is it true?"

  "Letting people from the evil sect into the Prince of Chu's Mansion may affect the reputation of the King of Chu."

  Ye Han He immediately said: "This person just came to help me temporarily and has nothing to do with the King of Chu."

  Geng Tianhui nodded and secretly sent a message: "Don't have close friendship with such people. You have a bright future. There is no need to hang out with such people."

  Ye Han Ye secretly sent a message: "Grandpa Geng, don't worry. I will only cooperate with him this time. After this time, we will no longer contact you."

  Geng Tianhui sent a message: "Once this matter is leaked, it will affect the prince's future. You I know what to do."

  Ye Han was stunned for a moment, looked at Mr. Da inside the light curtain, sighed inwardly, and nodded heavily.

  Next, Mr. Bamboo threw three points in the air.

  Mr. Zhu let out a light sigh, walked three squares, and saw the picture above his head churning.

  The Tianyuan Escort Bureau met a group of bandits during a dart game. They lost some men and defeated the bandits. They also learned that there was treasure in the bandits' lair. So the chief escort leader led people to rush into the bandits' lair and harvested a lot of money. And harvest a protective magic weapon. Unfortunately, after the escort came down from the mountain, they found that the escort had been robbed, and all the disciples who were left to guard were killed, and the thief was nowhere to be found.

  Mr. Zhu frowned and shook his head helplessly. It was all his fault that his precious life weapon was taken away. Otherwise, his luck would not be so bad.

  Everyone looked at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian once again deduced the changes in all the grids in front, then cast a spell and rolled the dice.

  A little more.

  Everyone saw that a new picture appeared.

  Qinghui Sect continued to practice at home. All the disciples improved, their strength increased, and their status in the East District City was slightly improved. At the same time, due to the instability of other district cities, some Taoist cultivators joined them, and some of them brought gold, silver, jewelry and Panacea.

  "third step."

  After Ming Junzi threw five points, the family expanded greatly, defeated two martial arts sects, and became the veritable number one martial arts cultivator in North District City, accepting a large number of disciples with foreign surnames. However, as a result, conflicts with other sects intensified, and they were secretly attacked. Some industries and some disciples were damaged, but the overall situation still benefited.

  Mr. Big once again threw six points, only two squares away from the final chair.

  A new picture appeared, and the god-worshipping sect became even more crazy and slaughtered a large number of sects in the West District City, thus triggering an encirclement and suppression by the decent faction, resulting in heavy casualties. However, with the powerful power of the evil god, the God Worshiping Sect has been able to stand firm, and even during the fight, two outstanding disciples were discovered to be promoted to the middle level.

  It was the first time Mr. Zhu used the fortune-telling technique, but it was not to change the dice, but to increase his luck and luck by using fortune-enhancing techniques, fortune-enhancing techniques, and obscurity-removing techniques.

  The die rolled three and he stepped out again.

  The Tianyuan Escort Bureau's reputation declined due to mistakes in the last escort operation, but because it earned a large amount of treasures and elixirs, its strength has improved to a higher level. The patron who lost the escort came to seek explanation. Because Tianyuan Escort Bureau compensated the young man and made a big fuss, he was injured by Tianyuan Escort Bureau. The reputation of Tianyuan Escort Bureau plummeted. However, because of that batch of elixirs, the Tianyuan Escort Bureau had an additional mid-level escort, and its power increased greatly. However, some people secretly suspected that the Tianyuan Escort Agency had secretly embezzled that escort.

  This time, Li Qingxian finally did not throw one point, but the sixth point.

  Qinghui Sect found that East District City was uneasy, so it formed an alliance with many sects to jointly defeat the evil sects and demon sects in East District City. As a result, Qinghui Sect lost some of its disciples, but it also wiped out the evil sect's demon sect, obtained a large amount of treasures, and obtained three medium-grade magic weapons. At the same time, it was elected as the leader of the decent sect of East District City.

  Mr. Da and Mr. Zhu hurriedly used Xiangju techniques.

  Among the four people, Mingjunzi and Mr. Zhu are the most powerful, followed by the squinty-eyed and dog-headed man, and finally Mr. Da.

  Li Qingxian also looked up at the results of the third step. Although the situation between Ming Junzi and Mr. Zhu was large, it was very loose and slightly thin.

  On the other hand, although my situation cloud is smaller than the two of them, it is very solid. Moreover, there are a large number of small situation clouds surrounding my situation cloud, which is more stable than the other three.

  Because Qinghui Sect was elected as the leader of the East District City Alliance, and then fed back the Eighty-eighth Floor Mountains and Rivers, making this situation even stronger.

  Mr. Da's god-worshiping sect has the most peculiar situation, with a solid center but bleak edges. It is the smallest among the four, and is also being besieged by other situations.

  "The fourth step begins."

  The martial arts family's life gentleman threw four points. On the screen, his family has accumulated a lot, annexed the entire North District City Martial Arts, and wiped out the demon sects and evil sects. Some sects fled, and some chose to surrender. The fourth step is to order the gentleman to become the Lord of the North District City.

  Mr. Big shot three points, took three steps, and sat on a big rosewood chair with a smile on his face.

  At the same time, a picture appeared overhead.

  The god-worshiping sect won the throne of the city lord, their luck increased greatly, the evil god increased the rewards, and the headmaster made another breakthrough and was promoted to the fourth rank.

  Mr. Da's Eighty-Eighth Tower's mountain and river power covered the entire city, and all forces were suppressed. The power of the God Worshiping Sect increased dramatically, instantly surpassing the Ming Junzi's family and becoming the largest force in the four districts of the city.

  Although there are only about thirty people in the God Worshiping Faction, all of them have powerful sorcery and have completely suppressed West District City. There are no fleeing forces in West District City, and they have all become subordinate forces of the God Worshiping Faction.

  At the same time, the whole city shook slightly, as if something strange had happened.

  Li Qingxian's expression did not change, because the Xingqi master said that the goal of this fortune-telling game was to "settle the throne" rather than to seize the throne.

  Then Mr. Bamboo threw a point.

  In the picture, the Tianyuan Escort Agency admitted its mistake to its clients, publicized it with great fanfare, and then announced a retreat for self-cultivation. The reputation of the Escort Agency was restored, and the skills of the Escort Masters improved.

  Mr. Da glanced at Mr. Zhu with squinted eyes.

  Li Qingxian once again used the fortune-telling technique and fortune-telling skills, and then, with a smile, he threw six points.

  Everyone stared at him nervously as a picture appeared above.

  Thanks to the previous accumulation of Qinghui Sect, most of the forces that fled from the other three districts, except for the evil sects and demon sects, joined the East District City. As the leader of the alliance, Qinghui Sect's power increased dramatically.

  Subsequently, Qinghui Clan chose to form an alliance with Mingjunzi's martial arts family, and the two major forces cooperated to stabilize the city.

  In the sky above East District City and North District City, the situation was connected.

  Li Qingxian's eighty-eight-story building covers half of the city.

  Mr. Big and Mr. Bamboo stared at this scene in disbelief.

  How can a person join forces with a destined gentleman?
  Mr. Da immediately sent a message to Ming Junzi and said: "My friend, can you say something?" The

  stone man Ming Junzi snorted coldly and said: "Everyone who can find a traitor from the evil sect will kill him."

  Mr. Da was stunned, and Mr. Bamboo said Also shocked.

  Soon, the two realized that Li Qingxian had already tested it out, and after discovering that he could communicate with Ming Junzi, he formed an alliance and cooperated with Ming Junzi, but this step was only officially announced.

  Mr. Da took a deep look at Mr. Zhu and sent a message secretly.

  Mr. Nazhu glanced at Mr. Da and lowered his head slightly.

  "Step five, start."

  The star chess master's voice suddenly rose.

  Everyone stared at Ming Junzi.

  The fateful gentleman snorted again and rolled the dice. He cast five points on the sixteenth grid, walked to the end of the road, and faced the throne of the city lord.

  In the picture, all the forces in East District City and North District City join forces to attack the God Worship Sect.

  After the first round of attack, the coalition forces were still as strong as ever, but the God Worshipers suffered heavy losses.

  (End of chapter)

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