Chapter 505: The Demon Armor Demon Army Arrives at Qiyuan

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  Chapter 505: The Demon Armored Demon Army Arrives at Qiyuan The

  demon coalition forces did not know that Qiyuan City had been prepared. They were unstoppable at first and quickly reached the city wall.

  But the next moment, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the scholars and various gangs who had been lying in wait for a long time suddenly launched an attack.

  The demon coalition was caught off guard and paid a heavy price to withdraw from the city wall.

  The demon clan continued to attack, but the demon sect was always selfish. Many demon sect disciples hesitated and had to suspend the attack.

  The disciples of the Demon Sect looked at the light and shadow of a war poem on the west city wall, feeling timid in their hearts.

  The poison of the magic gate restrains many monks, but it has little effect on Wen Xiu. Not to mention that Wen Xiu will be easily dispelled after being poisoned by the magic poison. Many of the magic poisons cannot even get close to Wen Xiu's body.

  Now all the literary cultivators are on full alert, the power of magical weapons and war poems complement each other, the invisible awe-inspiring righteousness is rolling and vibrating back and forth on the top of the city, and all the magic poison is dispersed at a touch.

  All the Demon Sect disciples looked away and sighed, and had no choice but to wait for the results of the Demon Clan's attack.

  The Monster Clan has a large number of people, but Qiyuan City is not an ordinary county town. There are many gangs, many martial arts practitioners, and a large number of literary practitioners.

  The two cooperated with each other, and in small-scale battles, they were not even much worse than the river guards.

  In just two quarters of an hour, the demon clan suffered heavy losses.

  "Zhang Moya, hand over Li Qingxian, and I will withdraw my troops immediately." King Shujiao roared.

  No one in the city paid attention.

  King Shujiao asked three times in a row, but Zhang Moya always ignored him.

  The Tree Horn King was furious and stamped his hoof suddenly. The huge antlers above his head split into white strips and scattered in all directions. He stepped up through the air and headed straight for the head of Qiyuan City.

  "Qiyuan City is not a place for you to run wild!"

  Zhang Moya's voice sounded, and then he recited a war poem.

  "When I was young, I relied on thousands of mountains, and my frost-haired hair crossed thousands of rivers. With the map of the mountains

  and seas in my mind, I aspired to pacify the demons and barbarians!" As soon as Zhang Moya's poem "Modified and Qiming Wenhui's Poems on Pyongyang Snow - Pingyao Yaozhi" came out, the rainbow light soared into the sky, I saw the wind and snow gathering in the sky, reappearing the appearance of thousands of mountains and rivers.

  A cylindrical white light shines on Zhang Moya from thousands of mountains and rivers, and is surrounded by flying snow at the same time, making it a spectacular sight.

  After an instant, a thousand-foot-long scroll appeared in the sky, unfolding in the blink of an eye, with thousands of mountains and rivers on it, like a huge light curtain, moving gently in the wind.

  Zhang Moya pointed at the Tree Horn King in front of him, and saw that in the thousand-foot scroll formed by Pingyao Zhi, mountains were flying down, thousands of rivers were surging, the mountains and rivers were mixed, and they turned into huge currents and rushed out, hitting the Tree Horn King.

  The Tree Horn King was like a sparrow in the rain. It was able to move forward with all its strength at first. After a few breaths, the power of Zhan Shi suddenly increased. It could no longer hold on and flew backwards, being washed to pieces.

  King Shujiao retreated and said angrily: "How can a small county town be able to gather mountains and rivers like a strong town guarding the river? The little thief from the Demon Sect didn't even notify him in advance!" Zhang Moya was originally only a third grade, but his influence on Juhua Mountains and

  Rivers Next, each of his war poems adapted from "He Qiming Wenhui's Poems on Snow" had the help of thousands of mountains and rivers in the sky, and they were promoted to the second grade.

  Moreover, this poem has a superb literary meaning and has become famous all over the world in just a few days. In addition, Zhao Yishan, the first assistant of the dynasty, has unparalleled power and is far above ordinary Juhua mountains and rivers.

  Seeing Zhang Moya defeat the Shujiao King, the morale of the defenders was greatly boosted.

  "Everyone, hold on here, the river guards have arrived for reinforcements, and the nearby Ming Sect is about to arrive. The nearby sects are rushing to help overnight. As long as you hold on until sunrise and the reinforcements arrive, the human race will win!" Zhang Moya's voice spread throughout the city, Inspiring.

  The demon clan was even more impatient. King Shujiao fought with Zhang Moya outside the north of the city. The rest of the army went around to the east city and launched an attack.

  The Demon Sect attacks again, but is once again attacked by Qiming Academy.

  Haoran's righteousness originally restrained the demons, but now it appears in thousands of mountains and rivers. Even if many scholars temporarily change their poems, their power is far greater than before.

  In the northeast, more than 5,000 cavalrymen of the Tabai Army rushed towards Qiyuan City.

  From the southwest, Gai Fengyou, Guo Xiang and other mid-level life magicians flew in at high speed using flying magic weapons.

  There was a high-grade demon king hidden in the demon army. When Zhang Moya was fighting against the Tree Horn King, he suddenly rushed to the east city wall and attacked in a sneak attack. He defeated the city wall and opened the gate, creating a huge gap.

  Seeing that Qiyuan City was about to be destroyed, Gai Fengyou, Guo Xiang and others fell from the sky, and dozens of middle-level monks joined forces to repel the sneak attack of the Tiger Demon King. Xing Gefei, the elder of the Demon Sect in the west, was about to take action when he noticed the flying magic weapon and many life magicians. He hesitated and stopped attacking the city, waiting for the opportunity.

  Upon seeing this, King Shujiao cursed: "Boy from the Demon Sect, why don't you attack the west city gate!"

  Everyone in the Demon Sect seemed as if they had not heard anything.

  The Tree Horn King scolded: "I know you humans are treacherous, but fortunately I have saved a hand!"

  After speaking, the Tree Horn King suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, the sound carried hundreds of miles.

  Far away from Qiyuan City, a demon army numbering only thirty thousand suddenly rushed out of the dense forest.

  This military demon tribe is different from ordinary demon tribes. Every part of the body is surrounded by thick iron armor. Bloody lines spread on the surface of the armor.

  The generals in Qiyuan City who used magic weapons to peek at the scene changed their expressions greatly.

  "It's the magic armor demon army!"

  "Qiyuan City is in danger!"

  "Contact Ganzhou quickly. This magic armor demon army cannot be broken except by the puppet army of the underworld!"

  On the city wall, all the soldiers were anxious.

  The demon tribe repeatedly attacked the human race without success, so they changed their strategy and learned from the human race.

  It was discovered that human war horses could be inlaid with horseshoes to make the horses better at running, so they developed magic armor, which was refined with witchcraft and completely integrated with the fur, so that the protective ability increased several times.

  The martial arts cultivators of the human race and the demon clan were originally slightly weaker. Now that the demon clan has added magic armor, not only the martial arts cultivators are far inferior, but also the war poems of the literary cultivators and the spells of the Tao cultivators have been greatly weakened.

  Only the underworld puppet cultivators can barely stop the magic armor demon army by sending out a steady stream of puppets and using a pure attrition fighting method.

  Every time the demon clan dispatches the demon armor demon army, it is a disaster for the human race.

  When defending against ordinary monsters, the River Guard Army basically maintains seven wins and three losses in ten battles, but when facing the magic armored monster army, it can win at most three and lose seven.

  If it weren't for defense and they met in the wild, the human race would win at most once in ten battles.

  The most terrifying thing is not the Demon Armor Demon Army, but the Demon Armor Demon King.

  Behind this armored demon army, a giant elephant as tall as a ten-story building ran slowly. There was no demon within three miles.

  Every time the elephant's legs hit the ground, they will inevitably collapse the ground and set off an invisible shock wave.

  This second-level demon king giant elephant is covered in heavy armor that far exceeds that of the demon armor demon army.

  Different from ordinary metal armor, the armor on this Demonic Armored Elephant King is a full foot thick, and is mixed with countless white bones.

  Demon bones are refined into demon armor, which is as indestructible as a mountain.

  Just one Demonic Armored Elephant King can flatten a city.

  Above this demon-armored elephant king, there is also a sheep tribe priest, a third-grade demon king with strange magic.

  The defenders on the city wall were frightened and demoralized as they watched the legendary Demonic Armored Elephant King coming like a hill.

  The demon armored demon army is invincible in the world.

  All the major forces in the city asked for help.

  When they heard about the Magic Armored Elephant King, some officers and soldiers in other cities gave up rescue and remained silent.

  Now, the Tree Horn King and the monsters attacking the city are not in a hurry, and the humans in the city are in chaos.

  Every family has packed their luggage and prepared to flee.

  (End of chapter)

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