Chapter 477 The smart county magistrate tries the confused case

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  Chapter 477: The Clever County Magistrate Tries the Idiot Case.
  Team Leader Ding led the people towards the gate and saw many people gathered around, including some scholars in long robes.

  Parting the crowd, Team Leader Ding left.

  Not long after, Team Leader Ding led people to push several trolleys to the Yamen.

  One after another, charred corpses were placed on the cart, and the members of the Shenjian Sect cursed in a low voice.

  More and more people gathered outside the door. Many people were filled with righteous indignation and glared at the people of the Shen Gong Sect.

  Several scholars discussed in low voices.

  "Do you think these people are murdering people for the Shen Gong Sect?"

  "It's hard to say. You and I both know the reputation of the Shen Gong Sect. On the other hand, the Shen Gong Sect doesn't have a bad reputation." "The reason why they don't have a bad reputation

  is because they were not strong back then, but they are strong now. Naturally, they will do evil. Martial arts warriors are often like this..."

  Lu Jin said: "Master County Magistrate, look at it, those are the old, young, sick and disabled who were killed by the Shen Gong Sect. They are seventy years old. There are old people and children of several years old, they are simply beasts!"

  The people outside the door became even more angry.

  Everyone in the Shen Gong Sect looked unnatural when they saw this scene, because it was indeed a fire talisman and poisonous mist at that time, and they did not think carefully.

  Li Qingxian carefully observed the bodies of these people.

  Some people's bodies were charred black, and some people's bodies were not black but were swollen with poison, as if they had died while worshiping the mountain.

  But soon, Li Qingxian discovered some abnormalities, and then began to secretly wait and see, deducing the identities of these people in life.

  After a long time, when everyone had scolded enough, County Magistrate Wen Siyan looked at Li Qingxian and said loudly: "You Shen Gong Sect burned innocent people and poisoned the young and old. The evidence is conclusive. Li Jingqiu, what do you have to say? "

  Wen Si's words were full of vitality, his literary energy was booming in his body, and his voice spread hundreds of feet.

  However, Li Qingxian walked around the fourteen corpses. As he walked, he focused his magic power on his throat and said, "Weird, really weird. I have never seen such a strange corpse."

  "This is a courtroom. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Vince said.

  As Li Qingxian continued to circle, he said: "Look carefully at these corpses. They all have some common characteristics. For example, the clothes of those who were poisoned to death were severely damaged. Before death, their bodies were covered with wounds, as if they had been tortured. . In addition, all dead people, whether they were burned or poisoned, have clear marks on their ankles or wrists. There are clear indentations on the wrists of those who were poisoned, while those who were burned have clear marks on their wrists. The wound is thinner, as if something is missing. I believe that everyone present is a smart person. Who are these people and what circumstances did they face in their lives to leave such marks? Could it be that these people were wearing The bracelet was burned?"

  Li Qingxian stood still and looked out the door.


  "Tools of torture!"

  "These people are imprisoned!"

  "These are not people from the Divine Sword Sect. They are people who were captured by the Divine Sword Sect and detained in the dungeon, so they were affected by the worship mountain." Shen

  Gong Pai and many people outside shouted out their guesses, and everyone suddenly realized.

  Li Qingxian suddenly turned around and pointed at the Jin family, and cursed: "You are a thief woman, you actually lied in court, framed the people who were harmed by the Shenjian Sect to our Shen Gong Sect, deceived the county magistrate, falsely accused us, ignored National law! Please ask the county magistrate to clarify the canonical punishment and try this person severely!" Lu Jin cried and said: "I am reporting to the county magistrate, this person is talking nonsense. How can we determine the identity of these people based on these wrist marks alone? ? I asked them to do an inspection."

  Vince said, "That's right. You can't just listen to one side's words. Someone comes and asks me to do an inspection on the spot."

  Not long after, two widowers from the county government came and they checked it over.

  The older man among them raised his hand to the county magistrate and said, "For the record, sir, these people were severely burned and poisoned, and their bodies have been tampered with, making it difficult to identify them." "It stinks! What a bastard man." A scholar outside was angry

  . scold.

  "Shameless, open your eyes and tell lies!"

  "You are like wearing the same pants as the Divine Sword Sect!" Everyone in the Divine Gong Sect scolded.

  Wen Siyan was shocked and said: "The identities of these people are unknown, but it is a fact that they died in the worship of the mountain. Shen Gong Sect, what else do you have to say?" Li Qingxian sighed and said: "I

  originally I wanted to save face for the family members of the Shenjian Sect. After all, the Shen Gong Sect had already won, so there was no need to pursue them fiercely. But I didn’t expect that the Shenjian Sect would collude with others and attack them step by step. In this case, I will tell the truth. , my life magician friend, already knows the identity of every dead person."

  "Nonsense!" Lu Jin's eyes widened, looking at Li Qingxian in disbelief.

  Wen Siyan was well-informed. He looked around and found no fortune-teller. He was confused and said, "How do you prove it?"

  Li Qingxian pointed to the corpse on the far left and said, "Zhang Laosan, He faced the loess and turned his back to the sky. He went out early every day and returned home to farm every day. He lived on Changle Fourth Street. Just because he dug an ancient tomb in the ground and there were some valuable things in it, a steward of Shenjian Sect found out about it. The steward then He claimed that the ancient tomb belonged to his family. Zhang Laosan was not willing to agree. He was taken into the dungeon of Shenjianmen and had his legs broken alive." "

  There were three people around me, a couple and their children. The man was called Chen An, and the woman was Their name is Huang Cuilian, and their child is called Chen Abao. Chen An’s family has been running the old Chen family restaurant for generations. The braised vegetables and braised pork are excellent. After Lu Nanqiong’s second son ate it once, he thought it was good, so he sent someone to ask for the recipe. This recipe belongs to the Chen family. Why should you give away the skills you rely on to survive for nothing? The Chen family didn't agree, and the old man got angry, smashed up the shop and arrested people. I said..."

  Li Qingxian looked at the people outside the gate and said, "You guys Who has eaten food from the Chen family’s old house? Have you ever heard of this?”


  “No wonder the Chen family’s old house has been closed for two months. It turned out to be the Shenjian sect’s fault!” “

  This is what happened !” Really, it was Lu Laoer who did it!"

  The relatives of the Divine Sword Sect were speechless.

  Later, Li Qingxian pointed out each person's name one by one, including their identity, address, family members and why they were imprisoned by the Divine Sword Sect.

  Finally, Li Qingxian said: "I would also like County Magistrate Wen to send someone now to look for neighbors and relatives according to my address. Shenjianmen set up a private dungeon and killed these people. It is too long to write down. If the Jin family is allowed to slander, Our Shen Gong faction, together with the Qingshan Gang, went to Beijing to petition, asking the Emperor to thoroughly investigate this matter!"

  County Magistrate Wen stared at Li Qingxian for a long time, and said: "Come, go to the place where Li Jingqiu said, to investigate and verify. And bring relevant people here."

  Less than half an hour later, Chen An's relatives came, took a closer look, and said with tears: "This man must be Chen An. He worked at home since he was a child, and his left little finger was broken. It is no longer long, and the hand is exactly the same as his. Moreover, the three of them are very similar in body shape, and they were all arrested by the Shenjian Sect. Everyone in the neighborhood knows about this, so please let the county magistrate know for sure." Then he came again

  . The two families claimed the body and said the same thing as Li Qingxian.

  Before the fourth family member arrived, Wen Siyan was shocked and shouted: "Come here, put Lu Jin in jail and set a day for trial!"

  (End of Chapter)

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