Chapter 473: Dumplings presented at Qiming Wenhui

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  Chapter 473 Qiming Wenhui Presents Dumplings

  In the Qiyuan County Government Office, lotus lanterns illuminate the study.

  County Magistrate Wen Siyan was sitting in front of the desk, looking at the summons plate in front of him, when Mr. Da's voice came from inside.

  "County Magistrate Wen, let's open the skylight and speak frankly. I swear to destroy the Shen Gong Sect!"

  Vince said, his face was pale and beardless, his body was thin, he was about thirty years old, his brows were slightly furrowed but quickly smoothed out.

  Wen Si said: "I have never interfered in the affairs between you and the Weng family. This time I sent someone to find the leader of the Shen Gong Sect just because the master of suffering complained. According to the laws of Daqi, the case will be tried without discrimination." "From now on

  . Didn't you interfere? Is it because you married a concubine of the Weng family for fame? Or does it count as interfering if you asked the Weng family to recommend you to be the county magistrate here? Is it because you borrowed the connections of the Weng family to read the true text of Confucianism in order to break through to the sixth rank? Or does taking the Wengjiamen Road and entering the Criminal Department this time not count as meddling? Does your secret collusion with the Blood Clothes Sect count as meddling, or do you two brothers scratching the ground in Qiyuan County as meddling?" "Please be careful what you say."

  Vince Yan's face darkened.

  "He caused all my years of accumulation to go to waste, so what should I worry about? If I don't kill this beast, I won't be able to sleep or eat well!" "

  What do you want Wen to do?"

  "County Magistrate Wen, I have entered Qiyuan City many times. "Have I ever troubled you personally?"

  "What happened to my sister-in-law Bai Hong has nothing to do with you?" "

  Oh, don't you know if your sister-in-law is jealous? I want this city, how can I find someone to make things difficult for God?" Gong sent a woman? But today, I want you to cooperate with me."

  "I must abide by the rules."

  "It is ridiculous to not respect the law but to abide by the rules. Since you all like to abide by the rules, then I will use the rules to solve the problem. Shen Gong Sect, force the life magician to hand over what he needs."

  "What exactly do you want to do?"

  "Although the county government and the Blood Clothes Sect are strong, with the Qingshan Gang here, you can't take advantage of half of it, but if you add Go to Qiming Academy, what do you think?"

  "If Qiming Academy takes action, the Shen Gong Sect can be wiped out with a snap of the finger. But with that old guy Zhang Moya here, Qiming Academy will not end up."

  "Aren't any of the relatives and friends of Shenjian Sect in Qiming Academy?"

  "You want to stir up trouble? Then you underestimate the scholars." Magistrate Wen asked.

  "What if the Shen Gong Sect forces dozens of widows and orphans from the Shen Jian Sect to death, and among them are people from Qiming Academy?" Mr. Da said with a smile.

  "There is no airtight wall in the world." Vince said.

  "The wall is ventilated, but the dead must not be ventilated."

  "Even so, Qiming Academy will not end."

  "What about Gang Fengyin?"

  "I see." Vince said.

  "After I came to Qiyuan County, I wanted to activate my life skills immediately, but I found out that there was a very strong situation in Qiming Academy. If I don't remove this power, it would be difficult for me to swallow this county. So, I spent I asked Fei Yunshou to come forward at a high price and lend him a few magic weapons so that he could steal Gang Feng Seal."

  Wen Siyan fell silent. Gang Feng Seal is the spiritual sustenance of scholars in the entire northwest region, especially after Li Gangfeng hit the pillar and died. After his death, the significance of Gang Feng Seal became even more extraordinary.

  Vince said: "If you first ruin the reputation of Shen Gong Sect and then use Gang Feng Seal to call on everyone, even if Zhang Moya disagrees, the scholars will be outraged and take action boldly." Mr. Da said:

  " Is the Qiming Literary Meeting on the first day of this year the same as last year?" "Slightly different." "

  Tell me about it."

  "The Qiming Literary Meeting in the past just convened all the major forces in the city to watch scholars compete in poetry and literature, and the winner was Being named 'Qiming Wenkui' will earn you certain rewards. Last year, Mr. Gang Feng passed away. In order to commemorate Mr. Gang Feng, Qiming Wenkui changed the rules. From now on, Qiming Wenkui will hold a bowl of dumplings before dining at the Qiming Wenkui every year. , placed in front of the memorial tablet of Mr. Gang Feng. For scholars, the significance of worshiping Mr. Gang Feng with their own hands is far greater than various rewards. It was temporarily decided last year and not many people knew about it, but it will be adopted this year, which will lead to more scholars nearby. Come here and fight for the honor of paying homage to Mr. Gang Feng. Do you want to make trouble at the Qiming Cultural Conference?"

  "That's right. At that time, all the scholars gathered in the academy. As long as we find a suitable person wearing sackcloth, wearing mourning, and holding the Gang Feng Seal high, the scholars will be furious. When the time comes, I will use the internal support of the Shen Gong Sect to kill and injure the scholars, and both sides will inevitably have the same power. Water and fire."

  Wen Siyan was silent for a moment and said, "I talked to Bai Hong, and she said that you used life magic to make people in the city die one after another?" "People will die sooner or later, sooner or later, what does it matter

  ? Relationship?"

  "In this twelfth lunar month, there are many more people freezing to death than usual." "

  There is no way, the life magic has been activated, and disasters here will become more and more frequent." "

  I heard from Bai Hong, after the destruction of Qiyuan City, you and the devil Everyone has their own gain. Now that you have been driven out of Qiyuan City by that mysterious life magician, what benefits can you gain?" "

  This is not something Magistrate Laowen is worried about."

  "Since you want my full help, you need Show sincerity."

  After a long time, Mr. Da said: "Okay! Then you swear not to leak it." "


  After Vince Yan took the oath, Mr. Da said: "Do you know why fortune-telling values ​​a country? The Jade Seal and the King's Golden Seal?"

  "I know a little bit about it. It seems to be able to carry the country's destiny and accumulate great power." "

  Yes. I stole Qiyuan City's national destiny this time. Do you know where to place it?" "

  It's also the Jade Seal or the King's. Royal gold seal?"

  "It is a waste to use the royal gold seal to carry the national destiny, and the jade seal is very rare. I have used up both of these treasures. I didn't have any when I came to Qiyuan City." "Wen knows a lot about fortune-telling

  . Not much."

  "I use Gang Feng Seal to carry the destiny of the country for thousands of miles."

  "It's unbelievable."

  "I didn't believe it when I said it, but when I got the Gang Feng Seal, I discovered it. This Gang Feng Seal has been left in Qiyuan City for many years, and with Li Gangfeng's popularity, he has become a kind of scholar of his own as time goes by. The situation. Last year, Li Gangfeng killed Jinluan Palace, which took this prestige to a higher level, causing the people in the entire northwest to join in involuntarily. The people in the world who sincerely support Li Gangfeng far exceed the kings of small countries, let alone He is an ordinary prince, so this Gangfeng Seal is like the jade seal of a small country, carrying the destiny of a country, far more than your county magistrate seal." "Be careful what you say." "I said, I don't care about what I say now. This


  of It is only at the end of the dynasty or when the country is in chaos that the people lose trust in the court and the emperor and place their hopes on other people. This kind of person is a 'human dragon', or a 'half-king' '. After receiving the Gang Feng Seal, I changed my original plan, spent all my family resources to refine this treasure, and became the core of the 'Thousands of Ants Climbing the Dragon' situation. Let it not only absorb part of the national destiny, but also become the foundation of my destiny."

  "What would have happened if there hadn't been that mysterious life magician?"

  "Because of the activation of my life magic, more and more people will die in Qiyuan City, and Gang Fengyin and Wan Yi Panlong will become stronger and stronger. Wait for you After I left, I joined forces with the Demon Sect to attract demon clans to attack the city and consume the power of Qiming Academy. Then the big shots from the Demon Sect took the opportunity to use tens of thousands of people from Qiyuan County to practice demonic skills." (

  End of this chapter)

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