Chapter 46 Enemies meet

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  Chapter 46 Enemies Meet
  In the early morning of summer, candles were held high in the spacious Si Zheng Hall, but Li Qingxian felt a cold wind passing through from time to time.

  Li Qingxian walked to the last position against the wall and leaned against the wall.

  Save effort.

  After a while, Zhou Chunfeng looked at Cao Ming and winked in Li Qingxian's direction.

  When Cao Ming saw it, his face was full of helplessness. He thought to himself that this was really a young master's body. He stood up and walked to Li Qingxian. He secretly sent a message: "Master Xiao Li, although this Sizheng Palace is not as good as the Jinluan Palace, there are still rules. Even if you stand lazily, You can't lean against the wall."

  Li Qingxian nodded. There are so many things to do in being an official. I don't know how long it will take to get used to it.

  Li Qingxian stood slightly away from the wall, lowering his head and slumping shoulders like other tenth-grade officials, but in his mind he was recalling the fortune skills he had learned.

  Fate magic is a very big concept, all-encompassing.

  In a narrow sense, fortune-telling refers specifically to fortune-telling techniques that consume mana, such as gas-gazing, fortune-watching, deduction, life-stimulating techniques, etc.

  Li Qingxian raised his head and glanced at the main hall, which was full of red and green, and resisted the idea of ​​watching his fate.

  If you use it now, your life will be shattered by the lives of the heroes.

  This night guard is a large yamen that is parallel to the six departments. It is a self-contained body and has long formed a general situation.

  Watching luck at this time is like a six-year-old naughty boy poking at a hornet's nest, poking more than a hundred in a row.

  "In addition to using one less lucky fish, at present, the most powerful way to enhance the power of fortune-seeing is to 'see the dragon' with the spiritual eye. You must practice the 'shielding eye' as soon as possible. Li Qingxian's mind enters the spiritual platform. As soon as his mind moves,


  will Seeing the complete text of the Eye-Shielding Technique appearing in front of the Thunder Dragon Fire Seal.

  This text is in French, it consumes mana to write, and can be printed directly into the spiritual platform.

  The small regular script of one hand is neat and clean, full of strength, and was written by Jiang Youfei.

  Jiang Youfei has guided, Learning spells requires clumsy combination.

  Clumsy means not to be opportunistic at the beginning, but to calm down and recite, and understand the basic meaning of each sentence and word.

  Skillful means that after remembering and understanding, you start to think deeply about what is the great truth behind this spell, what characteristics this spell has, how this spell is different and how it is the same as other spells, and understand everything related to this spell. Only through thoroughness can we learn.

  Li Qingxian decided to be clumsy first and recite it slowly.

  As for the mind-blowing clumsy combination, leave it alone.

  In the process of silently carrying it, the thunder ball in the mouth of the thunder dragon rotates faster, and the accumulation of mana accelerates.

  After a long time, Li Qingxian felt a little tired and stopped practicing "covering his eyes".

  I looked up and saw that the Si Zheng Hall had already started.

  Several Feiyi Division members are discussing personnel appointments.

  The black stone platform was still empty, with only one person sitting on the four rosewood Taishi chairs.

  Those four positions belong to the four people under the commander-in-chief. Their official positions from high to low are: left commander, right commander, left commander and commander, and right commander and commander.

  Yesterday Han Anbo said that Tongzhi means deputy position.

  The man sitting on the fourth-ranked chair should be Mr. Yu Xianhe, the right commanding officer, a fourth-grade literary cultivator, who is in charge of the daily affairs of the night guard.

  Yu Xianhe was slightly fat, drinking tea with squinted eyes, and did not seem to join the discussion.

  Li Qingxian listened for a while. The middle and third-rank people were discussing the affairs of the middle and high-level people of the Night Guard. It was useless for him, a tenth-rank man, to listen. So he began to practice the fortune-telling technique and silently memorized the fortune-telling technique in the spiritual platform. Fortune-telling mainly includes fortune-telling pillars, fate-fixing places, fortune-telling stars, fortune-telling gods and observing hidden things.

  After reciting the fortune-telling technique, he also recited the deduction technique.

  The art of fortune-telling is to determine "what" is in the other person's fortune, while the art of deduction is to deduce the "relationship" of everything.

  It mainly includes the relationship between the destiny and the four pillars, the relationship between the destiny pillar and the destiny star, the relationship between the destiny stars, the relationship between the destiny and the destiny god, as well as the destiny relationship between different people, etc.

  After a while, Li Qingxian stopped practicing, closed his eyes to rest, and regained his energy.

  After a while, a familiar voice sounded: "Mr. Tao, the street patrol room is already short of manpower and cannot be sent out."

  Li Qingxian immediately opened his eyes and looked, it was He Lei, the head of the street patrol room of Shendu Division.

  Another person said: "Every summer, the demon tribe will send out a small team to sneak across the river or cross the Western Desert to harass various places. For the sake of the court and the people, we night guards should do more. Patrolling the divine capital, The Military and Horse Division of the Five Cities can do it, but it cannot be done by the Military and Horse Division when going out to destroy demons."

  Li Qingxian looked at the man, who was wearing a seventh-grade braid with no gold thread around it, a white face and red lips, and beautiful eyebrows. He stood out among a group of dark-skinned warriors. Compared with Zhou Chunfeng, he was nothing more than dust.

  "Then you people from the Finance Department should send more manpower. The newly promoted tenth grade of our street patrol room will never go to war. On the other hand, Mr. Tao Zhitao has just been promoted to the head of the accounting room of the Finance Department and can go out to fight and serve the country." He Lei was lazy. After Yangyang finished speaking, he turned to look at Li Qingxian and nodded slightly.

  Financial Secretary, the new head of the Financial Secretary's accounting room, street patrol room, out of the city to destroy demons, newly promoted to the tenth rank... Li Qingxian's eyes widened slightly, could it be for him?
  Li Qingxian took a serious look at Tao Zhi. This man had taken Pang Mingjing's place.

  Afterwards, Li Qingxian squinted his eyes and looked for Finance Secretary Wei Yong.

  That day, he was the one who sent Pang Mingjing to harm him.

  Soon, Li Qingxian looked at a person. He was wearing a fifth-grade Feiyi. He had an average appearance, very bright eyes, a medium build, a black mole on his left ear, and his hands were black from practicing Iron Sand Palm.

  It is exactly the same as Wei Yong described by Han Anbo.

  Wei Yong actually looked over, smiled slightly, and then looked away.

  This man's eyes were gentle, and he seemed to be just looking at him casually and smiling casually. There was nothing strange about him, as if he was looking at a stranger, but Li Qingxian knew that the other party recognized him.

  I am so young and stand out among the many ten-grade people.

  When enemies meet, the wind is light and the clouds are calm.

  The lower third-rank officials from the Finance Department and the Shendu Department began to argue.

  The officials who were in the third grade either said nothing or were very friendly.

  After a while, Tao Zhi, who looked like a white-faced scholar, looked at Li Qingxian and said, "I think it would be better for you, the newly promoted tenth grade of Shendu Division, to say for yourself whether the country is in trouble and whether it is necessary to go into battle to kill the enemy." Li Qingxian was talking

  . He was about to speak, but when he saw He Lei winking repeatedly and remembered Han Anbo's words, he felt a chill in his heart. He looked at Yu Xianhe, the commander on the right who was sitting at the front, and cupped his hands and said, "Master Yu, Master Tao has something to ask." , but I am young in my humble position and speak straightforwardly. I wonder if I can answer in public."

  Yu Xianhe said with a smile: "Since you are from the Shendu Division, it doesn't matter if you say it."

  "Thank you, Mr. Yu," Li Qingxian looked at the new accountant of the Finance Division. Tao Zhi, the leader of the house, said: "The top priority of the Night Guard is to find out the mole who harmed his colleagues first, and then go out to the capital to destroy the demon." Some officials were stunned. Could this be said

  in the Sizheng Hall?
  Some of the military attachés laughed happily, becoming more and more pleased with this heroic young man.

  Tao Zhi was stunned. He thought he was asking Li Qingxian to make a dilemma, but he didn't expect that Li Qingxian didn't pick up the topic at all and just came over.

  Tao Zhi glanced at his immediate superior, Wei Yong, coughed slightly and said, "Your name is Li Qingxian, right?"

  Li Qingxian respectfully held his hands in his hands, imitating the calm tone of a middle-ranking third-grade official, and said slowly: "Reply to Mr. Tao, I It's the Li Qingxian who was almost killed by Finance Secretary Pang Mingjing on Hubu Street."

  Tao Zhi's face turned dark.

  (End of chapter)

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