Chapter 449 Early Winter People

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  Chapter 449: Early Winter

  Li Qingxian and Zhou Hen walked forward at night. After walking for more than ten steps, they heard someone whispering in the corner.

  "This year's winter is not as cold as in previous years."

  "But more people have died this year than in previous years. In previous years, it was just the beginning of winter, so there were no deaths. It has only been a few days, and several people have died." "It seems really, strange." "


  year I'm afraid it won't be easy."

  "Why?" "

  In previous years, when you beg for food at this time, you would still have some leftovers, but as soon as winter comes this year, you won't be able to get much." "

  That's true. I heard an old man say that whether you have a good time at the end of the year depends on it. Seeking Seedling Meeting."

  "How do

  you say this?" "Think about it, if everyone had a good life, they wouldn't be too lazy to go to Seeking Seeking Meeting. But if everyone's life is not good, and they are afraid of not being able to survive, they will try to find ways to do it. Try your luck, maybe your child will be valued by some sects and be exempted from the apprenticeship fee. You see, this year the Shen Gong Sect has waived the fees for many disciples, taking care of their food and drink." Li Qingxian listened while walking, and walked around the corner towards the alley

  . After taking a look, two beggars were huddled in the corner chatting in a low voice.

  "Uncle Zhou, will so many people die in the early winter in the north?"

  Zhou Hen shook his head and said, "I can't say for sure, generally speaking there are very few."

  Li Qingxian walked a few steps, suddenly stopped, and said, "Let's go back ."

  Li Qingxian returned, found the man who froze to death, and pulled him into an uninhabited alley. He asked Zhou Hen to guard the alley and cast a spell to cover him up.

  Then, take out the life chart, watch the fortune and qi, and deduce the fate.

  Not long after, Li Qingxian looked at the gently rotating life chart and fell into deep thought.

  This person froze to death. It stands to reason that the end of his life has come. In addition, with the natural disasters, he will have some signs of illness at most.

  But the result of the deduction was a violent death.

  Sudden end of life, death without death, is a violent death.


  Li Qingxian raised his head and glanced at the sky of Qiyuan City. The fortune-teller had already begun to take action, and he was very smart. He would not suddenly exert force, but would slowly reduce the disaster and slowly absorb the power.

  Li Qingxian walked to the alley and said, "Uncle Zhou, this fortune-teller is cautious, neither impatient nor impetuous, and plays steadily and steadily. He is very difficult to deal with. You should also be prepared." Zhou Hen nodded and touched his clothes

  . Substitute wooden boy.

  Li Qingxian walked out of the alley, but suddenly returned. He looked at the frozen man for a long time, cast a spell to erase his traces, and then made a new deduction before leaving.

  Every time the two of them walked a certain distance, Li Qingxian would enter a deserted alley and cast a little magic to deduce the places where Jiang Shifang and Cai Xuyuan passed by. He did not deduce the last whereabouts of the two people, just to avoid alerting the enemy.

  The two of them walked back and forth. Two hours later, Li Qingxian walked out of the alley, walked forward for a while, took out his life chart and started sensing.

  A light green line emerges from the birth chart and slowly extends forward.

  Li Qingxian followed the green line. Finally, the green line turned into the street on the right and stopped at the door of a very ordinary single-family courtyard.

  Li Qingxian put away the life chart and whispered: "The two of them were imprisoned here before and were taken away from the life mansion. The life magician was careful. Even if he left, there would be life magic inside. If you don't go in, what will happen? You can't find it. If you go in, you will definitely be sensed by the other party."

  "Is there a way for you to completely avoid the life spell?" "

  The life spell is different from the spell. Once the life spell is triggered, the other party will definitely sense it." "

  The consequences of being sensed. What is it?" "It depends on the other party's habits. Some run away, some set up an ambush secretly, and some come directly to the door. However, most of them will also test whether I am a life magician. If I am also a life magician, then the other party will Generally speaking, they play a game of destiny, just like two chess players, competing in destiny skills. Whoever wins will advance, and whoever loses will retreat." "I do

  n't understand, but I will try my best to protect you."

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: " When a life magician meets, it is impossible to completely hide it from the other party, so I will cover it up a little. Let him mistakenly think that Li Jingqiu continues to sleep, while I pretend to be the person behind Li Jingqiu, and continue to investigate as a life magician. "

  Zhou Hen nodded.

  Li Qingxian entered the deserted alley and started to prepare.

  Ye Han didn't have many other vital materials, but he still had a lot of blood.

  Two "fate talisman" were made in succession to absorb Ye Han's blood. One was used to disguise himself as Ye Han, and the other was guaranteed to continue to disguise himself as Ye Han if the life spell was seen through.

  Then he cast the spell, and saw a bloody red thread flying out from the heart, continuously penetrating the two life-talisman figures, and then hooking the two fate-talisman figures to the chest, forming two layers of paper figures covering the heart.

  The two layers of paper figures exuded a strange aura, faintly carrying a hint of Ye Han's destiny and fate, but not Li Qingxian's own aura.

  Many life spells were prepared one after another.

  Fully prepared, Li Qingxian and Zhou Henfei went to the house.

  Under the hazy moonlight, the cold wind howled, the two of them stood on the neighbor's roof, looking towards the yard.

  The two-story building is made of gray bricks and tiles. The yard is spacious and clean, and it doesn't look like it is inhabited.

  The main door of the main hall was closed tightly. On the black plaque on the door were the four gilded words "House of Fortune".

  Li Qingxian thought for a moment and threw his right hand. Twelve wooden figures with the word "Mate" written on their faces flew out, arranged in twelve rows. Surrounding the yard in all directions.

  In Zhou Hen's eyes, twelve three-inch-tall wooden figures slowly melted into the ground and disappeared.

  In Li Qingxian's eyes, the twelve wooden figures expanded rapidly, and finally turned into twelve wooden giants, surrounding the entire courtyard.

  At the moment when the wooden giant surrounded the courtyard, the plaque in the main hall on the first floor of the courtyard swayed slightly, and the golden word "福" melted into a line, dripped to the ground, and condensed into a golden liquid.

  The golden liquid slowly deformed and finally turned into a little person.

  More than a foot tall, the golden body is thin and the limbs and torso are as thin as a match. It looks like it is made of wooden strips, but its head is a square piece of black iron, with the corners of the square black iron head polished to shine.

  On the square black iron head, there are two eyebrows, two eyes and a mouth, but they are painted as if with a Taoist brush, as dark as ink, very simple.

  The eyebrows and mouth are just three lines, and the two eyes are just two circles.

  Behind the square head, there is a word "plaque" engraved on it.

  The square-headed man jumped lightly to the roof and looked at Li Qingxian and Zhou Hen.

  The two of them disguised themselves, and the square-headed man cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Young slave guard, I have met these two masters. I wonder what the two masters are here for?"

  Li Qingxian and Zhou Hen looked at each other, and the two of them looked at each other. Everyone recognizes that this is a rare life magic weapon, a branch of the life gentleman, generally called the life slave.

  It was created by the ancient "Life Master Sect". This sect is good at the life slave technique. It often hunts other monks to make life slaves and continues to grow. Later, he became too unscrupulous and the major forces joined forces to slaughter the Mingzhu Sect.

  After that, the major life sects fought fiercely to snatch the life slave technique.

  The Life Lord Sect had been on guard for a long time, and the basic skills of the Life Slave Technique were destroyed. In the end, only part of the Life Slave Technique was spread.

  Because the Life Slave Technique can easily arouse fear, the sects that master this technique are very cautious and rarely leak out.

  Li Qingxian thought that this person who mastered the life slave technique was either a disciple of the great life sect, or he had been born in the great life sect.

  (End of chapter)

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