Chapter 432 Divine Bow Party Scimitar Club

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  Chapter 432: Divine Bow Party:

  The sound of unsheathing scimitars is endless. Hundreds of scimitars point to the sky with a cold light, like a crescent moon in the dark night.

  "The Scimitar Club, accept the challenge and worship the mountain!" Ji Xiaodao shouted loudly, with the veins on his neck exposed.

  "The Scimitar Club, accept the challenge and worship the mountain!" Everyone in the Scimitar Club shouted in unison, with momentum like a rainbow.

  Those children who originally wanted to join the Shen Gong Sect were so frightened that they shrank their heads.

  "The enemy's scimitar is held up to his neck. Are you going to fight back when our heads fall to the ground and are trampled like watermelons by them? What are you waiting for? Hold the bow and arrow!" Liu Yitian shouted , took off the long bow.

  Zheng Gaojue then shouted loudly: "Hold the bow and take the arrow!"

  Xu Fang stared with red eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Hold the bow and take the arrow!"

  Sun Goudan glanced at the frightened juniors and said loudly: "Still stunned. What are you doing? Don’t you want to be human and want to continue being locked up in a cage like a dog? Don’t you have any idea what kind of life you have lived in the Shen Gong Sect and what kind of life you have lived in a cage? My grandson Goudan , these days in the Shen Gong Sect, I have enough food and clothing, my master teaches me the Dharma, I have my brothers and sisters to take care of me, and I have good martial arts training. Even if I die here today, it is worth it! What's more, with Li Keqing and Zhou Keqing here, I'm afraid What!"

  The children glanced at Li Qingxian and Zhou Hen, thinking of Xu Fang who usually took care of them, and of the previous days, they all took off their longbows.

  Li Qingxian put away his life skills and whispered to Zhou Hen: "You are staring at the man in the Scimitar Club, the one with the wound on the left face. He is different from others. In addition to the dagger, he also has a dagger hidden in his waist. Zhou

  Hen glanced at it and said through a message: "The assassin is stronger than Ji Xiaodao."

  "Can it be solved?"

  Zhou Hen just nodded lightly.

  In the distance, Gao Tianwan, the deputy leader of the Qingshan Gang, said to another follower: "Immediately mobilize the manpower, divide the troops into two groups, and attack the Scimitar Club all the way, not leaving any chickens or dogs behind, and sealing up all the property. Blocking the Shenjian Gate and the Scimitar along the way. During the meeting, set up the Qingshan banner. Well... release a Qingshan fireworks before taking action."

  The entourage was stunned for a moment, and raised the Qingshan flag, which meant that the Qingshan Gang was bound to win, and releasing the Qingshan fireworks meant that they would fight to the death.


  Under the cover of night, the people from the Qingshan Gang hurried away on horseback, and the people from the Shen Gong Sect and the Scimitar Society stepped onto the flat arena surrounded by tens of thousands of people.

  The Divine Bow Sect is in the east, and the Scimitar Society is in the west.

  Li Qingxian took out white cloth bags one after another and distributed them to six people with qi-activating talismans, including Liu Yitian, Yu Xiaoshan, Xu Fang, Wang Shoude, Zheng Gaojue and Sun Goudan.

  The six people opened the bag and took a look, and took a breath.

  There are layers of yellow symbols inside.

  "Can they all be used?" Wang Shoude asked.

  Zheng Gaojue said: "Don't worry, Li Keqing doesn't have many other things. He has many spiritual talismans." "

  Then you're welcome."

  The experienced Liu Yitian took out ten spiritual talismans and attached them to a silent arrow with his true energy. The disciples were dumbfounded, and the people who had been observing here also blinked.

  Is this really Liu Yitian who does not kill? These ten talismans erupted at the same time. Not to mention ordinary scimitars, even Ji Xiaodao had to vomit blood.

  Everyone discussed the tactics, and the disciples with the qi took the initiative to stick the talismans on the arrows. Li Qingxian stood behind the more than 20 ordinary disciples without the qi and said: "Next, you have to use the talisman arrows continuously. I am responsible. Hang the talisman. After each talisman flashes, three breaths will burst out. You can estimate the time yourself. Well... stand separately..."

  Li Qingxian was in charge of the command. More than 20 nervous children were holding bows and arrows, pointing downwards, looking forward.

  Zhou Hen and Yu Ping stood in front of Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian took out another stack of spiritual talismans, waved his right hand, and the sixteen spiritual talismans burned. He saw rays of light falling on his body, forming sixteen layers of protection on the surface of his body, and his skin even shimmered.

  Scimitar not far away saw this scene, and his heart skipped a beat.

  The monks in Wangjiatun suddenly realized that they finally understood where Shen Gong sent the money to raise their children and where they got the money to buy thirty tables.

  Some middle-level martial arts cultivators shook their heads slightly. Even fifth-level martial arts cultivators could not defeat this level of talisman power with a full blow.

  "Bang the drum!"

  Boom! Boom! Boom...

  The wooden hammer struck the giant drum, and the sound of the drum entangled in the night wind and echoed in the sky. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the Divine Bow Faction and the Scimitar Society.

  There were sparse figures on one side, and except for one with glowing skin, the others were ordinary and lackluster.

  On one side was a figure, the scimitar was shining, and the cold light seemed to open a wound in the night.

  "Start the fight!"

  "Spread out and kill!" Ji Xiaodao took the lead, holding a scimitar in his right hand and running forward with a strong body.

  More than a hundred scimitars will help the crowd fall to the ground like soybeans, disperse instantly, and roll forward.

  Liu Yitian aimed at Ji Xiaodao and shot three arrows in a row, with a talisman hanging on each arrow.

  The three arrows were in the shape of "pin", approaching Ji Xiaodao rapidly.

  Ji Xiaodao narrowed his eyes slightly, slashed at the arrow on the far right, and quickly moved to the right.

  An instant later, the three arrows exploded at the same time, and the dazzling light pierced three times in unison. The area within ten feet was instantly enveloped in dazzling white light.


  The numerous scimitar guild members felt that their eyes were being pierced by densely packed thin needles. The pain was extremely painful and tears flowed from their eyes.

  Ji Xiaodao's eyes were completely blank. He closed his eyes and shouted, "Be careful." He instinctively rolled over.

  A long silent arrow flew over, with five fire talismans and five thunder talismans attached to it.

  Boom boom boom...

  flames exploded, thunder and lightning rolled, all the scimitars in a radius of more than ten feet flew out for everyone, and those below level seven were instantly turned into charcoal.

  As a sixth-grade master, Ji Xiaodao didn't care about anything at the moment when the spiritual talisman exploded, stimulating the three spirits of the real altar at the same time.

  He saw three wolf heads emerging from his belly, turning into three silver lines, which instantly spread all over his skin, intertwining into a silver net to protect his whole body.

  The thunder and fire fell on him and were blocked.

  Suddenly, Ji Xiaodao swung his knife and slashed at a point of light that was flying towards him.

  A long arrow hit the scimitar and exploded with a bang. The scimitar buzzed. Ji Xiaodao took a deep breath and his right hand went numb.

  Just as he was about to dodge again, a second ten-talisman arrow struck and exploded in the air.

  boom! boom! Boom...

  People watching the battle from all sides watched blankly as arrows hung with talismans exploded in the Scimitar Society crowd. Thunder and fire continued to erupt. Occasionally, the flash talisman and the screaming talisman fell, causing temporary blindness and deafness. The originally menacing hordes The members of the Scimitar Society who formed a group were blown away and fled.

  Many people found that Liu Yitian and others were also surprised. They themselves did not expect that these spiritual talismans were so powerful.

  However, some people from the big gangs were so angry that they cursed the Shen Gong Sect for wasting their natural resources. If the Shen Gong Sect was willing to take these talismans as rewards, they would be willing to wipe out the Scimitar Society.

  Liu Yitian and the other six people all used continuous shooting techniques, not seeking strength or accuracy, but only quantity.

  After ten breaths, the six people shot all the talisman arrows.

  The entire flat arena was blasted into pits and blackened. Many corpses lying on the ground were burning, and the peculiar smell of barbecue wafted in the wind.

  Scimitar Huiji's knife was heavily attacked by Liu Yitian, and his whole body was hit by thunder and fire many times. It is still twenty feet away.

  However, there were still a dozen people who rushed within ten feet of the Shen Gong Sect.

  Li Qingxian flicked his right hand, and more than twenty spiritual talismans accurately landed on the arrows of the new disciples, and said: "Seize the time and shoot freely."

  These disciples have all received training in hanging talisman arrows, and after a slight lag, they started shooting one after another.


  (End of Chapter)

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