Chapter 422 Scimitar Society

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  Chapter 422 Scimitar Club

  "How much do you still owe?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "After deducting your twenty taels, I still owe one hundred and forty taels." Liu Yitian said.

  "The donkey keeps making profits?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "It's all like this." Liu Yitian said.

  Li Qingxian opened his mouth, closed it again, and after a few breaths said, "Not much." Then he turned to look out the window.

  Liu Yitian looked at Li Qingxian. The jade hairpin on his bun was simple but translucent. His hair was jet black. It was not stained by dust in the dusty northwest. The hairpin was probably a magic weapon.

  His eyes fell on the clothes, which looked like ordinary black shorts, but there was a faint golden thread embedded inside the collar, which must be a magic weapon.

  Looking down the clothes, the jade pendant on the waist, the pants on the legs, and the shoes on the feet may seem simple, but they are all magic weapons.

  Liu Yitian thought of what he had inquired about about the situation in Beijing, and then thought of the master who looked like an iron tower, as well as the door beast. He became more and more certain about the identity of Li Jingqiu. He took a deep breath and said: "As long as the classics can be regained, the Shen Gong Sect will As long as the lintel of the family does not fall, I will repay the old master's kindness in raising me. I will serve as an ox and a horse for the rest of my life." "

  Yes." Li Qingxian didn't even nod, he just responded casually.

  "Except for me, all the disciples will turn to Yuqing Bow Technique. Those who do not practice it will be expelled from the sect. After the Miao Seeking Meeting, you will appoint the position of teaching elder of the sect." Liu Yitian lowered his hands.

  The corners of Li Qingxian's mouth turned up slightly, and he stood up and said, "Since Master Liu can trust me, then I, a guest of the Shen Gong Sect, will naturally devote myself to the sect."

  Li Qingxian put his right hand on the table, and when he raised his hand, he saw a pile of shining silver ingots. and a gold bar two fingers thick appeared on the table.

  Liu Yitian's eyes widened and he glanced at the black bracelet.

  "Repay the money, and then choose a few large courtyards in the village that can be rented for half a year. As for the so-called scene, a hundred tables are too ostentatious, so thirty tables will be fine. Once the courtyard is selected, cast a wide net around the surrounding area and collect some unoccupied Outer sect disciples who have trained in Pindan can support their appearance. If there are any honest and loyal ones, no matter how talented they are, make them swear an oath to directly teach Yuqing Bow Technique."

  "But you said this bow technique is extraordinary..." Liu Yitian said.

  "The bow technique that no one has learned is just dust." Li Qingxian said.

  "It's up to you." Liu Yitian glanced at the gold and silver on the table.

  "I'm very busy and need a lot of time to practice and study, so I hope you can do what you should do." "Don't worry, sir. I am bound to do my best to revitalize the sect

  and serve the court." Liu Yitian said.

  "Arrange a yard for us that is close to us, and then pay off the debt. You dare to owe Zhao's Bank's debt. You are so brave." Li Qingxian glanced at Liu Yitian. The people who came to collect debts were all dressed in Zhao's Bank. Unique style.

  Liu Yitian said: "Suhang Bank has such a big momentum, Zhaoshi Bank will collapse if it offends Zhaoshi Bank. Otherwise, how could we dare to owe them? Our debt was transferred to Zhaoshi Bank." Li Qingxian nodded and

  said : "You go and make arrangements."


  In the evening, Li Qingxian, Zhou Hen, Yu Ping and Zheng Gaojue moved into a compound on the same street and hired an old woman and a man to keep watch.

  At night, Li Qingxian used his life skills to decorate the yard inside and outside.

  The sun was rising in the east, and it was approaching noon. Liu Yitian, who was upright and his face was glowing, entered the door with his third disciple Yu Xiaoshan, fourth disciple Xu Fang and seventh disciple Wang Shoude.

  "Li Keqing, are you still getting used to living there?" Liu Yitian smiled.

  "Except for the stronger wind and sand, it doesn't matter anything else." Li Qingxian glanced at the stone table in the yard. It had just been wiped in the morning, and a layer of gossamer-like dust had already accumulated on it.

  "Speaking of which, I have been hearing the chirping of magpies for the past two days. It must be Jingqiu, a noble man like you, here. The sects are all rough guys who don't know whether they are warm or cold. If you need anything, just tell my sister. This is the handkerchief I embroidered. Take it with you, and wipe it with dust and dust." Xu Fang walked over with a smile and took out a white handkerchief embroidered with the word "Fu" from her waist. Xu Fang was wearing a red-patterned dress with a white background. The collar was slightly low, and under her fair collarbone, a green and variegated jade brave was hanging from the end of a red rope.

  Li Qingxian thought about it, wondering whether he should answer it or not.

  Wang Shoude, who had washed his face and looked pretty, took a look, inserted the cracked bamboo paper fan into his waist, took out a similar but dirty white handkerchief, and said with a smile: "Sister Fang has a pair of skillful hands and embroidered handkerchiefs for us all." ."

  "Yes, she is a big old bitch, you don't have to be embarrassed." Third senior brother Yu Xiaoshan said.

  "Who are these eldest ladies? I'm still a daughter who hasn't left the palace! Tear your ass off!" Xu Fang turned her head, with an angry smile on her face and a cold but charming look in her eyes.

  "Okay, okay, you will always be the eldest daughter!" Yu Xiaoshan looked helpless.

  Xu Fang chuckled, grabbed Li Qingxian's right hand with her left hand, put the handkerchief into Li Qingxian's hand with her right hand, clenched the roll with Li Qingxian's fingers, and said: "My sister gave this to you, just keep it. It's not worth anything. But it's also a sincere thought."

  "Okay, thank you, Sister Xu." Li Qingxian nodded, put away the handkerchief, folded it carefully, and put it in his inner pocket.

  Xu Fang smiled happily, and the courtyard in late autumn became three points warmer.

  "And it's yours, eighth junior brother." Xu Fang took out another handkerchief and handed it to Zheng Gaojue.

  "Thank you, Fourth Senior Sister!" Zheng Gaojue took it with both hands.

  Xu Fang stepped away, and Yu Ping opened his mouth and asked, "Where's mine?"

  Everyone laughed.

  Xu Fang smiled and said, "I heard from Jingqiu that you are a glutton. I'll change yours to the buckwheat fish for lunch." "

  You are careful." Yu Ping said cheerfully.

  "Li Keqing, we just went to Zhao's Bank to pay off the debt. Let's have lunch together." Liu Yitian said.

  "Okay, just in time to try something from the northwest."

  A group of people walked out of the yard and walked towards the Shen Gong Sect compound more than ten feet away. After taking two steps, they saw a circle of people blocking the gate of the Shen Gong Sect, standing not far away. Several people leaned against the wall, put their hands in their sleeves, and raised their heads to watch the excitement.

  "You're not opening the door, are you?" A tall middle-aged man blocking the door raised his foot, his true energy burst out, and kicked the door.

  The door exploded and splinters of wood flew everywhere.

  "Stop!" Yu Xiaoshan shouted and rushed forward.

  "Don't be reckless." Liu Yitian whispered, "Like a machete."

  Those at the door looked over with alert expressions.

  Yu Xiaoshan slowed down and everyone continued to move forward. Xu Fang shouted loudly: "Is there any royal law in Qiyuan City? It is unreasonable to break into private houses in broad daylight and bring a lawsuit to the imperial city!" That

  kicking The strong man at the door looked sideways, stretched out his hand to pinch his nose, and blew it violently. With a hiss, snot flowed out. He flicked it hard, and the yellowish snot rolled into the ground and was covered with dust.

  He wiped his nose-blowing hand on the doorframe, reached into his arms and took out a piece of yellowed white paper. He swung it and shouted, "I'm the Scimitar Master Hong Sanxiong. It's only natural to pay back debts. The fingerprints on it, But the one printed by your boss Liu Yitian, including principal and interest, totals three hundred and twenty taels, so I don’t want any change."

  Li Qingxian looked at Liu Yitian, and Liu Yitian said solemnly: "I went to Zhao's Qianzhuang Qiyuan with Xiaofang. After paying the money, the other party said that the IOU needs to be found slowly, found and destroyed, and we believed it. Now that I think about it, the debt was transferred to the Scimitar Society, something fishy." (End of this chapter


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