Chapter 41: A scumbag with no literary skills

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  Chapter 41: A scumbag who doesn’t study literature.

  Li Qingxian said at a loss of laughter and tears: “My literary studies have been interrupted, and I have to start over again. Confucianism requires me to study the Four Books and Five Classics, one book a year! Only after nine years will I be qualified to open the Middle Dantian. , and it may not be successful. I really can't do it. I have a dark eye on literary studies of scriptures." "

  Zhao Yishan, the current chief assistant, resumed literary studies at the age of twelve, studied hard for twenty years, and finally started He was in Dantian, and then he became a success all the way. Last year, he ranked first and became famous all over the world." "

  Can I compare with a pervert like Zhao Yishan? You really think highly of me. If I remember correctly, when he was the top pick in high school, Are you on the same list?"

  "Indeed." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  Li Qingxian said: "Uncle Zhou, I'm not talking about you. Although Zhao Yishan was already over 50 when he won the top prize, he was the top pick, you were the top pick, and he was the top candidate in the same ranking. Why has so many years passed? , you are only in the fourth rank, but he was promoted to the first rank? This literary cultivator is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat!" "

  Believe it or not, I will beat you out." Zhou Chunfeng pointed at Li Qingxian with an ox bone fan and laughed.

  "Look, you can't even compare to him. I'll risk my life to compete with Zhao Yishan!"

  Li Qingxian felt helpless.

  I really thought about studying literature a few days ago, but I was just a scumbag at Blue Star.

  Not to mention those profound Confucian classics, even ancient poems, I have never memorized them since high school. I have long forgotten them and can only remember some fragments of sentences and words.

  The key point is that literary cultivation can only be promoted by studying the scriptures and pursuing Confucian principles. No matter how many poems you know, it will not improve your literary quality at all.

  With my little knowledge of poetry, I can barely make a fool of myself. When I encounter poems that are similar to those in my previous life, I help others change the poems and become a poet master.

  But the literary spirit gained by Master Shi cannot be promoted, and can only be used to feed the Zhengqi Sword.

  What's more, I have the Destiny Instrument in my hand, so if I don't spend my time practicing the art of destiny and spend so many years in literary cultivation with an uncertain future, I'm simply putting the cart before the horse.

  Seeing that the two of them were silent, Zhou Hen couldn't help but said: "Then how did you discover the thunder seed of Shenxiao?"

  Zhou Chunfeng also looked at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian coughed lightly and said: "I told you, I discovered it by chance through fortune-telling. I didn't know whether it was true or not at the time. I just tried it. I didn't expect it to work." Zhou Hen said: "

  Those talismans, chicken blood, and money swords are... Is it true or false?"

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Of course it is false. Life magicians use sheep blood, not chicken blood."

  "What is the thunder seed of the sky?" Zhou Hen was really curious.

  Li Qingxian spread his hands and said: "To be honest, I don't know either. But Sister Youfei said it was a treasure given by the Emperor of Heaven. Uncle Zhou, do you know?"

  Zhou Chunfeng shook his head and said: "This must be an ancient divine object, De Since you have obtained this thing, you are favored by God. However, it is not allowed to be spread to outsiders. The remaining members of the Night Guard and the Tianxiao Sect have been given a gag order by me." "The Night Guard and the Tianxiao Sect were killed by Tian Lei

  . Did those people who were hacked to death have a problem with their origins?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Chunfeng said: "Afterwards, it was verified that the night guards pretending to be the third grade of the Demon Sect were already dead. One of the two night guards killed by the thunder was a demon cultivator and the other was an evil cultivator. The two disciples of the Tianxiao sect were both demon cultivators. ."

  "Uncle Zhou, this time I helped the Night Guard eradicate five third-level demon sects, countless little shrimps, and killed four moles. Let me take credit for this." Li Qingxian leaned on the back of his chair with a smile.

  Zhou Chunfeng shook his head and said: "If this credit is given to you, what will Ye Han do?"

  Li Qingxian suddenly realized, and said: "I think you should promote Ye Han to make the Demon Sect more certain that it is him."

  Zhou Chunfeng nodded, and then said "Yesterday I learned that you were promoted to the tenth rank, and I asked the Commander of the Guard to promote you to the position of Captain of the Jiajiufang Team. Who knew it was a step too late, and the Commander of the Guard had other plans." "Huh?" Li Qingxian felt that Zhou Chunfeng's tone was wrong. .

  "I argued hard, and in the end the commander-in-chief had to give up the candidate for the team leader, but he had to appoint the team deputy. The team deputy is Wei Yong, the director of the Night Guard Finance Department." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  Li Qingxian's face darkened. Pang Mingjing, the head of the financial department's accounting office who had harmed him in Hubu Street, was Wei Yong's confidant. He had been secretly inquiring about the financial department and people these days.

  "You can't refuse?"

  "Wei Yong is good at this. He knows that I can't let his people serve as captains, and I will definitely contradict the commander. I can contradict once, but I can't contradict twice, otherwise the commander will What's the point of his face? How will we get along with each other in the future? So sending a team deputy to mix with sand is his real purpose. I couldn't predict it. I didn't understand it until the commander in chief proposed the candidate for the team deputy, but it was too late. " Zhou Chunfeng said.

  Li Qingxian said helplessly: "You officials are full of tricks. Wei Yong must have promised the king some benefits." "It's just

  a small thing." Zhou Chunfeng said with a smile.

  "Aren't you angry?"

  "It's just a small matter." Zhou Chunfeng didn't seem to care at all that Wei Yong was mixing sand in Shendu Division.

  Li Qingxian couldn't understand and looked at Zhou Hen, who looked like he was playing tricks on his head and said don't ask me about it.

  Zhou Chunfeng drank the tea with a smile and said: "Tomorrow is the Sizheng Hall. If you have entered the first rank, you can participate in the first hall. I will take you to identify people. The Divine City Secretary can directly appoint the tenth rank. Tonight I will send someone to escort you." Go to the qualification book and the official uniform of the tenth grade."

  "Then when I am promoted from the tenth grade to the tenth grade, do I need to participate in the Qingyun qualification test like other promotions?" "There is no need to participate in the

  tenth grade, as long as you If you can compete with those from the ninth grade for a hundred rounds, the guard commander can issue a certificate of qualification. Others need to wait for the annual Qingyun test from the ninth grade to the positive ninth grade, and the night guard can pass the internal assessment. But starting from the eighth grade , you need to participate in the national unified Qingyun test, regardless of Confucianism, Taoism, martial arts, or evil spirits. Of course, some casual cultivators who do not serve in the imperial court, after being recommended and tested, do not need to participate in every rank. For example, young concubines only participate in the fourth rank Qingyun test. ."

  The two chatted for a while, and after Zhou Chunfeng gave many instructions, Li Qingxian left with the pastry plate in the helpless eyes of Zhou Chunfeng and Zhou Hen.

  After leaving Chunfeng Residence, Li Qingxian went straight to the medical clinic. He learned that Zheng Hui and Yu Ping had left, and went to Room Jiajiu.

  Before entering the door, I heard Han Anbo sigh.

  "Brother Zheng, I'm afraid he has lost his vitality this time. For such a dark person, there is not a trace of white hair on his head in his fifties. In just one day, his hair has turned half gray..."

  Li Qingxian entered the door, and Han Anbo and Yu Ping looked over with complicated eyes.

  Maybe the window paper is too thick and the room is a little dark.

  "What happened to Captain Zheng?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Yu Ping, who was white and fat, forced out an ugly fake smile, took the cake without any courtesy, gave Han Anbo a piece of osmanthus cake, held it by himself, and ate it silently.

  Han Anbo held the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, looked at Li Qingxian and said, "Captain Zheng has gone home to recuperate. Without cultivation, he could have been an ordinary night guard, but he is so strong that he will not come back." "Don't tell me otherwise

  . He? At least he still has this leather protection in Night Guard." Li Qingxian said.

  Han Anbo shook his head and said: "I tried to persuade him, but how could he listen? He was injured on the job, and even if he lost his tenth-grade salary, as long as he didn't make any mistakes and still had the identity of a night guard, he would still have the salary of an ordinary night guard." Li

  Qingxian Not knowing what to say, I just sat aside.

  Yu Ping swallowed the water chestnut cake and said in a low voice: "Now everyone in the Yamen says that you have been admitted to the imperial examination, and you want to take over as the captain of the Jiajiu Fang Team?"

  (End of Chapter)

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