Chapter 401: Watching the clouds like a dream

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  Chapter 401 As if watching the clouds in a dream

  Li Qingxian saw that the opponent had even given him the treasures needed to save his life, and was willing to obey his orders. Plus, with Lin Zhenyuan, the situation of his team would definitely improve. By then...

  Li Qingxian was stunned for a moment. By then, his team seemed to have been promoted to the top team.

  Almost a quarter of the Eighteen Ziyin Kings are in their own team.

  Li Qingxian frowned and said: "Then... what about the lucky student?"

  Meng Huaichuan sighed and said: "He killed several teammates in a row and almost killed you. According to the team oath, the rest of us all agree, regardless of whether he comes back or not. , they all expelled him from the team."

  Li Qingxian looked at Meng Huaichuan's remaining team members.

  Shen Xiaoyi chuckled and said, "I told you to be careful about Lucky Boy, but you were blindfolded by the baby. Now comparing Ye Han and Lucky Boy, you should know what's going on, right?" Meng Huaichuan coughed lightly

  , Said: "You are right, this person with good luck is too tough in life, and we can't stand him. After thinking about this journey carefully, we realize that being with him is not very stable." Except Lin Zhenyuan didn't care, behind

  him The team members nodded.

  Li Qingxian thought to himself that he would be lucky to be born with the poisonous pond hidden dragon. As long as he didn't officially transform into a dragon, whoever was next to him would be unlucky. Besides, the Rizhao Jinshan is gone, and there is no way to protect others.

  "Then let's formally swear an oath."

  Everyone renewed their oath, with Li Qingxian as the leader, and even gave Li Qingxian the power of life and death to expel others.

  "Where should we go next?" Qiu Ye asked.

  "Listen to the leader." Meng Huaichuan looked serious.

  Everyone looked normal, but laughed secretly in their hearts.

  Li Qingxian first asked everyone's opinions before making a decision and moving on.

  "How's the good luck student?" Song Baige glanced at Wang Buku and then looked at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "He's fine, he even got a chance."

  "What happened outside?" Meng Huaichuan asked curiously.

  Li Qingxian said: "I used the body of a traitor to escape into the palace prison. Unexpectedly, the super-grade Mingzhu committed suicide and followed him. Then he was severely beaten by the eunuchs and finally died." Meng Huaichuan glanced at Li

  Qingxian , smiled and nodded, no longer asking.

  The others spoke up and asked about the scene.

  Li Qingxian only said what he could, and didn't mention anything about killing the super-grade human being in the end.

  The group walked for a quarter of an hour when a team came to the left front.

  Astonishingly, it was a joint team of Gu Fuzi and the Monument Carver.

  Demons unite.

  The total number of people exceeds one hundred.

  The corner of the bastard's eyes twitched when he saw Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian looked at Gu Huizi and clearly felt that Gu Huizi's aura had dropped significantly. He must have encountered many disasters along the way, and his life skills were effective.

  Li Qingxian was just thinking about how to respond when the bastard and the person who carved the tombstone both cupped their hands and turned around to leave.

  All the teammates looked at each other in surprise.

  "They are scared!" Meng Huaichuan pointed out the point.

  "But why are they afraid?" Wang Buku asked.

  Meng Huaichuan shook his head, frowning slightly and then spreading out.

  Li Qingxian and Shen Xiaoyi looked at each other and felt a little strange. Although they used their life skills to curse Gu Huizi, the other party was not like this. Something must have happened that no one knew about.

  "However, it is always a good thing. It seems that they have given up the fight..." Before Lin Zhenyuan finished speaking, the sky shook.

  Everyone looked up at the sky and saw the Emperor Star hanging high in the sky, starting to send out circles of pale white ripples, spreading to the surroundings.

  "The Emperor Star is coming..."

  The old eunuch's residence.

  While the lucky student was smiling happily with Mao Shigao, he looked in the direction of the Royal Garden from time to time, feeling anxious. Mao Shigao stood in the doorway with a smile, talking about horse racing and talking nonsense. He was in the clouds and fog. One moment he was complaining about Zhang's parents and Li's family, another moment a eunuch and a palace maid were having the same meal, and another moment he was complaining about the cold weather and too little salary...

  Suddenly , the Emperor Star diffuses the halo.

  The good luck student's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a strong force attracting him.

  He even had the illusion that the Emperor Star was his own!
  Without saying a word, he took a step and ran away.

  "We haven't finished talking yet..." Mao Shigao's ghostly figure stood in front of Lucky Sheng and put his hand on his shoulder, holding him firmly in place.

  The lucky man narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "Eunuch Mao, I already know your intention and have been patient for a long time. If you do this again, I can only retaliate." "Look, what you said is one of

  our own, so why don't you retaliate?" You don't need to be so polite when you retaliate." Mao Shigao looked cheerful.

  The lucky man knows that he has encountered a treacherous old ghost, and he will definitely not be able to escape if he doesn't fall out. If he does, after a while, the Emperor Star will have already fallen by the wayside.

  As a last resort, he took out the gray, yellow and black characters given by the old eunuch, shook his right hand, and turned into smoke, flying straight towards the imperial garden.

  Within a few breaths, the smoke fell to the ground and turned into good luck.

  The lucky student saw the emperor star vibrating more violently, and a certain strong feeling in his heart became stronger.

  It's like you can pick off the Emperor Star with your hand.

  "It's not an illusion!" The lucky student clenched his fists and looked up at the Emperor Star.

  The next moment, Luck was in a trance, and he vaguely felt that his soul was leaving his body and flying high in the sky.

  I could vaguely see colorful clouds billowing all over the Imperial Garden, some were white, some were green, some were red, some were purple, some were black, and so on.

  Among them, the largest group of clouds rises, filled with purple light, and is the most noble.

  There is a hidden gold in the nobility, which is not found in other clouds.

  Looking at the purple clouds, the lucky student suddenly felt some indescribable loss in his heart, as if something that should have belonged to him suddenly left.

  The lucky student felt uneasy and looked down at where he was.

  He saw the same clouds billowing where he was, and the purple air was billowing, with a hint of gold in it.

  In the Imperial Garden, there are many clouds, but only two contain gold.

  The lucky student was overjoyed that his golden color was no weaker than that of the other one.

  The next moment, the lucky man frowned and looked at the largest cloud.

  The gold energy of the largest cloud was indeed similar to his, but the purple energy, red energy, green energy, etc. far surpassed it, ten times more.

  The whereabouts of the Emperor Star.

  The silver Emperor Star, which emits light purple light, falls from the sky with a long tail of red flames.

  The Emperor Star goes straight towards good luck.

  Good luck brings great joy, and you instinctively reach out to grab it.

  But in the next moment, where the largest cloud group is, clear lights rise one after another, and blurry things leap forward, either blocking or pulling them.

  I saw the Emperor Star turn suddenly and fly straight towards the largest cloud group.

  "Give me back the Emperor Star!" The lucky student felt his heart being ripped out. He was heartbroken and reached out to grab it.

  Got it empty.

  The lucky man's eyes were in a trance. In the blink of an eye, he found himself standing on the grass of the Imperial Garden, and those cloud illusions disappeared.

  It's like a dream.

  I could only see from a distance that the Emperor Star, with its long tail light, fell in the distance and could no longer be seen.

  The lucky man reached out to cover his slightly aching left chest, feeling disappointed.

  "It turns out it was just an illusion..."

  The lucky student walked forward slowly with heavy steps.

  (End of chapter)

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