Chapter 389 Before the death of the Xue family

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  Chapter 389: Before the death of the Xue family

  , everyone waited quietly outside the imperial garden gate.

  The story of the Demon Sect's sneak attack on Song Baige and others spread throughout the teams. Some literary cultivators could not find Gu Huizi and could only stare at the other Demon Sect members.

  People from some teams kept coming to Li Qingxian, verbally promising each other to enter the Royal Garden and try not to do anything. If there is any dispute, let it end.

  Everyone has understood that the most important thing in this last step is not to fight for the emperor star, but to save their lives.

  Li Qingxian had been prepared, but Gu Huizi never showed up.

  "You're a little uneasy, it's okay." Shen Xiaoyi came closer, comforted in a low voice, and then handed out a piece of light yellow bean curd candy, "I made it." Li Qingxian took the bean curd candy and said, "

  Maybe Brother Song was injured and his bones were dirty."

  He opened his mouth and bit off a corner. It was crispy, sweet, and full of bean aroma.

  "It's delicious, not bad." Li Qingxian took another bite. For some reason, he felt much more at ease while chewing the slightly sweet candy.

  The team members glanced here, staring at the bean curd in Li Qingxian's hand, their throats rolling.

  Shen Xiaoyi also took a piece and ate it slowly.

  After Li Qingxian finished eating, he found that many people were looking at him, and Shen Xiaoyi had no intention of sharing the candy, so he took out some snacks from the Qiankun bracelet, gave a few pieces to Shen Xiaoyi first, and then distributed them to the others.

  What was handed to Wang Buku was Dragon Beard Candy. Wang Buku sighed: "I don't like sweet ones." Li Qingxian was about to

  take it back to others, but Wang Buku stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it with a look of satisfaction. Then he extended his hand again.

  Li Qingxian tentatively put in another ball of dragon beard candy, but Wang Buku took it without hesitation.

  Li Qingxian didn't know whether there was something wrong with his ears or Wang Buku's brain, so he continued to give snacks to others.

  Some people in the distance kept swallowing.

  From the beginning of the Qingyun Trial to the present, most people only carry dry food and water bags and cannot eat exquisite snacks.

  After a while, friends I met before came over and chatted, occasionally asking how the snacks were.

  Especially Sun Qingtian, who looked directly at the mouths of Li Qingxian's teammates.

  Li Qingxian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he also gave them snacks.

  Everyone got the snacks, thanked them one after another, chewed them carefully, and left happily.

  Shen Xiaoyi pretended to be chatting with Li Qingxian, but in fact he kept sending messages to introduce each team.   "That's the team of the River Ming Sect and the Mountain Ming Sect. The Shan He Ming Sect has the same spirit and is good at building Ming Shan Ming River. It's a hard job, but it's enough to protect itself..." "That's the only one

  from the Underworld Army over there.

The army of pure puppet cultivators once came forward to resist the demon clan, known as the underworld army, thousands of miles of bones..." "

  Over there is the Light Sect, which preaches the best and the most loving, purifies everything, and is at its peak among the five evil sects..."

  " Although their whereabouts are secretive, we have deduced their aura before and it should be the Linshi Sect. They are different from other evil sects. Other evil sects recruit believers widely, but they only believe in the blood of their own people and will never recruit outsiders. They are extremely exclusive. , and acted too cruelly, so they were squeezed out and killed. It was not until the past few hundred years that the Linshi Sect changed its domineering and ruthless style and disappeared behind the scenes. It no longer directly competed with the major forces, but acted secretly. I won’t hide it from you. , they are one of the key enemies of our Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, because the Linshi Faction hates all other human races, and their goal is to eliminate all other races and establish a world controlled only by the Linshi Faction. Therefore, they have been provoking various major forces, The evil sect of the Demon Sect has their shadow, the war between the human race and the monster race has their shadow, and the civil strife of the major forces also has their shadow. The key is that they secretly control many Jianghu people and Hualou Chu Pavilion to spread news and confuse right and wrong... "

  Shen Xiaoyi knew all the major forces well, and Li Qingxian wrote them down one by one. These things may not seem important, but they are of great use at critical moments.

  There are more than 2,000 people, and the team is less than 100. They are all the elites of the major forces.

  "That's the Xue family in the north. When the An Dynasty fell, three families actually benefited the most. One is the current royal family, the other is the Tianming Sect, and the third family is the Xue family. It's just that the Xue family controlled the Anguo government and made too many enemies. Taizu and the Tianming Sect joined forces, and the Xue family had to be divided into two parts. One part went south and only engaged in business. The northern Xue family also broke into pieces and no longer directly participated in the government. The direct line of the Xue family did not enter the court, but the collateral lines, sons-in-law, etc. It has been taking root in various state capitals. So much so that the royal family was helpless. In the end, the two sides compromised. Every Qi emperor would marry a legitimate daughter of a branch of the Xue family as his concubine..." "The Xue family in the north and south were superficially separated, and there was even a big conflict that year

  . , but they have been colluding secretly. When the Northern Xue family is short of money, the Southern Xue family will send it to them. When the Southern Xue family is attacked, the Northern Xue family will help each other secretly. The two families also fight internally, but when encountering a disaster, they unanimously deal with the outside world; Let's share the benefits together..." Li Qingxian's eyes were opened. In the past, he only knew vague information about various forces, which was far less clear than what Shen Xiaoyi said.

  After listening to Shen Xiaoyi's introduction, Li Qingxian led the team to a secluded place where others could not see it. He first made a substitute wooden boy for each person, and then made one for himself.

  This time I made twenty of them in one go. Except for some of the blood of the lucky students, nothing else was left.

  After making twenty substitute wooden boys into belts and wrapping them around his body, Li Qingxian returned with his team.

  After looking around, he still couldn't see Gu Huizi. It seemed that Gu Huizi knew that he would cause trouble for him and hid himself.

  Suddenly, a familiar deep wolf howl sounded.

  Then, Li Qingxian's forehead felt hot.

  The team members looked at each other with panic in their eyes.

  At the same time, the few remaining children clapped their hands and sang children's songs.

  "Catch the traitor, beat the traitor. The traitor entered the imperial garden, and the emperor's grandfather was uneasy. Catch the traitor's hands, slap them three times, and send him to prison." Everyone was silent, but they felt a little relieved. They really wanted to be caught with both hands and slapped them

  . Three times, it means that the ability to resist has been lost.

  Li Qingxian felt keenly that the lucky man was looking here.

  "It's midnight, the door is open!" A guard shouted like a watchman, and then, the guard at the entrance of the imperial garden disappeared and the door opened.

  Everyone looked at the dark door and the lush flower beds inside.

  What people didn't expect was that Meng Huaichuan and the good luck students' team actually took the lead and entered it.

  It didn't matter to others. When he saw that the lucky boy entered first, Li Qingxian immediately realized that in this battle for the Royal Garden, he must not sit back and wait for death, he must fight first.

  "Let's go in quickly. This time, everyone, be careful. It may be more dangerous than before, but as long as we survive, each of us will be expected to be top-grade!"

  Li Qingxian led the team in quickly.

  The moment all the team members entered the Royal Garden, all the children suddenly shouted.

  "The sky is dark, the stars are bright, the sun is dull, and loyal ministers have turned into traitorous ministers..."

  Li Qingxian and others felt their foreheads go cold, and they felt that the word "treacherous" disappeared from their foreheads.

  "Great!" Qiu Ye said.

  Li Qingxian immediately stretched out his hand to touch it and said with a smile: "Mine is gone, what about you?"

  "It's gone too!"

  "The spell can be released."

  Li Qingxian tried to remove the spell and looked at everyone.

  "Sure enough, it's gone!"

  Li Qingxian relieved everyone one by one.

  (End of chapter)

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