Chapter 362 Everyone goes to Sheji Temple

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  Chapter 362: Everyone went to Sheji Temple

  "We are not sure. The white palace is built on the lawn, it is relatively open and looks good. But the weird thing is that all the evil sects went there." "The red wall over there

  . The palace buildings are densely packed and look more exclusive."

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "There may be differences between what we see on the surface and what is actually there. For example, the palace on the lawn looks more open, but there is actually another aspect. One possibility is that they do it to have a good view, to prepare for external battles at any time, and to better attack the enemy. For example, the grassland ethnic groups live in such an environment, and they are far more offensive and savage than other ethnic groups."

  " What do you say about the city walls on the opposite side?"

  "The purpose of building city walls is not to harm others, but to protect our own people. I ask you, do you live in a safe city wall for a long time or live on an unprotected grassland for a long time? Which side's offspring will be less aggressive?"

  "So that's it..."

  Everyone suddenly realized.

  Li Qingxian explained: "We can't just look at things on the surface, we have to look at the root causes and the longer-term effects. Except for a few soldiers, most of the people protected by the city wall are not exposed to fighting and are in a more stable state. They are very If you reserve fewer weapons, you will rarely attack people. On the other hand, if you look at a prairie-style lawn-style residential palace without protection from the outside world, you will inevitably want to supplement your sense of security through other means. You will inevitably place more weapons in the house and be ready for battle at any time. More aggressive. This is human nature and is difficult to overcome. In other words, aggression and fighting flow in the blood of the grassland hunting people, so no matter where they move, they prefer the grassland environment. Therefore, we should not think that there The palace looks good, so I think it is safe there. In fact, there is a huge crisis hidden in that palace." "

  If the evil sect goes there, will something happen?"

  "I don't know the specific reason." Li Qingxian shook his head.

  Shen Xiaoyi said: "The evil sect of the Demon Sect is looking for the life corpses and the remaining power of the death realm inside. There should be evil power there to attract them."

  "That makes sense," Li Qingxian nodded, "However, that has nothing to do with us. We can just protect ourselves. If the other party does not provoke us, we will not care. If they choose to become enemies, then the gate of the city wall will It's the spearhead pointed at the enemy. Let's go."

  Li Qingxian stepped toward the red-walled and yellow-tiled palace complex on the right.

  "It's better to watch from our side." Lu Gaoming said.

  Everyone nodded.

  Unexpectedly, Li Qingxian said: "I just said, you can't just look at things on the surface. The first layer of surface is that the lawn is better than the city wall, and there is a second layer below, that is, the residents of the lawn are more aggressive than the residents inside the city wall. This One side must be better than that side? Isn’t this back to the first level? In the second level, there are still things I haven’t finished. For example, there must be more rules in the city wall than in the lawn. Because there must be contradictions among people. , it cannot be solved by force, then it can only be restricted by various rules, especially those that are implicit. Therefore, there is no essential difference between the two palaces. Some places and times may be safe or dangerous. Remember, what we are discussing is not right or wrong, but aggression and friendliness, more rules or less rules. Sometimes, aggression can protect oneself, and excessive friendliness will weaken the group. There are advantages and disadvantages of more rules, and more rules. Young masters also have their advantages and disadvantages."

  Shen Xiaoyi nodded and said, "That's good. After your luck increases, you will see the problem more clearly." "

  They have all entered the palace, let's go in last. Isn't it a bit late?" Song Baige looked around and couldn't see anyone.

  "Don't be in a hurry." Li Qingxian said, and Shen Xiaoyi looked at each other and released their life weapons.

  I saw many life weapons floating in the sky, some deducing, some exploring, or snooping.

  Traces of numerology were discovered and analyzed by the two of them.

  Shen Xiaoyi waved his right hand, and a pure white gauze belt flew out, one end connected to his own life chart, and the other end connected to Li Qingxian's life chart.

  Looking carefully, the white gauze ribbon is composed of countless silk threads.

  Among the threads, glimmers of light surged.

  After an instant, Li Qingxian felt that his birth chart had received a massive amount of information and made a clearer deduction.

  "Qianjisi." Li Qingxian glanced at Qianjisi, and then showed the results of his deduction to Shen Xiaoyi. Shen Xiaoyi's eyes lit up and he sped up the deduction.

  The two people's horoscopes are constantly deduced independently and transmit information to each other.

  Not long after, Li Qingxian's birth chart began to shine with light, intertwining and forming various figures, all of which looked like the many candidates before. They went in different directions, leaving different traces on the ground. There were even light spots to simulate their scattered movements. Breath and power.

  Everyone in the team was horrified at the sight, these life magicians were so powerful.

  Shen Xiaoyi thought thoughtfully and said, "You like visibility? There are very few life magicians who like this, because the clearer it is, the more difficult it is, and the fuzzy it is, the simpler it is." "I don't care about difficulty or simplicity, I only focus on being correct

  . It's still a mistake. If it's correct, so what if it's a little more difficult? If it's wrong, what's the use of being simple?" "As your luck

  increases, your brain becomes brighter. I hope there are no evil stars in your destiny, otherwise your luck will get worse. The stronger you are, the easier it is to go to extremes..." Shen Xiaoyi looked at Li Qingxian's head, and the bright yellow canopy disappeared. It was not gone, but it was hidden.

  "No, I have seen the power of the Poison Pond Hidden Dragon." Li Qingxian said.

  Shen Xiaoyi nodded.

  Li Qingxian's eyes dimmed slightly, because he discovered some clues to something. Unfortunately, he was in Qingyun, a strange city, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

  "When I get out, we will definitely be able to solve it. We can't be distracted now..."

  Li Qingxian's eyes gradually became clear and he said, "Let's use the accelerating talismans to enter the palace faster."

  Everyone immediately used various talismans, and the green wind surrounded them. Go straight to the Red Wall Palace.

  The main entrance of the palace was closed, and even the side doors were closed. Only the corner doors on both sides were open.

  Li Qingxian deduced for a moment and said: "On the right is the Ancestral Temple, and on the left is the Sheji Temple. I think you know how to choose." "Of course, choose the Sheji Temple. The Sheji Temple is a place to worship the God of Earth and the God of Grains, and the Ancestral Temple is dedicated to the old gods

  . People who die in the country are likely to have their own remains. Although there are many benefits, there is a high probability that they will die inside."

  Li Qingxian nodded and said: "If I were just myself, I might dare to go to the Ancestral Temple, but for the safety of the team, we must go to the Sheji Temple."

  Everyone walked towards the corner door on the left.

  Song Baige said thoughtfully: "Can I say that in the future, we will encounter many rules in the palace? Just like in the palace over there, we will encounter direct dangers?" "Yes, I am also there

  . Consider this issue." Li Qingxian said.

  Wang Buku's expression changed and he asked, "Is it completely a strange rule?"

  Everyone's hearts sank.

  Shen Xiaoyi said: "You don't feel it, but our fate magicians can clearly find that the deeper you go inside, the weaker the power of Guidi. I suspect that in the palace, the power of Guidi, the old kingdom of the dead realm and the Tianming Sect's court Power, the three have reached a certain balance, and no one power can completely occupy the palace. Therefore, we must abide by the rules of the palace, but we will not be like normal ghosts. Once the rules are violated, we will encounter serious consequences. Punishment or even death."

  (End of Chapter)

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