Chapter 345 Some people turn into peaches and some people pick peaches.

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  Chapter 345: Some people turned into peaches and others picked peaches
  . Everyone stepped forward and the game children rushed over, clapping their hands and singing in unison.

  "If you click here and there, you will get some peaches. If you click on the right peaches, you will be full; if you click here, you will get some peaches. If you click on the right peaches, you will get a treasure..."

  A child with a red braid on his head walked up to the crowd and said with a smile: "Shall we play games together?"

  Everyone lined up in silence.

  Only Li Qingxian seemed to have really met a child, and smiled and said: "Okay."

  The peach-clicking child smiled happily at Li Qingxian, then clapped his hands and sang a children's song. After singing, he said: "Let's click our right ears together." But his right hand pointed My left eye.

  Before he spoke, a child of white light emitted from outside his chart.

  In the eyes of everyone, a line of words "I am tapping my left eye" appeared in front of the white light child, and at the same time, the white light child tapped his red right ear.

  Everyone ignored the little peach kid and followed what the white light kid said.

  The child who ordered the peach said excitedly: "Wow, we did everything right, let's do the harder part. Let's click on the chin together, let's click on the hair together, and let's click on the left shoulder together." At the same time, he clicked on his right eye, The left ear and the center of the eyebrow.

  Everyone felt a shiver in their hearts and felt lucky. Fortunately, they had listened to Li Qingxian's practice. Fortunately, the white light villain was here. If they were unprepared, they would definitely click wrong this time. Who would have thought that the second step would be to click three times in a row.

  Everyone followed the white light child and completed it perfectly.

  The peach-clicking child kept playing the game, and when it was the fourth time, the peach-clicking child said with a smile: "Let's click on the upper lip together, let's click on the teeth together, let's click on the chin together, let's click on... the nose!" Then, the peach-clicking child said Ordered the other four parts.

  The moment the kid who ordered the peach finished speaking, half of the people didn't realize it. A few people vaguely felt that something was wrong, but Li Qingxian, Wang Buku, Song Baige and others were shocked. They glanced at Guanzhou from the corner of their eyes and hurriedly followed Bai Guang. The child talks and makes actions.

  Guan Zhou, who was on the far right side of the team, his eyes widened and his whole body trembled slightly. A large amount of sweat slid down his temples. While he was reading the words in front of the white-light child, he reached out and touched the relevant parts. At the same time, he slowly turned around. He raised his head and looked at Li Qingxian with pleading eyes.

  Everyone followed the white light child's words and actions.

  After Li Qingxian said the last sentence, he gently tapped his nose, and then turned to look at Guan Zhou.

  The index finger of Guan Zhou's right hand was placed on the lip of the nose, which is as flat as the face.

  He has no nose.

  He traded his nose for treasure.

  Wang Buku, Song Baige and others all looked at Guan Zhou. Only then did the others react and looked at the noseless Guan Zhou in surprise.

  "Save me..." Guan Zhou looked at Li Qingxian.

  The next moment, Guan Zhou went to dig something out of his clothes with his left hand, but when he lowered his head, he found that his lower body, including his left hand, had turned into wood, and his body continued to become lignified from bottom to top.

  The kid who ordered the peach smiled and said, "You didn't click your nose, so you lose."

  Everyone looked at Guan Zhou sympathetically.

  Wang Buku and Song Baige secretly expressed their luck.

  Fangfang touched her nose and said with a smile: "My nose is of course more important than my baby. It's so stupid for such an adult to not be able to distinguish between good and important." "

  Ye Han, please..." Guan Zhou didn't say anything. At the end, the body turned into wood and the head turned into a pink peach.

  Before anyone could react, the child who ordered the peach stretched out his hand, picked the peach, cut it into eight pieces, and shared it with the other seven children.

  The crunching sound spread throughout the streets, and bright red peach juice slowly flowed down the corners of the eight children's mouths.

  Song Baige sighed and said: "I'm seeking death, and now I can't save myself even with movable type cards."

  Everyone sighed.

  Dang clang... clang clang...

  two crisp sounds.

  Everyone followed the sound and saw the jade ring and broken glass tiles in Guan Zhou's arms falling to the ground. The jade ring rolled to a stop in front of Li Qingxian. The broken glass bounced a few times and fell at Li Qingxian's feet.

  Everyone was stunned, including Li Qingxian.

  Wang Buku immediately said: "The treasure is where the virtuous live, it is the destiny of destiny." "

  Yes, the destination of destiny." Song Baige winked at Li Qingxian.

  Everyone felt a chill behind them and hurriedly said: "Yes, it is destiny, these things must be carried by the team leader."

  In Li Qingxian's mind, it was like the dark clouds had cleared, and all the previous doubts were instantly clarified.

  Li Qingxian said: "I said before, I always feel like something is wrong, but I can't find it. Do you know why?" No

  one dared to speak. The one who was the loudest was being chewed.

  Li Qingxian said: "If you carefully recall our circle of thousands and all the teams, you will find that every team has lost at least one member. Some were lost before, and some were lost in the square at the crossroads. However, our team No one dies before ordering the peaches."

  Everyone nodded, you are right.

  Song Baige sighed and said: "I see. The reason why we encountered this game is because someone in the team is destined to die. Guanzhou has the worst luck, so he deserves to die." Everyone continued to nod, you are right


  However, a few people became more and more afraid to look at Li Qingxian, and even vaguely guessed another possibility. The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became.

  Li Qingxian's expression remained unchanged, but he realized in his heart that Guan Zhou's death and these two treasures were no accident.

  This kind of thing has happened in the fortune-telling notes, and there are many possibilities. Among them, there are two most common possibilities, one is "death" and the other is "bottlefly".

  The former is simply that strong luck overcomes weak luck, while the latter means that a person with too strong luck should get something, but due to some reasons, he cannot get it for the time being, so the person with poor luck gets it first, and the person with poor luck gets it first. People who are like worms are like cockroaches. When the time comes, the borer will die, and all the benefits will go to those with strong luck.

  Li Qingxian became more and more suspicious.

  "I'm not a cockroach arranged by the Tianming Sect, am I? I'm too similar... No, I have to think of a way." Wang Buku

  said: "Ye Han, hurry up and pick up the treasure, you are a life magician. Master, if you don't take it, we won't dare to use it."

  "Yes, yes, yes... Leader, please put it away quickly, don't let the children snatch it away." Everyone hurriedly persuaded.

  Li Qingxian said: "Since everyone has given in, for the sake of the team, Ye has no choice but to temporarily save it for the team."

  Li Qingxian said, bending down to pick up the broken tiles and jade rings.

  Not counting the straw rope around his neck, plus the movable type wooden plaque, the Tongzi silver plaque and the cat-head stuffed animal, there are now a total of five treasures.

  Fangfang's eyes shone and she almost drooled.

  "My brother is so awesome..."

  The other candidates' children nodded vigorously, eyes full of envy.

  After the eight children finished eating the peaches, they patted their bellies. Everyone made fists with their palms down, raised their arms flatly, and looked at the crowd with bright red peach juice flowing from the corners of their mouths.

  The child who ordered the peaches smiled and said: "Eight children, sixteen peaches, three of them will be yours. Three peaches are real, and thirteen peaches are fake. You will get whatever you order, and you are not allowed to regret it." After that,

  sixteen A small hand turned into sixteen small pink peaches.

  Everyone looked at Li Qingxian.

  "You come, you come..." Everyone backed away.

  (End of chapter)

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