Chapter 338 Without him, there are plenty of fish

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  Chapter 338: Without him, there are many fish

  quickly, and some bold candidates followed suit.

  "Vegetarian, are you a mouse or a cat?"

  More and more people joined in the shouting, and gusts of cool breeze blew by.

  In the circle, all the cat-headed people's eyes were shining, and they looked at the vegetable grower with a smile and shouted: "Grower, are you a mouse or a cat?" The

  vegetable grower's whole body was as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

  If you choose a rat, you might be caught, or even have your abilities absorbed.

  If you choose a cat, your game identity will change.

  If you don't choose, you will most likely be kicked out of the game.

  The most cruel thing about this sentence is that it has pointed out the identity of the "vegetable grower" and did not treat him as a game child.

  The vegetable grower gritted his teeth and replied: "I am a cat!"

  Then, the vegetable grower's head changed and turned into a black and white tabby cat.

  Li Qingxian opened his spiritual eyes and looked at the Maotou vegetable grower.

  The two groups of cunning aura on his body underwent clear changes. The cunning aura belonging to the vegetable grower suddenly weakened, while the cunning aura belonging to the child chopping vegetables gradually strengthened.

  The cat-head vegetable grower slowly turned his head ninety degrees and looked at Li Qingxian. The face of the old tabby cat was distorted.

  Li Qingxian smiled, closed his eyes, and read into the Ming Mansion.

  In the Ming Mansion, a familiar scene appeared in the sky.

  A ball of white cabbage-shaped flesh suspended high in the sky was somewhat similar to the fate of the Mother of Tricks back then, but it was far from comparable in terms of size, breath, and feeling.

  In the past, there were three life lines connecting Mingfu to the Ming Palace, but now, there is only one.

  "Thank you, Mr. Good Luck."

  After Li Qingxian said this, the armored figure with the word "Good Luck" on his back held a large sword and pointed directly at the vegetable grower's destiny.

  Then, Li Qingxian glanced at Mingchi.

  There are more than a thousand lucky fish, and you are richer than ever.

  With a move of Li Qingxian's finger, fifty lucky fish flew out and entered the Great Zhanli Sword.

  The Great Zhanli Sword shines with divine light, floating in the air, erupting white silk threads, intertwining with a spindle-shaped network of light, covering the armored talisman, and slashing towards the cabbage destiny.

  At the same time, the Giant Elephant Town Mansion Monument emitted a faint light, covering the entire Ming Mansion.

  The Jun Yun Guang Group in the Ming Mansion, the Rizhao Jinshan on the Ming Pillar, and the jade seal of the Small Green Panlong Kingdom obtained from Gaifeng You all shimmered.

  Li Qingxian left the Ming Mansion and looked at the Maotou vegetable grower with a smile.

  The others glanced at each other and felt chills in their hearts, because the two child-like people were almost facing each other, nose to nose, one had a weird smile on his face, and the other had a distorted face.

  Suddenly, the cat-headed man's face squirmed rapidly.

  Sometimes it's a cat's face, sometimes it's an old man's face, and sometimes it's a child's face, constantly changing and squirming.

  "伱...What did you do? Meow..." The cat-head vegetable grower made three different voices, old, young and cat's voices intertwined.

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "You are very smart. If it were another fortune-teller, no one would be able to break it. But it's a pity that I have experience in this kind of thing." The Wei

  Mother is far stronger than the vegetable grower, and now Li Qingxian is also far stronger than he was at that time. He first used the rules of the game to suppress him, and then induced the real chopping child to fight for his treacherous energy. With the good luck of the good luck student and the Destiny Sect's most powerful weapon, the Great Sword, there were still five full Ten lucky fish form an absolute crushing force.

  What's more, vegetable growers are not here in their true nature.


  I saw the ears of the cat-head vegetable grower melting slowly like candles touching the fire.

  The face of a kid chopping vegetables appears more and more often, while the face of an old man appears less and less. The vegetable grower sighed softly and said slowly: "You are very smart, but unfortunately, you are too weak and do not understand the true rules of this world."

  As the vegetable grower spoke, he threw out a round piece of silver in his hand, about the size of a child's palm, with the word 'reward' engraved on it. It exuded majestic righteousness and murderous aura, but at its core was a dark evil aura and treacherous aura.

  The silver pieces tumbled in mid-air, making a crisp whistle, and then rolled to the ground with a crackling sound.

  All the children playing the game turned their backs to the silver piece.

  "Don't look there, tell others quickly!" Wang Buku discovered quickly and hurriedly transmitted the message.

  Soon, all the candidates turned their heads hurriedly, not looking at the direction where the silver piece landed.

  Only Fangfang looked away indifferently.

  Silver pieces fell to the ground, and white mist rose into the sky, like a fountain.

  Above the fountain, a huge black bead curtain lowered out of the air, like a gate, about two feet high and five or six feet wide.

  Each string of black pearls on the bead curtain looks like a shrunken human head.

  The vegetable grower pointed at Li Qingxian and let out a clear cry: "Madam, this person is bullying me!"

  Li Qingxian cursed in his heart, is this a game he can't play, and he starts looking for his parents?
  "Who bullies our children?"

  The black bead curtain swayed, and an arm was slowly stretched out from the bead curtain, extending continuously. The arm looked like it was made of silver, with complex black patterns carved on its surface.

  The five fingers are golden, and the nails are inlaid with colorful gems.

  "You were the ones who bullied my brother first! You are unreasonable, and I want to find judgment from my mother!" Fangfang stood up and shouted.

  Li Qingxian had an idea, the Qiankun bracelet flickered, and a skull rattle landed in front of Fangfang.

  Fangfang grabbed the rattle and shook it vigorously: "Mom! There is a bad guy bullying my brother!"

  Boom boom boom... boom boom boom...

  A huge black curtain with purple grape patterns fell from the sky, just like the black bead curtain, It was like the door fell, blocking Li Qingxian and the black bead curtain.

  Two white and soft big hands flew out, one hand patted the gold and silver arm, and the other hand actually patted the cat head vegetable grower.

  "How dare you hurt my son!" Mother Wei's voice sounded.

  The woman behind the black bead curtain seemed not to have expected this, and seemed to be stunned for a moment. Then she snorted coldly, and slapped the mother in the face, stirring up gray-yellow mist in the sky. She slowly retracted her arm, and the bead curtain slowly rose and disappeared. not see.

  Li Qingxian suddenly said: "You two let go of your hands and close the circle."

  Wang Buku and Song Baige hurriedly let go of their hands, retracted their arms, bypassed the vegetable grower, and held each other again.

  The vegetable grower appeared outside the circle and was overjoyed.

  The next moment, the big white hand of the mother-in-law came over with the sound of wind in her hand.

  A crisp yet muffled slap echoed through the square in the middle of the intersection.

  Everyone saw that a gray-yellow mist popped out of the body of the child who was chopping vegetables, fell to the ground, and turned into a little old man about the same age as the child.

  The old man's whole body was shriveled, and all the exposed skin was wrinkled, like a gray-yellow walnut. His face seemed to be filled with walnut shells, with pits and twists. Just one look at it made Li Qingxian's body goosebumps.

  The vegetable grower knelt down to Mother Wei and begged in a low voice: "Madam, please forgive me. I didn't know that he was your child."

  Mother Wei just sneered and did not talk to him.

  Li Qingxian put his hands on the shoulders of the child who was chopping vegetables and saluted the black curtain: "Thank you, mother, for upholding justice." "They broke the

  rules first, so don't blame us. You and Fangfang have a good time playing the game. Don't forget it next time." Go home for dinner..."

  Mother Wei slowly retracted her hands, touched the heads of Fangfang, Li Qingxian and the kid who was chopping vegetables, and returned to the black curtain.

  The huge black curtain rose into the sky and disappeared.

  (End of chapter)

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