Chapter 331 The two hate each other in the Demon Mingshan Mountain

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  Chapter 331: Transformation into Demons and Mingshan Two Mutual Disgusts

  Everyone looked at where Li Qingxian was.

  The three firecracker children who were running together suddenly stopped and stood behind Li Qingxian, Wang Buku and Song Baige respectively. They all stretched out their hands and patted the three people on their shoulders.

  The three children sang at the same time: "Hiss, hiss, light the firecrackers..."

  After a moment, Li Qingxian, Wang Buku and Song Baige made a "bang" sound from their mouths at the same time.

  Then, Wang Buku on the left leaned to the left and covered his ears, while Song Baige leaned to the right and shouted "Ouch, yo", and each completed two actions.

  At the same time, Li Qingxian first looked at Wang Buku, leaned to the right and shouted "Ouch", then looked at Song Baige, leaned to the left, covered his ears, and completed three actions by himself.

  After the three people finished their movements, the people on the left side of Wang Buku and the people on the right side of Song Baige woke up. One covered his ears and the other shouted Ouch.

  People in the distance looked at the three people's smooth movements, and they all secretly praised them. Hundreds of people gave thumbs up.

  When three children photographed three people at the same time, they realized the change, but they could not make an accurate judgment at that moment. Unexpectedly, Li Qingxian and the other three were clearly in the middle of the game, and they reacted faster than outsiders and made Perfect move.

  After the three children left, Li Qingxian looked at Wang Buku and Song Baige respectively and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fortunately, the three of them had already considered this situation, otherwise they would have made a mistake, and the result would have been "bang"... The

  three firecracker children ran for a while, then suddenly separated slightly, and every other person chose one person to be the firecracker. .

  There were two people separated between the three firecrackers.

  This means that two people who are separated have firecrackers on their left and right sides, and they have to make continuous movements to both sides.

  It's different to have three firecrackers side by side with Li Qingxian.

  The scene was instantly chaotic.

  The person on the left quickly covered his ears and shouted "Ouch", but the person on the right leaned to the right to cover his ears and leaned to the left to yell "Ouch", which was in the wrong direction.

  A kid with a firecracker smiled and pointed at the man's head, making a "bang" sound in his mouth.

  The fuse ignited and the head exploded.

  Blood splattered, covering the faces of people on both sides.

  The man on the left side of the deceased stretched out his hand to wipe the blood on his face. He suddenly remembered something and panicked. He should have covered his ears, but in his panic, he made a "bang" sound, but after speaking, his face turned pale and he hurriedly made amends. The man on the right was still in a daze, and he instantly realized what he should do, but his mind went blank. He heard a similar sound again, and instinctively repeated the previous action, making a "bang" sound in his mouth.

  "Bang! Bang!" the firecracker boy said again.

  Their heads exploded at the same time.

  The death of the three people woke up the man on the left. The man didn't bother to wipe the blood from his face and head, covered his ears, and sat frozen on the spot.

  The man on the right opened his mouth, but suddenly forgot what he should say, his eyes widened with horror on his face.

  "It's Ouch!" The elder brother on the right suddenly reminded his younger brother, but after he finished speaking, his face turned pale.


  Before the firecracker child reached out his hand, the younger brother instinctively shouted.

  The firecracker child took back his hand and looked at his brother.

  Crack, click...

  A subtle cracking sound of gravel was heard, and the brother's body was seen to be petrified from bottom to top.

  "Stay alive!" After my brother said this, he turned into a smiling statue.

  "Brother..." The younger brother threw himself on his elder brother and cried loudly.

  Several people nearby had wet eyes.

  Everyone looked at the petrified foul candidate with heavy hearts. The three firecracker children left smiling.

  The two people who had finished the action safely, one had a row of scarlet teeth on his head, and the other had complete eyeballs hanging from the end of his hair.

  Three headless corpses lay on the ground.

  The cold wind blew, and the candidates were silent, leaving only the sounds of children running, clapping and singing.

  Li Qingxian sighed softly, these people still underestimated the horror of Wei Di.

  Even though he had experienced the treacherous terrain, the defense battle of Beichen City and the small attack by the Ministry of Punishment, he still found it difficult to calm down, let alone others.

  Li Qingxian had to send a message: "Let me tell you what we should do in various situations. Let's imagine it in our minds and pass it on to both sides..." As time passed slowly, the candidates gradually mastered how to restrain themselves from throwing away handkerchiefs

  . Three children, and after a few more deaths, they slowly got used to the three firecracker children.

  Even if the three firecracker children play in different ways, three people side by side, three people separated, or even three people choosing one person at the same time, everyone can slowly resolve it.

  The transmission of musical notes is the most important thing.

  Li Qingxian breathed a sigh of relief, and a thought flashed through his mind, what would it be like for people in other places to throw away handkerchiefs and light firecrackers?
  An open space at a crossroads in the distance.

  Originally there were thousands of people sitting around, but now, there are less than 500 candidates.

  In the circle formed by everyone, in addition to the living candidates, some were children dressed in three colors, some were headless corpses, and some people turned into stone statues and sat there.

  The people from Ming Mountain and Hua Demon Mountain looked at each other angrily.

  Before the game started, the two sides had a dispute over the fate star, which caused other forces to take sides, and only a small number of people remained neutral.

  After the game starts, as long as the person from Mingshan becomes a handkerchief child, he will definitely put the handkerchief behind the person from Hua Moshan.

  As long as someone from the Hua Mo Mountain becomes a handkerchief child, they will definitely choose someone from the Ming Mountain.

  Some people turned into stone statues and became motionless because of foul play.

  Unlike the place where Li Qingxian was, this place was on the verge of losing control from the moment he threw the handkerchief.

  When the three firecracker children arrived, it was completely out of control.

  It’s not that these people are inferior to the people where Li Qingxian lives, it’s that while everyone here is playing games, they have to guard against others, plot against others, suppress multiple fears, deal with emergencies, multi-task, and simply cannot stay calm. , not to mention focusing on the sudden trick play.

  Even though there were only 500 people left, both Hua Mo Mountain and Ming Mountain still did not give up, but became even more angry.

  Viewed from a high altitude, more than 20,000 people were spread out in open spaces at more than 20 intersections. In every open space, candidates sat in a large circle.

  Some large circles only have a few holes, but some large circles have holes everywhere, like the grin of a child who is losing his teeth.

  Li Qingxian looked at everyone, and the situation gradually stabilized. There were no candidates in red or blue, and the number of candidates in yellow had remained at fourteen. The unlucky child in yellow from the Demon Sect had not been replaced.

  Fourteen headless corpses lay on the ground, and there were no more.

  At this time, at the three intersections, children's songs sounded again.

  "The little mouse, chirp, chirp, steals food and rice; the little cat, meow meow, loves to catch mice and eat fish. Let's hold hands together so that the kitten can catch the mouse, catch! Old! Rat!" Everyone looked at

  it When I went, I saw three black cat-headed children running over, singing and singing children's songs.

  Li Qingxian thought of this game played by children.

  Everyone held hands and formed a large circle. The hole between the two people was regarded as a mouse hole. The mice could get in and out of the circle, but the cats could only run outside.

  The cat will count to tens while running. After counting to ten, the mouse must get out of the circle and run in the outer circle.

  (End of chapter)

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